/** * The `Store` class defines a local data store, and provides methods to * retrieve data from the API. */ export default class Store { constructor(models) { /** * The local data store. A tree of resource types to IDs, such that * accessing data[type][id] will return the model for that type/ID. * * @type {Object} * @protected */ this.data = {}; /** * The model registry. A map of resource types to the model class that * should be used to represent resources of that type. * * @type {Object} * @public */ this.models = models; } /** * Push resources contained within an API payload into the store. * * @param {Object} payload * @return {Model|Model[]} The model(s) representing the resource(s) contained * within the 'data' key of the payload. * @public */ pushPayload(payload) { if (payload.included) payload.included.map(this.pushObject.bind(this)); const result = payload.data instanceof Array ? payload.data.map(this.pushObject.bind(this)) : this.pushObject(payload.data); // Attach the original payload to the model that we give back. This is // useful to consumers as it allows them to access meta information // associated with their request. result.payload = payload; return result; } /** * Create a model to represent a resource object (or update an existing one), * and push it into the store. * * @param {Object} data The resource object * @return {Model|null} The model, or null if no model class has been * registered for this resource type. * @public */ pushObject(data) { if (!this.models[data.type]) return null; const type = this.data[data.type] = this.data[data.type] || {}; if (type[data.id]) { type[data.id].pushData(data); } else { type[data.id] = this.createRecord(data.type, data); } type[data.id].exists = true; return type[data.id]; } /** * Make a request to the API to find record(s) of a specific type. * * @param {String} type The resource type. * @param {Integer|Integer[]|Object} [id] The ID(s) of the model(s) to retreive. * Alternatively, if an object is passed, it will be handled as the * `query` parameter. * @param {Object} [query] * @return {Promise} * @public */ find(type, id, query = {}) { let data = query; let url = app.forum.attribute('apiUrl') + '/' + type; if (id instanceof Array) { url += '?filter[id]=' + id.join(','); } else if (typeof id === 'object') { data = id; } else if (id) { url += '/' + id; } return app.request({ method: 'GET', url, data }).then(this.pushPayload.bind(this)); } /** * Get a record from the store by ID. * * @param {String} type The resource type. * @param {Integer} id The resource ID. * @return {Model} * @public */ getById(type, id) { return this.data[type] && this.data[type][id]; } /** * Get a record from the store by the value of a model attribute. * * @param {String} type The resource type. * @param {String} key The name of the method on the model. * @param {*} value The value of the model attribute. * @return {Model} * @public */ getBy(type, key, value) { return this.all(type).filter(model => model[key]() === value)[0]; } /** * Get all loaded records of a specific type. * * @param {String} type * @return {Model[]} * @public */ all(type) { const records = this.data[type]; return records ? Object.keys(records).map(id => records[id]) : []; } /** * Remove the given model from the store. * * @param {Model} model */ remove(model) { delete this.data[model.data.type][model.id()]; } /** * Create a new record of the given type. * * @param {String} type The resource type * @param {Object} [data] Any data to initialize the model with * @return {Model} * @public */ createRecord(type, data = {}) { data.type = data.type || type; return new (this.models[type])(data, this); } }