2015-10-27 12:16:37 +10:30

288 lines
11 KiB

System.register('flarum/likes/addLikeAction', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/app', 'flarum/components/Button', 'flarum/components/CommentPost'], function (_export) {
'use strict';
var extend, app, Button, CommentPost;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
}, function (_flarumApp) {
app = _flarumApp['default'];
}, function (_flarumComponentsButton) {
Button = _flarumComponentsButton['default'];
}, function (_flarumComponentsCommentPost) {
CommentPost = _flarumComponentsCommentPost['default'];
execute: function () {
_export('default', function () {
extend(CommentPost.prototype, 'actionItems', function (items) {
var post =;
if (post.isHidden() || !post.canLike()) return;
var isLiked = app.session.user && post.likes().some(function (user) {
return user === app.session.user;
items.add('like', Button.component({
children: app.translator.trans(isLiked ? '' : ''),
className: 'Button Button--link',
onclick: function onclick() {
isLiked = !isLiked;{ isLiked: isLiked });
// We've saved the fact that we do or don't like the post, but in order
// to provide instantaneous feedback to the user, we'll need to add or
// remove the like from the relationship data manually.
var data =;
data.some(function (like, i) {
if ( === {
data.splice(i, 1);
return true;
if (isLiked) {
data.unshift({ type: 'users', id: });
});;System.register('flarum/likes/addLikesList', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/app', 'flarum/components/CommentPost', 'flarum/helpers/punctuateSeries', 'flarum/helpers/username', 'flarum/helpers/icon', 'flarum/likes/components/PostLikesModal'], function (_export) {
'use strict';
var extend, app, CommentPost, punctuateSeries, username, icon, PostLikesModal;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
}, function (_flarumApp) {
app = _flarumApp['default'];
}, function (_flarumComponentsCommentPost) {
CommentPost = _flarumComponentsCommentPost['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries) {
punctuateSeries = _flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersUsername) {
username = _flarumHelpersUsername['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersIcon) {
icon = _flarumHelpersIcon['default'];
}, function (_flarumLikesComponentsPostLikesModal) {
PostLikesModal = _flarumLikesComponentsPostLikesModal['default'];
execute: function () {
_export('default', function () {
extend(CommentPost.prototype, 'footerItems', function (items) {
var post =;
var likes = post.likes();
if (likes && likes.length) {
var limit = 4;
var overLimit = likes.length > limit;
// Construct a list of names of users who have liked this post. Make sure the
// current user is first in the list, and cap a maximum of 4 items.
var names = likes.sort(function (a) {
return a === app.session.user ? -1 : 1;
}).slice(0, overLimit ? limit - 1 : limit).map(function (user) {
return m(
{ href: app.route.user(user), config: m.route },
user === app.session.user ? app.translator.trans('') : username(user)
// If there are more users that we've run out of room to display, add a "x
// others" name to the end of the list. Clicking on it will display a modal
// with a full list of names.
if (overLimit) {
var count = likes.length - names.length;
{ href: '#', onclick: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); PostLikesModal({ post: post }));
} },
app.translator.transChoice('', count, { count: count })
items.add('liked', m(
{ className: 'Post-likedBy' },
app.translator.transChoice('' + (likes[0] === app.session.user ? '_self' : '') + '_text', names.length, {
count: names.length,
users: punctuateSeries(names)
});;System.register('flarum/likes/main', ['flarum/extend', 'flarum/app', 'flarum/models/Post', 'flarum/Model', 'flarum/components/NotificationGrid', 'flarum/likes/addLikeAction', 'flarum/likes/addLikesList', 'flarum/likes/components/PostLikedNotification'], function (_export) {
'use strict';
var extend, app, Post, Model, NotificationGrid, addLikeAction, addLikesList, PostLikedNotification;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumExtend) {
extend = _flarumExtend.extend;
}, function (_flarumApp) {
app = _flarumApp['default'];
}, function (_flarumModelsPost) {
Post = _flarumModelsPost['default'];
}, function (_flarumModel) {
Model = _flarumModel['default'];
}, function (_flarumComponentsNotificationGrid) {
NotificationGrid = _flarumComponentsNotificationGrid['default'];
}, function (_flarumLikesAddLikeAction) {
addLikeAction = _flarumLikesAddLikeAction['default'];
}, function (_flarumLikesAddLikesList) {
addLikesList = _flarumLikesAddLikesList['default'];
}, function (_flarumLikesComponentsPostLikedNotification) {
PostLikedNotification = _flarumLikesComponentsPostLikedNotification['default'];
execute: function () {
app.initializers.add('flarum-likes', function () {
app.notificationComponents.postLiked = PostLikedNotification;
Post.prototype.canLike = Model.attribute('canLike');
Post.prototype.likes = Model.hasMany('likes');
extend(NotificationGrid.prototype, 'notificationTypes', function (items) {
items.add('postLiked', {
name: 'postLiked',
icon: 'thumbs-o-up',
label: app.translator.trans('')
});;System.register('flarum/likes/components/PostLikedNotification', ['flarum/components/Notification', 'flarum/helpers/username', 'flarum/helpers/punctuateSeries'], function (_export) {
'use strict';
var Notification, username, punctuateSeries, PostLikedNotification;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumComponentsNotification) {
Notification = _flarumComponentsNotification['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersUsername) {
username = _flarumHelpersUsername['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries) {
punctuateSeries = _flarumHelpersPunctuateSeries['default'];
execute: function () {
PostLikedNotification = (function (_Notification) {
babelHelpers.inherits(PostLikedNotification, _Notification);
function PostLikedNotification() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, PostLikedNotification);
babelHelpers.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(PostLikedNotification.prototype), 'constructor', this).apply(this, arguments);
babelHelpers.createClass(PostLikedNotification, [{
key: 'icon',
value: function icon() {
return 'thumbs-o-up';
}, {
key: 'href',
value: function href() {
}, {
key: 'content',
value: function content() {
var notification = this.props.notification;
var user = notification.sender();
var auc = notification.additionalUnreadCount();
return app.translator.transChoice('', auc + 1, {
user: user,
username: auc ? punctuateSeries([username(user), app.translator.transChoice('', auc, { count: auc })]) : undefined
}, {
key: 'excerpt',
value: function excerpt() {
return this.props.notification.subject().contentPlain();
return PostLikedNotification;
_export('default', PostLikedNotification);
});;System.register('flarum/likes/components/PostLikesModal', ['flarum/components/Modal', 'flarum/helpers/avatar', 'flarum/helpers/username'], function (_export) {
'use strict';
var Modal, avatar, username, PostLikesModal;
return {
setters: [function (_flarumComponentsModal) {
Modal = _flarumComponentsModal['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersAvatar) {
avatar = _flarumHelpersAvatar['default'];
}, function (_flarumHelpersUsername) {
username = _flarumHelpersUsername['default'];
execute: function () {
PostLikesModal = (function (_Modal) {
babelHelpers.inherits(PostLikesModal, _Modal);
function PostLikesModal() {
babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, PostLikesModal);
babelHelpers.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(PostLikesModal.prototype), 'constructor', this).apply(this, arguments);
babelHelpers.createClass(PostLikesModal, [{
key: 'className',
value: function className() {
return 'PostLikesModal Modal--small';
}, {
key: 'title',
value: function title() {
return app.translator.trans('');
}, {
key: 'content',
value: function content() {
return m(
{ className: 'Modal-body' },
{ className: 'PostLikesModal-list' }, (user) {
return m(
{ href: app.route.user(user), config: m.route },
' ',
' ',
return PostLikesModal;
_export('default', PostLikesModal);