import Ember from 'ember'; export var PositionEnum = { HIDDEN: 'hidden', NORMAL: 'normal', MINIMIZED: 'minimized', FULLSCREEN: 'fullscreen' }; export default Ember.Controller.extend(Ember.Evented, { content: null, position: PositionEnum.HIDDEN, visible: Ember.computed.or('normal', 'minimized', 'fullscreen'), normal: Ember.computed.equal('position', PositionEnum.NORMAL), minimized: Ember.computed.equal('position', PositionEnum.MINIMIZED), fullscreen: Ember.computed.equal('position', PositionEnum.FULLSCREEN), // Switch out the composer's content for a new component. The old // component will be given the opportunity to abort the switch. Note: // there appears to be a bug in Ember where the content binding won't // update in the view if we switch the value out immediately. As a // workaround, we set it to null, and then set it to its new value in the // next run loop iteration. switchContent: function(newContent) { var composer = this; this.confirmExit().then(function() { composer.set('content', null); { newContent.set('composer', composer); composer.set('content', newContent); }); }); }, // Ask the content component if it's OK to close it, and give it the // opportunity to abort. The content component must respond to the // `willExit(abort)` action, and call `abort()` if we should not proceed. confirmExit: function() { var composer = this; var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var content = composer.get('content'); if (content) { content.send('willExit', reject); } resolve(); }); return promise; }, actions: { show: function() { var composer = this; // We do this in the next run loop because we need to wait for new // content to be switched in. See `switchContent` above. { composer.set('position', PositionEnum.NORMAL); composer.trigger('focus'); }); }, hide: function() { this.set('position', PositionEnum.HIDDEN); }, clearContent: function() { this.set('content', null); }, close: function() { var composer = this; this.confirmExit().then(function() { composer.send('hide'); }); }, minimize: function() { if (this.get('position') !== PositionEnum.HIDDEN) { this.set('position', PositionEnum.MINIMIZED); } }, fullscreen: function() { if (this.get('position') !== PositionEnum.HIDDEN) { this.set('position', PositionEnum.FULLSCREEN); this.trigger('focus'); } }, exitFullscreen: function() { if (this.get('position') === PositionEnum.FULLSCREEN) { this.set('position', PositionEnum.NORMAL); this.trigger('focus'); } } } });