expectException(InvalidArgumentException::class); new Config([]); } /** @test */ public function it_wraps_base_url_in_value_object() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local/myforum/', ]); $url = $config->url(); $this->assertEquals('https', $url->getScheme()); $this->assertEquals('/myforum', $url->getPath()); // Note that trailing slashes are removed $this->assertEquals('https://flarum.local/myforum', (string) $url); } /** @test */ public function it_has_a_helper_for_debug_mode() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'debug' => false, ]); $this->assertFalse($config->inDebugMode()); $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'debug' => true, ]); $this->assertTrue($config->inDebugMode()); } /** @test */ public function it_turns_off_debug_mode_by_default() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', ]); $this->assertFalse($config->inDebugMode()); } /** @test */ public function it_has_a_helper_for_maintenance_mode() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'offline' => false, ]); $this->assertFalse($config->inMaintenanceMode()); $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'offline' => true, ]); $this->assertTrue($config->inMaintenanceMode()); } /** @test */ public function it_turns_off_maintenance_mode_by_default() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', ]); $this->assertFalse($config->inMaintenanceMode()); } /** @test */ public function it_exposes_additional_keys_via_array_access() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'custom_a' => 'b', ]); $this->assertEquals('b', $config['custom_a']); } /** @test */ public function it_exposes_nested_keys_via_dot_syntax() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'nested' => [ 'first' => '1', 'second' => '2', ], ]); $this->assertEquals('1', $config['nested.first']); $this->assertEquals('2', $config['nested.second']); } /** @test */ public function it_does_not_allow_mutation_via_array_access() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'custom_a' => 'b', ]); try { $config['custom_a'] = 'c'; } catch (RuntimeException $_) { } // Ensure the value was not changed $this->assertEquals('b', $config['custom_a']); } /** @test */ public function it_does_not_allow_removal_via_array_access() { $config = new Config([ 'url' => 'https://flarum.local', 'custom_a' => 'b', ]); try { unset($config['custom_a']); } catch (RuntimeException $_) { } // Ensure the value was not changed $this->assertEquals('b', $config['custom_a']); } }