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synced 2025-02-09 05:55:31 +08:00
Record when the discussion was renamed, from what, and by whom. Information is stored in the `content` field as a serialised JSON object because proper polymorphism will be too difficult with Ember Data and especially when extensions try to add new post types.
126 lines
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126 lines
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import Ember from 'ember';
import PostStream from 'flarum/models/post-stream';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
queryParams: {
start: {replace: true}
discussion: function(id, start) {
return this.store.findQueryOne('discussion', id, {
include: 'posts',
near: start
// When we fetch the discussion from the model hook (i.e. on a fresh page
// load), we'll wrap it in an object proxy and set a `loaded` flag to true
// so that it won't be reloaded later on.
model: function(params) {
return this.discussion(params.id, params.start).then(function(discussion) {
return Ember.ObjectProxy.create({content: discussion, loaded: true});
resetController: function(controller) {
// Whenever we exit the discussion view, or transition to a different
// discussion, we want to reset the query params so that they don't stick.
controller.set('start', '1');
controller.set('searchQuery', '');
controller.set('loaded', false);
controller.set('stream', null);
setupController: function(controller, discussion) {
controller.set('model', discussion);
this.controllerFor('index/index').set('lastDiscussion', discussion);
// Set up the post stream object. It needs to know about the discussion
// it's representing the posts for, and we also need to inject the Ember
// Data store.
var stream = PostStream.create({
discussion: discussion,
store: this.store
controller.set('stream', stream);
// We need to make sure we have an up-to-date list of the discussion's
// post IDs. If we didn't enter this route using the model hook (like if
// clicking on a discussion in the index), then we'll reload the model.
var promise = discussion.get('loaded') ?
Ember.RSVP.resolve(discussion.get('content')) :
this.discussion(discussion.get('id'), controller.get('start'));
// When we know we have the post IDs, we can set up the post stream with
// them. Then we will tell the view that we have finished loading so that
// it can scroll down to the appropriate post.
promise.then(function(discussion) {
controller.set('model', discussion);
var postIds = discussion.get('postIds');
// A page of posts will have been returned as linked data by this
// request, and automatically loaded into the store. In turn, we
// want to load them into the stream. However, since there is no
// way to access them directly, we need to retrieve them based on
// the requested start number. This code finds the post for that
// number, gets its index, slices an array of surrounding post
// IDs, and finally adds these posts to the stream.
var posts = discussion.get('loadedPosts');
var startPost = posts.findBy('number', parseInt(controller.get('start')));
if (startPost) {
var startIndex = postIds.indexOf(startPost.get('id'));
var count = stream.get('postLoadCount');
startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex - count / 2);
var loadIds = postIds.slice(startIndex, startIndex + count);
stream.addPosts(posts.filter(function(item) {
return loadIds.indexOf(item.get('id')) !== -1;
// It's possible for this promise to have resolved but the user
// has clicked away to a different discussion. So only if we're
// still on the original one, we will tell the view that we're
// done loading.
if (controller.get('model') === discussion) {
controller.set('loaded', true);
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', function() {
actions: {
queryParamsDidChange: function(params) {
// If the ?start param has changed, we want to tell the view to
// tell the streamContent component to jump to this start point.
// We postpone running this code until the next run loop because
// when transitioning directly from one discussion to another,
// queryParamsDidChange is fired before the controller is reset.
// Thus, controller.loaded would still be true and the
// startWasChanged event would be triggered inappropriately.
var newStart = parseInt(params.start) || 1;
var controller = this.controllerFor('discussion');
var oldStart = parseInt(controller.get('start'));
Ember.run.next(function() {
if (controller.get('loaded') && newStart !== oldStart) {
controller.trigger('startWasChanged', newStart);
didTransition: function() {
// When we transition into a new discussion, we want to hide the
// discussions list pane. This means that when the user selects a
// different discussion within the pane, the pane will slide away.
// We also minimize the composer.
.set('paned', true)
.set('paneShowing', false);