Toby Zerner 8683025ef6 Use component prototypes instead of instances
This means the component instance is created in the template, meaning
properties can be overridden in the view helper. It also just makes
more sense - a view instance doesn’t need to exist until it is rendered
in the template.
2015-02-26 09:43:53 +10:30

27 lines
864 B

import Ember from 'ember';
import ComposerBody from 'flarum/components/composer/composer-body';
var precompileTemplate = Ember.Handlebars.compile;
The composer body for editing a post. Sets the initial content to the
content of the post that is being edited, and adds a title control to
indicate which post is being edited.
export default ComposerBody.extend({
submitLabel: 'Save Changes',
content: Ember.computed.oneWay('post.content'),
originalContent: Ember.computed.oneWay('post.content'),
populateControls: function(controls) {
var title = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'h3',
layout: precompileTemplate('Editing Post #{{}} in <em>{{discussion.title}}</em>'),
discussion: this.get('post.discussion'),
component: this
controls.pushObjectWithTag(title, 'title');