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import type Mithril from 'mithril';
import Page, { IPageAttrs } from '../../common/components/Page';
import Stream from '../../common/utils/Stream';
export interface AdminHeaderOptions {
title: string;
description: string;
icon: string;
* Will be used as the class for the AdminPage.
* Will also be appended with `-header` and set as the class for the `AdminHeader` component.
className: string;
* A type that matches any valid value for the `type` attribute on an HTML `<input>` element.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-type
* Note: this will be exported from a different location in the future.
* @see https://github.com/flarum/core/issues/3039
export declare type HTMLInputTypes = 'button' | 'checkbox' | 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime-local' | 'email' | 'file' | 'hidden' | 'image' | 'month' | 'number' | 'password' | 'radio' | 'range' | 'reset' | 'search' | 'submit' | 'tel' | 'text' | 'time' | 'url' | 'week';
interface CommonSettingsItemOptions extends Mithril.Attributes {
setting: string;
label: Mithril.Children;
help?: Mithril.Children;
className?: string;
* Valid options for the setting component builder to generate an HTML input element.
export interface HTMLInputSettingsComponentOptions extends CommonSettingsItemOptions {
* Any valid HTML input `type` value.
type: HTMLInputTypes;
declare const BooleanSettingTypes: readonly ["bool", "checkbox", "switch", "boolean"];
declare const SelectSettingTypes: readonly ["select", "dropdown", "selectdropdown"];
* Valid options for the setting component builder to generate a Switch.
export interface SwitchSettingComponentOptions extends CommonSettingsItemOptions {
type: typeof BooleanSettingTypes[number];
* Valid options for the setting component builder to generate a Select dropdown.
export interface SelectSettingComponentOptions extends CommonSettingsItemOptions {
type: typeof SelectSettingTypes[number];
* Map of values to their labels
options: {
[value: string]: Mithril.Children;
default: string;
* All valid options for the setting component builder.
export declare type SettingsComponentOptions = HTMLInputSettingsComponentOptions | SwitchSettingComponentOptions | SelectSettingComponentOptions;
* Valid attrs that can be returned by the `headerInfo` function
export declare type AdminHeaderAttrs = AdminHeaderOptions & Partial<Omit<Mithril.Attributes, 'class'>>;
export default abstract class AdminPage<CustomAttrs extends IPageAttrs = IPageAttrs> extends Page<CustomAttrs> {
settings: Record<string, Stream<string>>;
loading: boolean;
view(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<CustomAttrs, this>): Mithril.Children;
* Returns the content of the AdminPage.
abstract content(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<CustomAttrs, this>): Mithril.Children;
* Returns the submit button for this AdminPage.
* Calls `this.saveSettings` when the button is clicked.
submitButton(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<CustomAttrs, this>): Mithril.Children;
* Returns the Header component for this AdminPage.
header(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<CustomAttrs, this>): Mithril.Children;
* Returns the options passed to the AdminHeader component.
headerInfo(): AdminHeaderAttrs;
* `buildSettingComponent` takes a settings object and turns it into a component.
* Depending on the type of input, you can set the type to 'bool', 'select', or
* any standard <input> type. Any values inside the 'extra' object will be added
* to the component as an attribute.
* Alternatively, you can pass a callback that will be executed in ExtensionPage's
* context to include custom JSX elements.
* @example
* {
* setting: 'acme.checkbox',
* label: app.translator.trans('acme.admin.setting_label'),
* type: 'bool',
* help: app.translator.trans('acme.admin.setting_help'),
* className: 'Setting-item'
* }
* @example
* {
* setting: 'acme.select',
* label: app.translator.trans('acme.admin.setting_label'),
* type: 'select',
* options: {
* 'option1': 'Option 1 label',
* 'option2': 'Option 2 label',
* },
* default: 'option1',
* }
* @example
* () => {
* return <p>My cool component</p>;
* }
buildSettingComponent(entry: ((this: this) => Mithril.Children) | SettingsComponentOptions): Mithril.Children;
* Called when `saveSettings` completes successfully.
onsaved(): void;
* Returns a function that fetches the setting from the `app` global.
setting(key: string, fallback?: string): Stream<string>;
* Returns a map of settings keys to values which includes only those which have been modified but not yet saved.
dirty(): Record<string, string>;
* Returns the number of settings that have been modified.
isChanged(): number;
* Saves the modified settings to the database.
saveSettings(e: SubmitEvent & {
redraw: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
export {};