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import Ember from 'ember';
var $ = Ember.$;
Component which allows the user to scrub along the scrubber-content
component with a scrollbar.
export default Ember.Component.extend({
layoutName: 'components/discussion/stream-scrubber',
classNames: ['stream-scrubber', 'dropdown'],
classNameBindings: ['disabled'],
// The stream-content component to which this scrubber is linked.
streamContent: null,
// The current index of the stream visible at the top of the viewport, and
// the number of items visible within the viewport. These aren't
// necessarily integers.
index: -1,
visible: 1,
// The description displayed alongside the index in the scrubber. This is
// set to the date of the first visible post in the scroll event.
description: '',
stream: Ember.computed.alias('streamContent.stream'),
loaded: Ember.computed.alias('streamContent.loaded'),
count: Ember.computed.alias('stream.count'),
// The integer index of the last item that is visible in the viewport. This
// is display on the scrubber (i.e. X of 100 posts).
visibleIndex: Ember.computed('index', 'visible', function() {
return Math.min(this.get('count'), Math.ceil(Math.max(0, this.get('index')) + this.get('visible')));
// Disable the scrubber if the stream's initial content isn't loaded, or
// if all of the posts in the discussion are visible in the viewport.
disabled: Ember.computed('loaded', 'visible', 'count', function() {
return !this.get('loaded') || this.get('visible') >= this.get('count');
// Whenever the stream object changes to a new one (i.e. when
// transitioning to a different discussion,) reset some properties and
// update the scrollbar to a neutral state.
refresh: Ember.observer('stream', function() {
this.set('index', -1);
this.set('visible', 1);
didInsertElement: function() {
var view = this;
// When the stream-content component begins loading posts at a certain
// index, we want our scrubber scrollbar to jump to that position.
this.get('streamContent').on('loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex);
// Whenever the window is resized, adjust the height of the scrollbar
// so that it fills the height of the sidebar.
$(window).on('resize', {view: this}, this.windowWasResized).resize();
// Define a handler to update the state of the scrollbar to reflect the
// current scroll position of the page.
$(window).on('scroll', {view: this}, this.windowWasScrolled);
// When any part of the whole scrollbar is clicked, we want to jump to
// that position.
.bind('click touchstart', function(e) {
if (!view.get('streamContent.active')) { return; }
// Calculate the index which we want to jump to based on the
// click position.
// 1. Get the offset of the click from the top of the
// scrollbar, as a percentage of the scrollbar's height.
var $this = $(this);
var offsetPixels = (e.clientY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY) - $this.offset().top + $('body').scrollTop();
var offsetPercent = offsetPixels / $this.outerHeight() * 100;
// 2. We want the handle of the scrollbar to end up centered
// on the click position. Thus, we calculate the height of
// the handle in percent and use that to find a new
// offset percentage.
offsetPercent = offsetPercent - parseFloat($this.find('.scrubber-slider')[0].style.height) / 2;
// 3. Now we can convert the percentage into an index, and
// tell the stream-content component to jump to that index.
var offsetIndex = offsetPercent / view.percentPerPost().index;
offsetIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(view.get('count') - 1, offsetIndex));
view.get('streamContent').send('goToIndex', Math.floor(offsetIndex));
// Now we want to make the scrollbar handle draggable. Let's start by
// preventing default browser events from messing things up.
cursor: 'pointer',
'user-select': 'none'
.bind('dragstart mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
// When the mouse is pressed on the scrollbar handle, we capture some
// information about its current position. We will store this
// information in an object and pass it on to the document's
// mousemove/mouseup events later.
var dragData = {
view: this,
mouseStart: 0,
indexStart: 0,
handle: null
.css('cursor', 'move')
.bind('mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
dragData.mouseStart = e.clientY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY;
dragData.indexStart = view.get('index');
dragData.handle = $(this);
view.set('streamContent.paused', true);
$('body').css('cursor', 'move');
// Exempt the scrollbar handle from the 'jump to' click event.
.click(function(e) {
// When the mouse moves and when it is released, we pass the
// information that we captured when the mouse was first pressed onto
// some event handlers. These handlers will move the scrollbar/stream-
// content as appropriate.
.on('mousemove touchmove', dragData, this.mouseWasMoved)
.on('mouseup touchend', dragData, this.mouseWasReleased);
// Finally, we'll just make sure the scrollbar is in the correct
// position according to the values of this.index/visible.
willDestroyElement: function() {
this.get('streamContent').off('loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex);
.off('resize', this.windowWasResized)
.off('scroll', this.windowWasScrolled);
.off('mousemove touchmove', this.mouseWasMoved)
.off('mouseup touchend', this.mouseWasReleased);
// When the stream-content component begins loading posts at a certain
// index, we want our scrubber scrollbar to jump to that position.
loadingIndex: function(index) {
this.set('index', index);
windowWasResized: function(event) {
var view = event.data.view;
// Adjust the height of the scrollbar so that it fills the height of
// the sidebar and doesn't overlap the footer.
var scrollbar = view.$('.scrubber-scrollbar');
scrollbar.css('max-height', $(window).height() - scrollbar.offset().top + $(window).scrollTop() - $('#footer').outerHeight(true));
windowWasScrolled: function(event) {
var view = event.data.view;
if (view.get('streamContent.active')) {
mouseWasMoved: function(event) {
if (! event.data.handle) { return; }
var view = event.data.view;
// Work out how much the mouse has moved by - first in pixels, then
// convert it to a percentage of the scrollbar's height, and then
// finally convert it into an index. Add this delta index onto
// the index at which the drag was started, and then scroll there.
var deltaPixels = (event.clientY || event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY) - event.data.mouseStart;
var deltaPercent = deltaPixels / view.$('.scrubber-scrollbar').outerHeight() * 100;
var deltaIndex = deltaPercent / view.percentPerPost().index;
var newIndex = Math.min(event.data.indexStart + deltaIndex, view.get('count') - 1);
view.set('index', Math.max(0, newIndex));
if (! view.$().is('.open')) {
mouseWasReleased: function(event) {
if (!event.data.handle) { return; }
event.data.mouseStart = 0;
event.data.indexStart = 0;
event.data.handle = null;
$('body').css('cursor', '');
var view = event.data.view;
if (view.$().is('.open')) {
// If the index we've landed on is in a gap, then tell the stream-
// content that we want to load those posts.
var intIndex = Math.floor(view.get('index'));
if (!view.get('stream').findNearestToIndex(intIndex).content) {
view.get('streamContent').send('goToIndex', intIndex);
} else {
view.set('streamContent.paused', false);
// When the stream-content component resumes being 'active' (for example,
// after a bunch of posts have been loaded), then we want to update the
// scrubber scrollbar according to the window's current scroll position.
resume: Ember.observer('streamContent.active', function() {
var scrubber = this;
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', function() {
if (scrubber.get('streamContent.active')) {
// Update the index/visible/description properties according to the
// window's current scroll position.
update: function() {
if (!this.get('streamContent.active')) { return; }
var $window = $(window);
var marginTop = this.get('streamContent').getMarginTop();
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop() + marginTop;
var windowHeight = $window.height() - marginTop;
// Before looping through all of the posts, we reset the scrollbar
// properties to a 'default' state. These values reflect what would be
// seen if the browser were scrolled right up to the top of the page,
// and the viewport had a height of 0.
var $items = this.get('streamContent').$().find('.item');
var index = $items.first().data('end') - 1;
var visible = 0;
var period = '';
// Now loop through each of the items in the discussion. An 'item' is
// either a single post or a 'gap' of one or more posts that haven't
// been loaded yet.
$items.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var top = $this.offset().top;
var height = $this.outerHeight(true);
// If this item is above the top of the viewport, skip to the next
// post. If it's below the bottom of the viewport, break out of the
// loop.
if (top + height < scrollTop) {
visible = (top + height - scrollTop) / height;
index = parseFloat($this.data('end')) + 1 - visible;
if (top > scrollTop + windowHeight) {
return false;
// If the bottom half of this item is visible at the top of the
// viewport, then add the visible proportion to the visible
// counter, and set the scrollbar index to whatever the visible
// proportion represents. For example, if a gap represents indexes
// 0-9, and the bottom 50% of the gap is visible in the viewport,
// then the scrollbar index will be 5.
if (top <= scrollTop && top + height > scrollTop) {
visible = (top + height - scrollTop) / height;
index = parseFloat($this.data('end')) + 1 - visible;
// If the top half of this item is visible at the bottom of the
// viewport, then add the visible proportion to the visible
// counter.
else if (top + height >= scrollTop + windowHeight) {
visible += (scrollTop + windowHeight - top) / height;
// If the whole item is visible in the viewport, then increment the
// visible counter.
else {
// If this item has a time associated with it, then set the
// scrollbar's current period to a formatted version of this time.
if ($this.data('time')) {
period = $this.data('time');
this.set('index', index);
this.set('visible', visible);
this.set('description', period ? moment(period).format('MMMM YYYY') : '');
// Update the scrollbar's position to reflect the current values of the
// index/visible properties.
updateScrollbar: function(animate) {
var percentPerPost = this.percentPerPost();
var index = this.get('index');
var count = this.get('count');
var visible = this.get('visible');
var heights = {};
heights.before = Math.max(0, percentPerPost.index * Math.min(index, count - visible));
heights.slider = Math.min(100 - heights.before, percentPerPost.visible * visible);
heights.after = 100 - heights.before - heights.slider;
var $scrubber = this.$();
var func = animate ? 'animate' : 'css';
for (var part in heights) {
var $part = $scrubber.find('.scrubber-'+part);
$part.stop(true, true)[func]({height: heights[part]+'%'});
// jQuery likes to put overflow:hidden, but because the scrollbar
// handle has a negative margin-left, we need to override.
if (func === 'animate') {
$part.css('overflow', 'visible');
// Instantly scroll to a certain index in the discussion. The index doesn't
// have to be an integer; any fraction of a post will be scrolled to.
scrollToIndex: function(index) {
index = Math.min(index, this.get('count') - 1);
// Find the item for this index, whether it's a post corresponding to
// the index, or a gap which the index is within.
var indexFloor = Math.max(0, Math.floor(index));
var $nearestItem = this.get('streamContent').findNearestToIndex(indexFloor);
// Calculate the position of this item so that we can scroll to it. If
// the item is a gap, then we will mark it as 'active' to indicate to
// the user that it will expand if they release their mouse.
// Otherwise, we will add a proportion of the item's height onto the
// scroll position.
var pos = $nearestItem.offset().top - this.get('streamContent').getMarginTop();
if ($nearestItem.is('.gap')) {
} else {
if (index >= 0) {
pos += $nearestItem.outerHeight(true) * (index - indexFloor);
} else {
pos += $nearestItem.offset().top * index;
// Remove the 'active' class from other gaps.
$('html, body').scrollTop(pos);
percentPerPost: function() {
var count = this.get('count') || 1;
var visible = this.get('visible');
// To stop the slider of the scrollbar from getting too small when there
// are many posts, we define a minimum percentage height for the slider
// calculated from a 50 pixel limit. From this, we can calculate the
// minimum percentage per visible post. If this is greater than the
// actual percentage per post, then we need to adjust the 'before'
// percentage to account for it.
var minPercentVisible = 50 / this.$('.scrubber-scrollbar').outerHeight() * 100;
var percentPerVisiblePost = Math.max(100 / count, minPercentVisible / visible);
var percentPerPost = count === visible ? 0 : (100 - percentPerVisiblePost * visible) / (count - visible);
return {
index: percentPerPost,
visible: percentPerVisiblePost
actions: {
first: function() {
last: function() {