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synced 2025-02-02 00:04:59 +08:00
New stuff: - Signup + email confirmation. - Updated authentication strategy with remember cookies. closes #5 - New search system with some example gambits! This is cool - check out the source. Fulltext drivers will be implemented as decorators overriding the EloquentPostRepository’s findByContent method. - Lay down the foundation for bootstrapping the Ember app. - Update Web layer’s asset manager to properly publish CSS/JS files. - Console commands to run installation migrations and seeds. Refactoring: - New structure: move models, repositories, commands, and events into their own namespaces, rather than grouping by entity. - All events are classes. - Use L5 middleware and command bus implementations. - Clearer use of repositories and the Active Record pattern. Repositories are used only for retrieval of ActiveRecord objects, and then save/delete operations are called directly on those ActiveRecords. This way, we don’t over-abstract at the cost of Eloquent magic, but testing is still easy. - Refactor of Web layer so that it uses the Actions routing architecture. - “Actor” concept instead of depending on Laravel’s Auth. - General cleanup!
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import Ember from 'ember';
import DiscussionResult from 'flarum/models/discussion-result';
import PostResult from 'flarum/models/post-result';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['application'],
queryParams: ['sort', 'show', {searchQuery: 'q'}, 'filter'],
sort: 'recent',
show: 'discussions',
filter: '',
searchQuery: '',
meta: null,
resultsLoading: false,
sortOptions: [
{key: 'recent', label: 'Recent', sort: 'recent'},
{key: 'replies', label: 'Replies', sort: '-replies'},
{key: 'newest', label: 'Newest', sort: '-created'},
{key: 'oldest', label: 'Oldest', sort: 'created'},
terminalPostType: Ember.computed('sort', function() {
return ['newest', 'oldest'].indexOf(this.get('sort')) !== -1 ? 'start' : 'last';
countType: Ember.computed('sort', function() {
return this.get('sort') === 'replies' ? 'replies' : 'unread';
moreResults: Ember.computed.bool('meta.moreUrl'),
getResults: function(start) {
var searchQuery = this.get('searchQuery');
var sort = this.get('sort');
var sortOptions = this.get('sortOptions');
var sortOption = sortOptions.findBy('key', sort) || sortOptions.objectAt(0);
var params = {
sort: sortOption.sort,
q: searchQuery,
start: start
if (this.get('show') === 'posts') {
if (searchQuery) {
params.include = 'relevantPosts';
} else if (sort === 'created') {
params.include = 'startPost,startUser';
} else {
params.include = 'lastPost,lastUser';
// var results = Ember.RSVP.resolve(FLARUM_DATA.discussions);
return this.store.find('discussion', params).then(function(discussions) {
var results = Ember.A();
discussions.forEach(function(discussion) {
var relevantPosts = Ember.A();
// discussion.get('relevantPosts.content').forEach(function(post) {
// relevantPosts.pushObject(PostResult.create(post));
// });
content: discussion,
relevantPosts: relevantPosts,
lastPost: PostResult.create(discussion.get('lastPost')),
startPost: PostResult.create(discussion.get('startPost'))
results.set('meta', discussions.get('meta'));
return results;
searchQueryDidChange: Ember.observer('searchQuery', function() {
var searchQuery = this.get('searchQuery');
searchQuery: searchQuery,
searchActive: !!searchQuery
var sortOptions = this.get('sortOptions');
if (this.get('searchQuery') && sortOptions[0].sort !== 'relevance') {
sortOptions.unshiftObject({key: 'relevance', label: 'Relevance', sort: 'relevance'});
} else if (!this.get('searchQuery') && sortOptions[0].sort === 'relevance') {
paramsDidChange: Ember.observer('sort', 'show', 'searchQuery', function() {
if (this.get('model')) {
actions: {
loadMore: function() {
var controller = this;
this.set('resultsLoading', true);
this.getResults(this.get('model.length')).then(function(results) {
controller.set('meta', results.get('meta'));
controller.set('resultsLoading', false);
discussionRemoved: function(discussion) {
var model = this.get('model');
model.removeObject(model.findBy('content', discussion));
refresh: function() {
var controller = this;
controller.set('model', Ember.ArrayProxy.create());
controller.set('resultsLoading', true);
controller.getResults().then(function(results) {
.set('resultsLoading', false)
.set('meta', results.get('meta'))
.set('model.content', results);