diff --git a/cmd/hook.go b/cmd/hook.go
index 7e453048414..03fa15aabc0 100644
--- a/cmd/hook.go
+++ b/cmd/hook.go
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ import (
+const (
+	hookBatchSize = 30
 var (
 	// CmdHook represents the available hooks sub-command.
 	CmdHook = cli.Command{
@@ -75,12 +79,25 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
 	prID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(os.Getenv(models.ProtectedBranchPRID), 10, 64)
 	isDeployKey, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv(models.EnvIsDeployKey))
-	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
-	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
-	for scanner.Scan() {
-		buf.Write(scanner.Bytes())
-		buf.WriteByte('\n')
+	hookOptions := private.HookOptions{
+		UserID:                          userID,
+		GitAlternativeObjectDirectories: os.Getenv(private.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories),
+		GitObjectDirectory:              os.Getenv(private.GitObjectDirectory),
+		GitQuarantinePath:               os.Getenv(private.GitQuarantinePath),
+		ProtectedBranchID:               prID,
+		IsDeployKey:                     isDeployKey,
+	}
+	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
+	oldCommitIDs := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	newCommitIDs := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	refFullNames := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	count := 0
+	total := 0
+	lastline := 0
+	for scanner.Scan() {
 		// TODO: support news feeds for wiki
 		if isWiki {
@@ -94,29 +111,72 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
 		oldCommitID := string(fields[0])
 		newCommitID := string(fields[1])
 		refFullName := string(fields[2])
+		total++
+		lastline++
 		// If the ref is a branch, check if it's protected
 		if strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
-			statusCode, msg := private.HookPreReceive(username, reponame, private.HookOptions{
-				OldCommitID:                     oldCommitID,
-				NewCommitID:                     newCommitID,
-				RefFullName:                     refFullName,
-				UserID:                          userID,
-				GitAlternativeObjectDirectories: os.Getenv(private.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories),
-				GitObjectDirectory:              os.Getenv(private.GitObjectDirectory),
-				GitQuarantinePath:               os.Getenv(private.GitQuarantinePath),
-				ProtectedBranchID:               prID,
-				IsDeployKey:                     isDeployKey,
-			})
-			switch statusCode {
-			case http.StatusInternalServerError:
-				fail("Internal Server Error", msg)
-			case http.StatusForbidden:
-				fail(msg, "")
+			oldCommitIDs[count] = oldCommitID
+			newCommitIDs[count] = newCommitID
+			refFullNames[count] = refFullName
+			count++
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "*")
+			os.Stdout.Sync()
+			if count >= hookBatchSize {
+				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, " Checking %d branches\n", count)
+				os.Stdout.Sync()
+				hookOptions.OldCommitIDs = oldCommitIDs
+				hookOptions.NewCommitIDs = newCommitIDs
+				hookOptions.RefFullNames = refFullNames
+				statusCode, msg := private.HookPreReceive(username, reponame, hookOptions)
+				switch statusCode {
+				case http.StatusOK:
+					// no-op
+				case http.StatusInternalServerError:
+					fail("Internal Server Error", msg)
+				default:
+					fail(msg, "")
+				}
+				count = 0
+				lastline = 0
+		} else {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, ".")
+			os.Stdout.Sync()
+		}
+		if lastline >= hookBatchSize {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n")
+			os.Stdout.Sync()
+			lastline = 0
+	if count > 0 {
+		hookOptions.OldCommitIDs = oldCommitIDs[:count]
+		hookOptions.NewCommitIDs = newCommitIDs[:count]
+		hookOptions.RefFullNames = refFullNames[:count]
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, " Checking %d branches\n", count)
+		os.Stdout.Sync()
+		statusCode, msg := private.HookPreReceive(username, reponame, hookOptions)
+		switch statusCode {
+		case http.StatusInternalServerError:
+			fail("Internal Server Error", msg)
+		case http.StatusForbidden:
+			fail(msg, "")
+		}
+	} else if lastline > 0 {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\n")
+		os.Stdout.Sync()
+		lastline = 0
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Checked %d references in total\n", total)
+	os.Stdout.Sync()
 	return nil
@@ -156,12 +216,24 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
 	pusherID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(os.Getenv(models.EnvPusherID), 10, 64)
 	pusherName := os.Getenv(models.EnvPusherName)
-	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+	hookOptions := private.HookOptions{
+		UserName:                        pusherName,
+		UserID:                          pusherID,
+		GitAlternativeObjectDirectories: os.Getenv(private.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories),
+		GitObjectDirectory:              os.Getenv(private.GitObjectDirectory),
+		GitQuarantinePath:               os.Getenv(private.GitQuarantinePath),
+	}
+	oldCommitIDs := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	newCommitIDs := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	refFullNames := make([]string, hookBatchSize)
+	count := 0
+	total := 0
+	wasEmpty := false
+	masterPushed := false
+	results := make([]private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult, 0)
 	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
 	for scanner.Scan() {
-		buf.Write(scanner.Bytes())
-		buf.WriteByte('\n')
 		// TODO: support news feeds for wiki
 		if isWiki {
@@ -172,36 +244,95 @@ Gitea or set your environment appropriately.`, "")
-		oldCommitID := string(fields[0])
-		newCommitID := string(fields[1])
-		refFullName := string(fields[2])
-		res, err := private.HookPostReceive(repoUser, repoName, private.HookOptions{
-			OldCommitID: oldCommitID,
-			NewCommitID: newCommitID,
-			RefFullName: refFullName,
-			UserID:      pusherID,
-			UserName:    pusherName,
-		})
-		if res == nil {
-			fail("Internal Server Error", err)
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, ".")
+		oldCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[0])
+		newCommitIDs[count] = string(fields[1])
+		refFullNames[count] = string(fields[2])
+		if refFullNames[count] == git.BranchPrefix+"master" && newCommitIDs[count] != git.EmptySHA && count == total {
+			masterPushed = true
+		count++
+		total++
+		os.Stdout.Sync()
-		if res["message"] == false {
+		if count >= hookBatchSize {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, " Processing %d references\n", count)
+			os.Stdout.Sync()
+			hookOptions.OldCommitIDs = oldCommitIDs
+			hookOptions.NewCommitIDs = newCommitIDs
+			hookOptions.RefFullNames = refFullNames
+			resp, err := private.HookPostReceive(repoUser, repoName, hookOptions)
+			if resp == nil {
+				hookPrintResults(results)
+				fail("Internal Server Error", err)
+			}
+			wasEmpty = wasEmpty || resp.RepoWasEmpty
+			results = append(results, resp.Results...)
+			count = 0
+		}
+	}
+	if count == 0 {
+		if wasEmpty && masterPushed {
+			// We need to tell the repo to reset the default branch to master
+			err := private.SetDefaultBranch(repoUser, repoName, "master")
+			if err != nil {
+				fail("Internal Server Error", "SetDefaultBranch failed with Error: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Processed %d references in total\n", total)
+		os.Stdout.Sync()
+		hookPrintResults(results)
+		return nil
+	}
+	hookOptions.OldCommitIDs = oldCommitIDs[:count]
+	hookOptions.NewCommitIDs = newCommitIDs[:count]
+	hookOptions.RefFullNames = refFullNames[:count]
+	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, " Processing %d references\n", count)
+	os.Stdout.Sync()
+	resp, err := private.HookPostReceive(repoUser, repoName, hookOptions)
+	if resp == nil {
+		hookPrintResults(results)
+		fail("Internal Server Error", err)
+	}
+	wasEmpty = wasEmpty || resp.RepoWasEmpty
+	results = append(results, resp.Results...)
+	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Processed %d references in total\n", total)
+	os.Stdout.Sync()
+	if wasEmpty && masterPushed {
+		// We need to tell the repo to reset the default branch to master
+		err := private.SetDefaultBranch(repoUser, repoName, "master")
+		if err != nil {
+			fail("Internal Server Error", "SetDefaultBranch failed with Error: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	hookPrintResults(results)
+	return nil
+func hookPrintResults(results []private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult) {
+	for _, res := range results {
+		if !res.Message {
 		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
-		if res["create"] == true {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Create a new pull request for '%s':\n", res["branch"])
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s\n", res["url"])
+		if res.Create {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Create a new pull request for '%s':\n", res.Branch)
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s\n", res.URL)
 		} else {
 			fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Visit the existing pull request:\n")
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s\n", res["url"])
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s\n", res.URL)
 		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
+		os.Stderr.Sync()
-	return nil
diff --git a/models/repo_watch.go b/models/repo_watch.go
index 7d421081a40..9b3659dbf59 100644
--- a/models/repo_watch.go
+++ b/models/repo_watch.go
@@ -164,68 +164,111 @@ func (repo *Repository) GetWatchers(page int) ([]*User, error) {
 	return users, sess.Find(&users)
-func notifyWatchers(e Engine, act *Action) error {
-	// Add feeds for user self and all watchers.
-	watches, err := getWatchers(e, act.RepoID)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("get watchers: %v", err)
-	}
+func notifyWatchers(e Engine, actions ...*Action) error {
+	var watchers []*Watch
+	var repo *Repository
+	var err error
+	var permCode []bool
+	var permIssue []bool
+	var permPR []bool
-	// Add feed for actioner.
-	act.UserID = act.ActUserID
-	if _, err = e.InsertOne(act); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("insert new actioner: %v", err)
-	}
+	for _, act := range actions {
+		repoChanged := repo == nil || repo.ID != act.RepoID
-	act.loadRepo()
-	// check repo owner exist.
-	if err := act.Repo.getOwner(e); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("can't get repo owner: %v", err)
-	}
+		if repoChanged {
+			// Add feeds for user self and all watchers.
+			watchers, err = getWatchers(e, act.RepoID)
+			if err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("get watchers: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
-	// Add feed for organization
-	if act.Repo.Owner.IsOrganization() && act.ActUserID != act.Repo.Owner.ID {
-		act.ID = 0
-		act.UserID = act.Repo.Owner.ID
+		// Add feed for actioner.
+		act.UserID = act.ActUserID
 		if _, err = e.InsertOne(act); err != nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("insert new actioner: %v", err)
-	}
-	for i := range watches {
-		if act.ActUserID == watches[i].UserID {
-			continue
+		if repoChanged {
+			act.loadRepo()
+			repo = act.Repo
+			// check repo owner exist.
+			if err := act.Repo.getOwner(e); err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("can't get repo owner: %v", err)
+			}
+		} else if act.Repo == nil {
+			act.Repo = repo
-		act.ID = 0
-		act.UserID = watches[i].UserID
-		act.Repo.Units = nil
-		switch act.OpType {
-		case ActionCommitRepo, ActionPushTag, ActionDeleteTag, ActionDeleteBranch:
-			if !act.Repo.checkUnitUser(e, act.UserID, false, UnitTypeCode) {
-				continue
-			}
-		case ActionCreateIssue, ActionCommentIssue, ActionCloseIssue, ActionReopenIssue:
-			if !act.Repo.checkUnitUser(e, act.UserID, false, UnitTypeIssues) {
-				continue
-			}
-		case ActionCreatePullRequest, ActionCommentPull, ActionMergePullRequest, ActionClosePullRequest, ActionReopenPullRequest:
-			if !act.Repo.checkUnitUser(e, act.UserID, false, UnitTypePullRequests) {
-				continue
+		// Add feed for organization
+		if act.Repo.Owner.IsOrganization() && act.ActUserID != act.Repo.Owner.ID {
+			act.ID = 0
+			act.UserID = act.Repo.Owner.ID
+			if _, err = e.InsertOne(act); err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("insert new actioner: %v", err)
-		if _, err = e.InsertOne(act); err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("insert new action: %v", err)
+		if repoChanged {
+			permCode = make([]bool, len(watchers))
+			permIssue = make([]bool, len(watchers))
+			permPR = make([]bool, len(watchers))
+			for i, watcher := range watchers {
+				user, err := getUserByID(e, watcher.UserID)
+				if err != nil {
+					permCode[i] = false
+					permIssue[i] = false
+					permPR[i] = false
+					continue
+				}
+				perm, err := getUserRepoPermission(e, repo, user)
+				if err != nil {
+					permCode[i] = false
+					permIssue[i] = false
+					permPR[i] = false
+					continue
+				}
+				permCode[i] = perm.CanRead(UnitTypeCode)
+				permIssue[i] = perm.CanRead(UnitTypeIssues)
+				permPR[i] = perm.CanRead(UnitTypePullRequests)
+			}
+		}
+		for i, watcher := range watchers {
+			if act.ActUserID == watcher.UserID {
+				continue
+			}
+			act.ID = 0
+			act.UserID = watcher.UserID
+			act.Repo.Units = nil
+			switch act.OpType {
+			case ActionCommitRepo, ActionPushTag, ActionDeleteTag, ActionDeleteBranch:
+				if !permCode[i] {
+					continue
+				}
+			case ActionCreateIssue, ActionCommentIssue, ActionCloseIssue, ActionReopenIssue:
+				if !permIssue[i] {
+					continue
+				}
+			case ActionCreatePullRequest, ActionCommentPull, ActionMergePullRequest, ActionClosePullRequest, ActionReopenPullRequest:
+				if !permPR[i] {
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+			if _, err = e.InsertOne(act); err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("insert new action: %v", err)
+			}
 	return nil
 // NotifyWatchers creates batch of actions for every watcher.
-func NotifyWatchers(act *Action) error {
-	return notifyWatchers(x, act)
+func NotifyWatchers(actions ...*Action) error {
+	return notifyWatchers(x, actions...)
 // NotifyWatchersActions creates batch of actions for every watcher.
diff --git a/models/update.go b/models/update.go
index deac91b6dcf..1105c9a8289 100644
--- a/models/update.go
+++ b/models/update.go
@@ -53,6 +53,66 @@ func ListToPushCommits(l *list.List) *PushCommits {
 	return &PushCommits{l.Len(), commits, "", make(map[string]string), make(map[string]*User)}
+// PushUpdateAddDeleteTags updates a number of added and delete tags
+func PushUpdateAddDeleteTags(repo *Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, addTags, delTags []string) error {
+	sess := x.NewSession()
+	defer sess.Close()
+	if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to begin sess in PushUpdateDeleteTags: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err := pushUpdateDeleteTags(sess, repo, delTags); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := pushUpdateAddTags(sess, repo, gitRepo, addTags); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return sess.Commit()
+// PushUpdateDeleteTags updates a number of delete tags
+func PushUpdateDeleteTags(repo *Repository, tags []string) error {
+	sess := x.NewSession()
+	defer sess.Close()
+	if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to begin sess in PushUpdateDeleteTags: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err := pushUpdateDeleteTags(sess, repo, tags); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return sess.Commit()
+func pushUpdateDeleteTags(e Engine, repo *Repository, tags []string) error {
+	if len(tags) == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	lowerTags := make([]string, 0, len(tags))
+	for _, tag := range tags {
+		lowerTags = append(lowerTags, strings.ToLower(tag))
+	}
+	if _, err := e.
+		Where("repo_id = ? AND is_tag = ?", repo.ID, true).
+		In("lower_tag_name", lowerTags).
+		Delete(new(Release)); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Delete: %v", err)
+	}
+	if _, err := e.
+		Where("repo_id = ? AND is_tag = ?", repo.ID, false).
+		In("lower_tag_name", lowerTags).
+		SetExpr("is_draft", true).
+		SetExpr("num_commits", 0).
+		SetExpr("sha1", "").
+		Update(new(Release)); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Update: %v", err)
+	}
+	return nil
 // PushUpdateDeleteTag must be called for any push actions to delete tag
 func PushUpdateDeleteTag(repo *Repository, tagName string) error {
 	rel, err := GetRelease(repo.ID, tagName)
@@ -78,6 +138,125 @@ func PushUpdateDeleteTag(repo *Repository, tagName string) error {
 	return nil
+// PushUpdateAddTags updates a number of add tags
+func PushUpdateAddTags(repo *Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, tags []string) error {
+	sess := x.NewSession()
+	defer sess.Close()
+	if err := sess.Begin(); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to begin sess in PushUpdateAddTags: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err := pushUpdateAddTags(sess, repo, gitRepo, tags); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return sess.Commit()
+func pushUpdateAddTags(e Engine, repo *Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, tags []string) error {
+	if len(tags) == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	lowerTags := make([]string, 0, len(tags))
+	for _, tag := range tags {
+		lowerTags = append(lowerTags, strings.ToLower(tag))
+	}
+	releases := make([]Release, 0, len(tags))
+	if err := e.Where("repo_id = ?", repo.ID).
+		In("lower_tag_name", lowerTags).Find(&releases); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("GetRelease: %v", err)
+	}
+	relMap := make(map[string]*Release)
+	for _, rel := range releases {
+		relMap[rel.LowerTagName] = &rel
+	}
+	newReleases := make([]*Release, 0, len(lowerTags)-len(relMap))
+	emailToUser := make(map[string]*User)
+	for i, lowerTag := range lowerTags {
+		tag, err := gitRepo.GetTag(tags[i])
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("GetTag: %v", err)
+		}
+		commit, err := tag.Commit()
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Commit: %v", err)
+		}
+		sig := tag.Tagger
+		if sig == nil {
+			sig = commit.Author
+		}
+		if sig == nil {
+			sig = commit.Committer
+		}
+		var author *User
+		var createdAt = time.Unix(1, 0)
+		if sig != nil {
+			var ok bool
+			author, ok = emailToUser[sig.Email]
+			if !ok {
+				author, err = GetUserByEmail(sig.Email)
+				if err != nil && !IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+					return fmt.Errorf("GetUserByEmail: %v", err)
+				}
+			}
+			createdAt = sig.When
+		}
+		commitsCount, err := commit.CommitsCount()
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("CommitsCount: %v", err)
+		}
+		rel, has := relMap[lowerTag]
+		if !has {
+			rel = &Release{
+				RepoID:       repo.ID,
+				Title:        "",
+				TagName:      tags[i],
+				LowerTagName: lowerTag,
+				Target:       "",
+				Sha1:         commit.ID.String(),
+				NumCommits:   commitsCount,
+				Note:         "",
+				IsDraft:      false,
+				IsPrerelease: false,
+				IsTag:        true,
+				CreatedUnix:  timeutil.TimeStamp(createdAt.Unix()),
+			}
+			if author != nil {
+				rel.PublisherID = author.ID
+			}
+			newReleases = append(newReleases, rel)
+		} else {
+			rel.Sha1 = commit.ID.String()
+			rel.CreatedUnix = timeutil.TimeStamp(createdAt.Unix())
+			rel.NumCommits = commitsCount
+			rel.IsDraft = false
+			if rel.IsTag && author != nil {
+				rel.PublisherID = author.ID
+			}
+			if _, err = e.ID(rel.ID).AllCols().Update(rel); err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("Update: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if len(newReleases) > 0 {
+		if _, err := e.Insert(newReleases); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Insert: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
 // PushUpdateAddTag must be called for any push actions to add tag
 func PushUpdateAddTag(repo *Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, tagName string) error {
 	rel, err := GetRelease(repo.ID, tagName)
diff --git a/modules/private/hook.go b/modules/private/hook.go
index cc9703cc77e..010fc4d7245 100644
--- a/modules/private/hook.go
+++ b/modules/private/hook.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
+	"time"
@@ -22,9 +23,9 @@ const (
 // HookOptions represents the options for the Hook calls
 type HookOptions struct {
-	OldCommitID                     string
-	NewCommitID                     string
-	RefFullName                     string
+	OldCommitIDs                    []string
+	NewCommitIDs                    []string
+	RefFullNames                    []string
 	UserID                          int64
 	UserName                        string
 	GitObjectDirectory              string
@@ -34,23 +35,33 @@ type HookOptions struct {
 	IsDeployKey                     bool
+// HookPostReceiveResult represents an individual result from PostReceive
+type HookPostReceiveResult struct {
+	Results      []HookPostReceiveBranchResult
+	RepoWasEmpty bool
+	Err          string
+// HookPostReceiveBranchResult represents an individual branch result from PostReceive
+type HookPostReceiveBranchResult struct {
+	Message bool
+	Create  bool
+	Branch  string
+	URL     string
 // HookPreReceive check whether the provided commits are allowed
 func HookPreReceive(ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (int, string) {
-	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/pre-receive/%s/%s?old=%s&new=%s&ref=%s&userID=%d&gitObjectDirectory=%s&gitAlternativeObjectDirectories=%s&gitQuarantinePath=%s&prID=%d&isDeployKey=%t",
+	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/pre-receive/%s/%s",
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.OldCommitID),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.NewCommitID),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.RefFullName),
-		opts.UserID,
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.GitObjectDirectory),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.GitQuarantinePath),
-		opts.ProtectedBranchID,
-		opts.IsDeployKey,
-	resp, err := newInternalRequest(reqURL, "GET").Response()
+	req := newInternalRequest(reqURL, "POST")
+	req = req.Header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(opts)
+	req.Body(jsonBytes)
+	req.SetTimeout(60*time.Second, time.Duration(60+len(opts.OldCommitIDs))*time.Second)
+	resp, err := req.Response()
 	if err != nil {
 		return http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to contact gitea: %v", err.Error())
@@ -64,17 +75,18 @@ func HookPreReceive(ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (int, string)
 // HookPostReceive updates services and users
-func HookPostReceive(ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (map[string]interface{}, string) {
-	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/post-receive/%s/%s?old=%s&new=%s&ref=%s&userID=%d&username=%s",
+func HookPostReceive(ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (*HookPostReceiveResult, string) {
+	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/post-receive/%s/%s",
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.OldCommitID),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.NewCommitID),
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.RefFullName),
-		opts.UserID,
-		url.QueryEscape(opts.UserName))
+	)
-	resp, err := newInternalRequest(reqURL, "GET").Response()
+	req := newInternalRequest(reqURL, "POST")
+	req = req.Header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	req.SetTimeout(60*time.Second, time.Duration(60+len(opts.OldCommitIDs))*time.Second)
+	jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(opts)
+	req.Body(jsonBytes)
+	resp, err := req.Response()
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to contact gitea: %v", err.Error())
@@ -83,8 +95,30 @@ func HookPostReceive(ownerName, repoName string, opts HookOptions) (map[string]i
 	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
 		return nil, decodeJSONError(resp).Err
-	res := map[string]interface{}{}
-	_ = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&res)
+	res := &HookPostReceiveResult{}
+	_ = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(res)
 	return res, ""
+// SetDefaultBranch will set the default branch to the provided branch for the provided repository
+func SetDefaultBranch(ownerName, repoName, branch string) error {
+	reqURL := setting.LocalURL + fmt.Sprintf("api/internal/hook/set-default-branch/%s/%s/%s",
+		url.PathEscape(ownerName),
+		url.PathEscape(repoName),
+		url.PathEscape(branch),
+	)
+	req := newInternalRequest(reqURL, "POST")
+	req = req.Header("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	req.SetTimeout(60*time.Second, 60*time.Second)
+	resp, err := req.Response()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to contact gitea: %v", err)
+	}
+	defer resp.Body.Close()
+	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Error returned from gitea: %v", decodeJSONError(resp).Err)
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/modules/repofiles/action.go b/modules/repofiles/action.go
index a5a5e151cbd..d207247114a 100644
--- a/modules/repofiles/action.go
+++ b/modules/repofiles/action.go
@@ -159,112 +159,132 @@ type CommitRepoActionOptions struct {
 // CommitRepoAction adds new commit action to the repository, and prepare
 // corresponding webhooks.
-func CommitRepoAction(opts CommitRepoActionOptions) error {
-	pusher, err := models.GetUserByName(opts.PusherName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("GetUserByName [%s]: %v", opts.PusherName, err)
-	}
+func CommitRepoAction(optsList ...*CommitRepoActionOptions) error {
+	var pusher *models.User
+	var repo *models.Repository
+	actions := make([]*models.Action, len(optsList))
-	repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByName(opts.RepoOwnerID, opts.RepoName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("GetRepositoryByName [owner_id: %d, name: %s]: %v", opts.RepoOwnerID, opts.RepoName, err)
-	}
-	refName := git.RefEndName(opts.RefFullName)
-	// Change default branch and empty status only if pushed ref is non-empty branch.
-	if repo.IsEmpty && opts.NewCommitID != git.EmptySHA && strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
-		repo.DefaultBranch = refName
-		repo.IsEmpty = false
-		if refName != "master" {
-			gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
+	for i, opts := range optsList {
+		if pusher == nil || pusher.Name != opts.PusherName {
+			var err error
+			pusher, err = models.GetUserByName(opts.PusherName)
 			if err != nil {
-				return err
+				return fmt.Errorf("GetUserByName [%s]: %v", opts.PusherName, err)
-			if err := gitRepo.SetDefaultBranch(repo.DefaultBranch); err != nil {
-				if !git.IsErrUnsupportedVersion(err) {
-					gitRepo.Close()
-					return err
+		}
+		if repo == nil || repo.OwnerID != opts.RepoOwnerID || repo.Name != opts.RepoName {
+			var err error
+			if repo != nil {
+				// Change repository empty status and update last updated time.
+				if err := models.UpdateRepository(repo, false); err != nil {
+					return fmt.Errorf("UpdateRepository: %v", err)
-			gitRepo.Close()
+			repo, err = models.GetRepositoryByName(opts.RepoOwnerID, opts.RepoName)
+			if err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("GetRepositoryByName [owner_id: %d, name: %s]: %v", opts.RepoOwnerID, opts.RepoName, err)
+			}
-	}
+		refName := git.RefEndName(opts.RefFullName)
-	// Change repository empty status and update last updated time.
-	if err = models.UpdateRepository(repo, false); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("UpdateRepository: %v", err)
-	}
-	isNewBranch := false
-	opType := models.ActionCommitRepo
-	// Check it's tag push or branch.
-	if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
-		opType = models.ActionPushTag
-		if opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
-			opType = models.ActionDeleteTag
+		// Change default branch and empty status only if pushed ref is non-empty branch.
+		if repo.IsEmpty && opts.NewCommitID != git.EmptySHA && strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
+			repo.DefaultBranch = refName
+			repo.IsEmpty = false
+			if refName != "master" {
+				gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if err := gitRepo.SetDefaultBranch(repo.DefaultBranch); err != nil {
+					if !git.IsErrUnsupportedVersion(err) {
+						gitRepo.Close()
+						return err
+					}
+				}
+				gitRepo.Close()
+			}
-		opts.Commits = &models.PushCommits{}
-	} else if opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
-		opType = models.ActionDeleteBranch
-		opts.Commits = &models.PushCommits{}
-	} else {
-		// if not the first commit, set the compare URL.
-		if opts.OldCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
-			isNewBranch = true
+		isNewBranch := false
+		opType := models.ActionCommitRepo
+		// Check it's tag push or branch.
+		if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
+			opType = models.ActionPushTag
+			if opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
+				opType = models.ActionDeleteTag
+			}
+			opts.Commits = &models.PushCommits{}
+		} else if opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
+			opType = models.ActionDeleteBranch
+			opts.Commits = &models.PushCommits{}
 		} else {
-			opts.Commits.CompareURL = repo.ComposeCompareURL(opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID)
+			// if not the first commit, set the compare URL.
+			if opts.OldCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
+				isNewBranch = true
+			} else {
+				opts.Commits.CompareURL = repo.ComposeCompareURL(opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID)
+			}
+			if err := UpdateIssuesCommit(pusher, repo, opts.Commits.Commits, refName); err != nil {
+				log.Error("updateIssuesCommit: %v", err)
+			}
-		if err = UpdateIssuesCommit(pusher, repo, opts.Commits.Commits, refName); err != nil {
-			log.Error("updateIssuesCommit: %v", err)
+		if len(opts.Commits.Commits) > setting.UI.FeedMaxCommitNum {
+			opts.Commits.Commits = opts.Commits.Commits[:setting.UI.FeedMaxCommitNum]
+		}
+		data, err := json.Marshal(opts.Commits)
+		if err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Marshal: %v", err)
+		}
+		actions[i] = &models.Action{
+			ActUserID: pusher.ID,
+			ActUser:   pusher,
+			OpType:    opType,
+			Content:   string(data),
+			RepoID:    repo.ID,
+			Repo:      repo,
+			RefName:   refName,
+			IsPrivate: repo.IsPrivate,
+		}
+		var isHookEventPush = true
+		switch opType {
+		case models.ActionCommitRepo: // Push
+			if isNewBranch {
+				notification.NotifyCreateRef(pusher, repo, "branch", opts.RefFullName)
+			}
+		case models.ActionDeleteBranch: // Delete Branch
+			notification.NotifyDeleteRef(pusher, repo, "branch", opts.RefFullName)
+		case models.ActionPushTag: // Create
+			notification.NotifyCreateRef(pusher, repo, "tag", opts.RefFullName)
+		case models.ActionDeleteTag: // Delete Tag
+			notification.NotifyDeleteRef(pusher, repo, "tag", opts.RefFullName)
+		default:
+			isHookEventPush = false
+		}
+		if isHookEventPush {
+			notification.NotifyPushCommits(pusher, repo, opts.RefFullName, opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID, opts.Commits)
-	if len(opts.Commits.Commits) > setting.UI.FeedMaxCommitNum {
-		opts.Commits.Commits = opts.Commits.Commits[:setting.UI.FeedMaxCommitNum]
+	if repo != nil {
+		// Change repository empty status and update last updated time.
+		if err := models.UpdateRepository(repo, false); err != nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("UpdateRepository: %v", err)
+		}
-	data, err := json.Marshal(opts.Commits)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Marshal: %v", err)
-	}
-	if err = models.NotifyWatchers(&models.Action{
-		ActUserID: pusher.ID,
-		ActUser:   pusher,
-		OpType:    opType,
-		Content:   string(data),
-		RepoID:    repo.ID,
-		Repo:      repo,
-		RefName:   refName,
-		IsPrivate: repo.IsPrivate,
-	}); err != nil {
+	if err := models.NotifyWatchers(actions...); err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("NotifyWatchers: %v", err)
-	var isHookEventPush = true
-	switch opType {
-	case models.ActionCommitRepo: // Push
-		if isNewBranch {
-			notification.NotifyCreateRef(pusher, repo, "branch", opts.RefFullName)
-		}
-	case models.ActionDeleteBranch: // Delete Branch
-		notification.NotifyDeleteRef(pusher, repo, "branch", opts.RefFullName)
-	case models.ActionPushTag: // Create
-		notification.NotifyCreateRef(pusher, repo, "tag", opts.RefFullName)
-	case models.ActionDeleteTag: // Delete Tag
-		notification.NotifyDeleteRef(pusher, repo, "tag", opts.RefFullName)
-	default:
-		isHookEventPush = false
-	}
-	if isHookEventPush {
-		notification.NotifyPushCommits(pusher, repo, opts.RefFullName, opts.OldCommitID, opts.NewCommitID, opts.Commits)
-	}
 	return nil
diff --git a/modules/repofiles/action_test.go b/modules/repofiles/action_test.go
index 5a4c6231f3b..97ac1c45e92 100644
--- a/modules/repofiles/action_test.go
+++ b/modules/repofiles/action_test.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
-func testCorrectRepoAction(t *testing.T, opts CommitRepoActionOptions, actionBean *models.Action) {
+func testCorrectRepoAction(t *testing.T, opts *CommitRepoActionOptions, actionBean *models.Action) {
 	models.AssertNotExistsBean(t, actionBean)
 	assert.NoError(t, CommitRepoAction(opts))
 	models.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, actionBean)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func TestCommitRepoAction(t *testing.T) {
 		s.action.Repo = repo
 		s.action.IsPrivate = repo.IsPrivate
-		testCorrectRepoAction(t, s.commitRepoActionOptions, &s.action)
+		testCorrectRepoAction(t, &s.commitRepoActionOptions, &s.action)
diff --git a/modules/repofiles/update.go b/modules/repofiles/update.go
index 8a95b4422ca..c97d3d46e44 100644
--- a/modules/repofiles/update.go
+++ b/modules/repofiles/update.go
@@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ type PushUpdateOptions struct {
 	RefFullName  string
 	OldCommitID  string
 	NewCommitID  string
+	Branch       string
 // PushUpdate must be called for any push actions in order to
@@ -460,60 +461,12 @@ func PushUpdate(repo *models.Repository, branch string, opts PushUpdateOptions)
 		log.Error("Failed to update size for repository: %v", err)
-	var commits = &models.PushCommits{}
-	if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
-		// If is tag reference
-		tagName := opts.RefFullName[len(git.TagPrefix):]
-		if isDelRef {
-			err = models.PushUpdateDeleteTag(repo, tagName)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateDeleteTag: %v", err)
-			}
-		} else {
-			// Clear cache for tag commit count
-			cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(tagName, true))
-			err = models.PushUpdateAddTag(repo, gitRepo, tagName)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateAddTag: %v", err)
-			}
-		}
-	} else if !isDelRef {
-		// If is branch reference
-		// Clear cache for branch commit count
-		cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(opts.RefFullName[len(git.BranchPrefix):], true))
-		newCommit, err := gitRepo.GetCommit(opts.NewCommitID)
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetCommit: %v", err)
-		}
-		// Push new branch.
-		var l *list.List
-		if isNewRef {
-			l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit(10)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit: %v", err)
-			}
-		} else {
-			l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil(opts.OldCommitID)
-			if err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil: %v", err)
-			}
-		}
-		commits = models.ListToPushCommits(l)
+	commitRepoActionOptions, err := createCommitRepoActionOption(repo, gitRepo, &opts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
-	if err := CommitRepoAction(CommitRepoActionOptions{
-		PusherName:  opts.PusherName,
-		RepoOwnerID: repo.OwnerID,
-		RepoName:    repo.Name,
-		RefFullName: opts.RefFullName,
-		OldCommitID: opts.OldCommitID,
-		NewCommitID: opts.NewCommitID,
-		Commits:     commits,
-	}); err != nil {
+	if err := CommitRepoAction(commitRepoActionOptions); err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction: %v", err)
@@ -532,3 +485,174 @@ func PushUpdate(repo *models.Repository, branch string, opts PushUpdateOptions)
 	return nil
+// PushUpdates generates push action history feeds for push updating multiple refs
+func PushUpdates(repo *models.Repository, optsList []*PushUpdateOptions) error {
+	repoPath := repo.RepoPath()
+	_, err := git.NewCommand("update-server-info").RunInDir(repoPath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to call 'git update-server-info': %v", err)
+	}
+	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repoPath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("OpenRepository: %v", err)
+	}
+	if err = repo.UpdateSize(); err != nil {
+		log.Error("Failed to update size for repository: %v", err)
+	}
+	actions, err := createCommitRepoActions(repo, gitRepo, optsList)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := CommitRepoAction(actions...); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("CommitRepoAction: %v", err)
+	}
+	var pusher *models.User
+	for _, opts := range optsList {
+		if pusher == nil || pusher.ID != opts.PusherID {
+			var err error
+			pusher, err = models.GetUserByID(opts.PusherID)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		log.Trace("TriggerTask '%s/%s' by %s", repo.Name, opts.Branch, pusher.Name)
+		go pull_service.AddTestPullRequestTask(pusher, repo.ID, opts.Branch, true)
+		if err = models.WatchIfAuto(opts.PusherID, repo.ID, true); err != nil {
+			log.Warn("Fail to perform auto watch on user %v for repo %v: %v", opts.PusherID, repo.ID, err)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createCommitRepoActions(repo *models.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, optsList []*PushUpdateOptions) ([]*CommitRepoActionOptions, error) {
+	addTags := make([]string, 0, len(optsList))
+	delTags := make([]string, 0, len(optsList))
+	actions := make([]*CommitRepoActionOptions, 0, len(optsList))
+	for _, opts := range optsList {
+		isNewRef := opts.OldCommitID == git.EmptySHA
+		isDelRef := opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA
+		if isNewRef && isDelRef {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Old and new revisions are both %s", git.EmptySHA)
+		}
+		var commits = &models.PushCommits{}
+		if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
+			// If is tag reference
+			tagName := opts.RefFullName[len(git.TagPrefix):]
+			if isDelRef {
+				delTags = append(delTags, tagName)
+			} else {
+				cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(tagName, true))
+				addTags = append(addTags, tagName)
+			}
+		} else if !isDelRef {
+			// If is branch reference
+			// Clear cache for branch commit count
+			cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(opts.RefFullName[len(git.BranchPrefix):], true))
+			newCommit, err := gitRepo.GetCommit(opts.NewCommitID)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetCommit: %v", err)
+			}
+			// Push new branch.
+			var l *list.List
+			if isNewRef {
+				l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit(10)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit: %v", err)
+				}
+			} else {
+				l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil(opts.OldCommitID)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil: %v", err)
+				}
+			}
+			commits = models.ListToPushCommits(l)
+		}
+		actions = append(actions, &CommitRepoActionOptions{
+			PusherName:  opts.PusherName,
+			RepoOwnerID: repo.OwnerID,
+			RepoName:    repo.Name,
+			RefFullName: opts.RefFullName,
+			OldCommitID: opts.OldCommitID,
+			NewCommitID: opts.NewCommitID,
+			Commits:     commits,
+		})
+	}
+	if err := models.PushUpdateAddDeleteTags(repo, gitRepo, addTags, delTags); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateAddDeleteTags: %v", err)
+	}
+	return actions, nil
+func createCommitRepoActionOption(repo *models.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository, opts *PushUpdateOptions) (*CommitRepoActionOptions, error) {
+	isNewRef := opts.OldCommitID == git.EmptySHA
+	isDelRef := opts.NewCommitID == git.EmptySHA
+	if isNewRef && isDelRef {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Old and new revisions are both %s", git.EmptySHA)
+	}
+	var commits = &models.PushCommits{}
+	if strings.HasPrefix(opts.RefFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
+		// If is tag reference
+		tagName := opts.RefFullName[len(git.TagPrefix):]
+		if isDelRef {
+			if err := models.PushUpdateDeleteTag(repo, tagName); err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateDeleteTag: %v", err)
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Clear cache for tag commit count
+			cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(tagName, true))
+			if err := models.PushUpdateAddTag(repo, gitRepo, tagName); err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateAddTag: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
+	} else if !isDelRef {
+		// If is branch reference
+		// Clear cache for branch commit count
+		cache.Remove(repo.GetCommitsCountCacheKey(opts.RefFullName[len(git.BranchPrefix):], true))
+		newCommit, err := gitRepo.GetCommit(opts.NewCommitID)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("gitRepo.GetCommit: %v", err)
+		}
+		// Push new branch.
+		var l *list.List
+		if isNewRef {
+			l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit(10)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeLimit: %v", err)
+			}
+		} else {
+			l, err = newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil(opts.OldCommitID)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("newCommit.CommitsBeforeUntil: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
+		commits = models.ListToPushCommits(l)
+	}
+	return &CommitRepoActionOptions{
+		PusherName:  opts.PusherName,
+		RepoOwnerID: repo.OwnerID,
+		RepoName:    repo.Name,
+		RefFullName: opts.RefFullName,
+		OldCommitID: opts.OldCommitID,
+		NewCommitID: opts.NewCommitID,
+		Commits:     commits,
+	}, nil
diff --git a/modules/repository/repo.go b/modules/repository/repo.go
index ea526a1e303..9351ab397e3 100644
--- a/modules/repository/repo.go
+++ b/modules/repository/repo.go
@@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ func SyncReleasesWithTags(repo *models.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository) erro
 			commitID, err := gitRepo.GetTagCommitID(rel.TagName)
 			if err != nil && !git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("GetTagCommitID: %v", err)
+				return fmt.Errorf("GetTagCommitID: %s: %v", rel.TagName, err)
 			if git.IsErrNotExist(err) || commitID != rel.Sha1 {
 				if err := models.PushUpdateDeleteTag(repo, rel.TagName); err != nil {
-					return fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateDeleteTag: %v", err)
+					return fmt.Errorf("PushUpdateDeleteTag: %s: %v", rel.TagName, err)
 			} else {
 				existingRelTags[strings.ToLower(rel.TagName)] = struct{}{}
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func SyncReleasesWithTags(repo *models.Repository, gitRepo *git.Repository) erro
 	for _, tagName := range tags {
 		if _, ok := existingRelTags[strings.ToLower(tagName)]; !ok {
 			if err := models.PushUpdateAddTag(repo, gitRepo, tagName); err != nil {
-				return fmt.Errorf("pushUpdateAddTag: %v", err)
+				return fmt.Errorf("pushUpdateAddTag: %s: %v", tagName, err)
diff --git a/routers/private/hook.go b/routers/private/hook.go
index 2644302eadc..dc5001ad4e5 100644
--- a/routers/private/hook.go
+++ b/routers/private/hook.go
@@ -22,20 +22,9 @@ import (
 // HookPreReceive checks whether a individual commit is acceptable
-func HookPreReceive(ctx *macaron.Context) {
+func HookPreReceive(ctx *macaron.Context, opts private.HookOptions) {
 	ownerName := ctx.Params(":owner")
 	repoName := ctx.Params(":repo")
-	oldCommitID := ctx.QueryTrim("old")
-	newCommitID := ctx.QueryTrim("new")
-	refFullName := ctx.QueryTrim("ref")
-	userID := ctx.QueryInt64("userID")
-	gitObjectDirectory := ctx.QueryTrim("gitObjectDirectory")
-	gitAlternativeObjectDirectories := ctx.QueryTrim("gitAlternativeObjectDirectories")
-	gitQuarantinePath := ctx.QueryTrim("gitQuarantinePath")
-	prID := ctx.QueryInt64("prID")
-	isDeployKey := ctx.QueryBool("isDeployKey")
-	branchName := strings.TrimPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix)
 	repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Error("Unable to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
@@ -45,206 +34,304 @@ func HookPreReceive(ctx *macaron.Context) {
 	repo.OwnerName = ownerName
-	protectBranch, err := models.GetProtectedBranchBy(repo.ID, branchName)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Error("Unable to get protected branch: %s in %-v Error: %v", branchName, repo, err)
-		ctx.JSON(500, map[string]interface{}{
-			"err": err.Error(),
-		})
-		return
-	}
-	if protectBranch != nil && protectBranch.IsProtected() {
-		// check and deletion
-		if newCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
-			log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from deletion", branchName, repo)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from deletion", branchName),
+	for i := range opts.OldCommitIDs {
+		oldCommitID := opts.OldCommitIDs[i]
+		newCommitID := opts.NewCommitIDs[i]
+		refFullName := opts.RefFullNames[i]
+		branchName := strings.TrimPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix)
+		protectBranch, err := models.GetProtectedBranchBy(repo.ID, branchName)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error("Unable to get protected branch: %s in %-v Error: %v", branchName, repo, err)
+			ctx.JSON(500, map[string]interface{}{
+				"err": err.Error(),
-		// detect force push
-		if git.EmptySHA != oldCommitID {
-			env := os.Environ()
-			if gitAlternativeObjectDirectories != "" {
-				env = append(env,
-					private.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories+"="+gitAlternativeObjectDirectories)
-			}
-			if gitObjectDirectory != "" {
-				env = append(env,
-					private.GitObjectDirectory+"="+gitObjectDirectory)
-			}
-			if gitQuarantinePath != "" {
-				env = append(env,
-					private.GitQuarantinePath+"="+gitQuarantinePath)
-			}
-			output, err := git.NewCommand("rev-list", "--max-count=1", oldCommitID, "^"+newCommitID).RunInDirWithEnv(repo.RepoPath(), env)
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Error("Unable to detect force push between: %s and %s in %-v Error: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
-				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-					"err": fmt.Sprintf("Fail to detect force push: %v", err),
-				})
-				return
-			} else if len(output) > 0 {
-				log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from force push", branchName, repo)
+		if protectBranch != nil && protectBranch.IsProtected() {
+			// check and deletion
+			if newCommitID == git.EmptySHA {
+				log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from deletion", branchName, repo)
 				ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
-					"err": fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from force push", branchName),
-				})
-				return
-			}
-		}
-		canPush := false
-		if isDeployKey {
-			canPush = protectBranch.CanPush && (!protectBranch.EnableWhitelist || protectBranch.WhitelistDeployKeys)
-		} else {
-			canPush = protectBranch.CanUserPush(userID)
-		}
-		if !canPush && prID > 0 {
-			pr, err := models.GetPullRequestByID(prID)
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Error("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", prID, err)
-				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-					"err": fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", prID, err),
+					"err": fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from deletion", branchName),
-			if !protectBranch.HasEnoughApprovals(pr) {
-				log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d cannot push to protected branch: %s in %-v and pr #%d does not have enough approvals", userID, branchName, repo, pr.Index)
+			// detect force push
+			if git.EmptySHA != oldCommitID {
+				env := os.Environ()
+				if opts.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories != "" {
+					env = append(env,
+						private.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories+"="+opts.GitAlternativeObjectDirectories)
+				}
+				if opts.GitObjectDirectory != "" {
+					env = append(env,
+						private.GitObjectDirectory+"="+opts.GitObjectDirectory)
+				}
+				if opts.GitQuarantinePath != "" {
+					env = append(env,
+						private.GitQuarantinePath+"="+opts.GitQuarantinePath)
+				}
+				output, err := git.NewCommand("rev-list", "--max-count=1", oldCommitID, "^"+newCommitID).RunInDirWithEnv(repo.RepoPath(), env)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error("Unable to detect force push between: %s and %s in %-v Error: %v", oldCommitID, newCommitID, repo, err)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+						"err": fmt.Sprintf("Fail to detect force push: %v", err),
+					})
+					return
+				} else if len(output) > 0 {
+					log.Warn("Forbidden: Branch: %s in %-v is protected from force push", branchName, repo)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
+						"err": fmt.Sprintf("branch %s is protected from force push", branchName),
+					})
+					return
+				}
+			}
+			canPush := false
+			if opts.IsDeployKey {
+				canPush = protectBranch.CanPush && (!protectBranch.EnableWhitelist || protectBranch.WhitelistDeployKeys)
+			} else {
+				canPush = protectBranch.CanUserPush(opts.UserID)
+			}
+			if !canPush && opts.ProtectedBranchID > 0 {
+				pr, err := models.GetPullRequestByID(opts.ProtectedBranchID)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", opts.ProtectedBranchID, err)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+						"err": fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get PullRequest %d Error: %v", opts.ProtectedBranchID, err),
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				if !protectBranch.HasEnoughApprovals(pr) {
+					log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d cannot push to protected branch: %s in %-v and pr #%d does not have enough approvals", opts.UserID, branchName, repo, pr.Index)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
+						"err": fmt.Sprintf("protected branch %s can not be pushed to and pr #%d does not have enough approvals", branchName, opts.ProtectedBranchID),
+					})
+					return
+				}
+			} else if !canPush {
+				log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d cannot push to protected branch: %s in %-v", opts.UserID, branchName, repo)
 				ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
-					"err": fmt.Sprintf("protected branch %s can not be pushed to and pr #%d does not have enough approvals", branchName, prID),
+					"err": fmt.Sprintf("protected branch %s can not be pushed to", branchName),
-		} else if !canPush {
-			log.Warn("Forbidden: User %d cannot push to protected branch: %s in %-v", userID, branchName, repo)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf("protected branch %s can not be pushed to", branchName),
-			})
-			return
 	ctx.PlainText(http.StatusOK, []byte("ok"))
 // HookPostReceive updates services and users
-func HookPostReceive(ctx *macaron.Context) {
+func HookPostReceive(ctx *macaron.Context, opts private.HookOptions) {
 	ownerName := ctx.Params(":owner")
 	repoName := ctx.Params(":repo")
-	oldCommitID := ctx.Query("old")
-	newCommitID := ctx.Query("new")
-	refFullName := ctx.Query("ref")
-	userID := ctx.QueryInt64("userID")
-	userName := ctx.Query("username")
-	branch := refFullName
-	if strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
-		branch = strings.TrimPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix)
-	} else if strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
-		branch = strings.TrimPrefix(refFullName, git.TagPrefix)
+	var repo *models.Repository
+	updates := make([]*repofiles.PushUpdateOptions, 0, len(opts.OldCommitIDs))
+	wasEmpty := false
+	for i := range opts.OldCommitIDs {
+		refFullName := opts.RefFullNames[i]
+		branch := opts.RefFullNames[i]
+		if strings.HasPrefix(branch, git.BranchPrefix) {
+			branch = strings.TrimPrefix(branch, git.BranchPrefix)
+		} else {
+			branch = strings.TrimPrefix(branch, git.TagPrefix)
+		}
+		// Only trigger activity updates for changes to branches or
+		// tags.  Updates to other refs (eg, refs/notes, refs/changes,
+		// or other less-standard refs spaces are ignored since there
+		// may be a very large number of them).
+		if strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) || strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
+			if repo == nil {
+				var err error
+				repo, err = models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+						Err: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				if repo.OwnerName == "" {
+					repo.OwnerName = ownerName
+				}
+				wasEmpty = repo.IsEmpty
+			}
+			option := repofiles.PushUpdateOptions{
+				RefFullName:  refFullName,
+				OldCommitID:  opts.OldCommitIDs[i],
+				NewCommitID:  opts.NewCommitIDs[i],
+				Branch:       branch,
+				PusherID:     opts.UserID,
+				PusherName:   opts.UserName,
+				RepoUserName: ownerName,
+				RepoName:     repoName,
+			}
+			updates = append(updates, &option)
+			if repo.IsEmpty && branch == "master" && strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
+				// put the master branch first
+				copy(updates[1:], updates)
+				updates[0] = &option
+			}
+		}
-	// Only trigger activity updates for changes to branches or
-	// tags.  Updates to other refs (eg, refs/notes, refs/changes,
-	// or other less-standard refs spaces are ignored since there
-	// may be a very large number of them).
-	if strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) || strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.TagPrefix) {
-		repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Error("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
-			})
-			return
-		}
-		if err := repofiles.PushUpdate(repo, branch, repofiles.PushUpdateOptions{
-			RefFullName:  refFullName,
-			OldCommitID:  oldCommitID,
-			NewCommitID:  newCommitID,
-			PusherID:     userID,
-			PusherName:   userName,
-			RepoUserName: ownerName,
-			RepoName:     repoName,
-		}); err != nil {
-			log.Error("Failed to Update: %s/%s Branch: %s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, branch, err)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to Update: %s/%s Branch: %s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, branch, err),
+	if repo != nil && len(updates) > 0 {
+		if err := repofiles.PushUpdates(repo, updates); err != nil {
+			log.Error("Failed to Update: %s/%s Total Updates: %d", ownerName, repoName, len(updates))
+			for i, update := range updates {
+				log.Error("Failed to Update: %s/%s Update: %d/%d: Branch: %s", ownerName, repoName, i, len(updates), update.Branch)
+			}
+			log.Error("Failed to Update: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
+			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Failed to Update: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
-	if newCommitID != git.EmptySHA && strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
-		repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Error("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
-			})
-			return
-		}
-		repo.OwnerName = ownerName
+	results := make([]private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult, 0, len(opts.OldCommitIDs))
-		pullRequestAllowed := repo.AllowsPulls()
-		if !pullRequestAllowed {
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
-				"message": false,
-			})
-			return
-		}
+	// We have to reload the repo in case its state is changed above
+	repo = nil
+	var baseRepo *models.Repository
-		baseRepo := repo
-		if repo.IsFork {
-			if err := repo.GetBaseRepo(); err != nil {
-				log.Error("Failed to get Base Repository of Forked repository: %-v Error: %v", repo, err)
-				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-					"err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get Base Repository of Forked repository: %-v Error: %v", repo, err),
+	for i := range opts.OldCommitIDs {
+		refFullName := opts.RefFullNames[i]
+		newCommitID := opts.NewCommitIDs[i]
+		branch := git.RefEndName(opts.RefFullNames[i])
+		if newCommitID != git.EmptySHA && strings.HasPrefix(refFullName, git.BranchPrefix) {
+			if repo == nil {
+				var err error
+				repo, err = models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+						Err:          fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+						RepoWasEmpty: wasEmpty,
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				if repo.OwnerName == "" {
+					repo.OwnerName = ownerName
+				}
+				if !repo.AllowsPulls() {
+					// We can stop there's no need to go any further
+					ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+						RepoWasEmpty: wasEmpty,
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				baseRepo = repo
+				if repo.IsFork {
+					if err := repo.GetBaseRepo(); err != nil {
+						log.Error("Failed to get Base Repository of Forked repository: %-v Error: %v", repo, err)
+						ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+							Err:          fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get Base Repository of Forked repository: %-v Error: %v", repo, err),
+							RepoWasEmpty: wasEmpty,
+						})
+						return
+					}
+					baseRepo = repo.BaseRepo
+				}
+			}
+			if !repo.IsFork && branch == baseRepo.DefaultBranch {
+				results = append(results, private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult{})
+				continue
+			}
+			pr, err := models.GetUnmergedPullRequest(repo.ID, baseRepo.ID, branch, baseRepo.DefaultBranch)
+			if err != nil && !models.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) {
+				log.Error("Failed to get active PR in: %-v Branch: %s to: %-v Branch: %s Error: %v", repo, branch, baseRepo, baseRepo.DefaultBranch, err)
+				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+					Err: fmt.Sprintf(
+						"Failed to get active PR in: %-v Branch: %s to: %-v Branch: %s Error: %v", repo, branch, baseRepo, baseRepo.DefaultBranch, err),
+					RepoWasEmpty: wasEmpty,
-			baseRepo = repo.BaseRepo
-		}
-		if !repo.IsFork && branch == baseRepo.DefaultBranch {
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
-				"message": false,
-			})
-			return
-		}
-		pr, err := models.GetUnmergedPullRequest(repo.ID, baseRepo.ID, branch, baseRepo.DefaultBranch)
-		if err != nil && !models.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) {
-			log.Error("Failed to get active PR in: %-v Branch: %s to: %-v Branch: %s Error: %v", repo, branch, baseRepo, baseRepo.DefaultBranch, err)
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
-				"err": fmt.Sprintf(
-					"Failed to get active PR in: %-v Branch: %s to: %-v Branch: %s Error: %v", repo, branch, baseRepo, baseRepo.DefaultBranch, err),
-			})
-			return
-		}
-		if pr == nil {
-			if repo.IsFork {
-				branch = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", repo.OwnerName, branch)
+			if pr == nil {
+				if repo.IsFork {
+					branch = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", repo.OwnerName, branch)
+				}
+				results = append(results, private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult{
+					Message: true,
+					Create:  true,
+					Branch:  branch,
+					URL:     fmt.Sprintf("%s/compare/%s...%s", baseRepo.HTMLURL(), util.PathEscapeSegments(baseRepo.DefaultBranch), util.PathEscapeSegments(branch)),
+				})
+			} else {
+				results = append(results, private.HookPostReceiveBranchResult{
+					Message: true,
+					Create:  false,
+					Branch:  branch,
+					URL:     fmt.Sprintf("%s/pulls/%d", baseRepo.HTMLURL(), pr.Index),
+				})
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
-				"message": true,
-				"create":  true,
-				"branch":  branch,
-				"url":     fmt.Sprintf("%s/compare/%s...%s", baseRepo.HTMLURL(), util.PathEscapeSegments(baseRepo.DefaultBranch), util.PathEscapeSegments(branch)),
-			})
-		} else {
-			ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
-				"message": true,
-				"create":  false,
-				"branch":  branch,
-				"url":     fmt.Sprintf("%s/pulls/%d", baseRepo.HTMLURL(), pr.Index),
-			})
-		return
-	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
-		"message": false,
+	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, private.HookPostReceiveResult{
+		Results:      results,
+		RepoWasEmpty: wasEmpty,
+// SetDefaultBranch updates the default branch
+func SetDefaultBranch(ctx *macaron.Context) {
+	ownerName := ctx.Params(":owner")
+	repoName := ctx.Params(":repo")
+	branch := ctx.Params(":branch")
+	repo, err := models.GetRepositoryByOwnerAndName(ownerName, repoName)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Error("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err)
+		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+			"Err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+		})
+		return
+	}
+	if repo.OwnerName == "" {
+		repo.OwnerName = ownerName
+	}
+	repo.DefaultBranch = branch
+	gitRepo, err := git.OpenRepository(repo.RepoPath())
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+			"Err": fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get git repository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+		})
+		return
+	}
+	if err := gitRepo.SetDefaultBranch(repo.DefaultBranch); err != nil {
+		if !git.IsErrUnsupportedVersion(err) {
+			gitRepo.Close()
+			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+				"Err": fmt.Sprintf("Unable to set default branch onrepository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+			})
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	gitRepo.Close()
+	if err := repo.UpdateDefaultBranch(); err != nil {
+		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]interface{}{
+			"Err": fmt.Sprintf("Unable to set default branch onrepository: %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
+		})
+		return
+	}
+	ctx.PlainText(200, []byte("success"))
diff --git a/routers/private/internal.go b/routers/private/internal.go
index dafcd88822a..913a52e4042 100644
--- a/routers/private/internal.go
+++ b/routers/private/internal.go
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import (
+	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/private"
+	"gitea.com/macaron/binding"
@@ -77,11 +79,14 @@ func CheckUnitUser(ctx *macaron.Context) {
 // RegisterRoutes registers all internal APIs routes to web application.
 // These APIs will be invoked by internal commands for example `gitea serv` and etc.
 func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
+	bind := binding.Bind
 	m.Group("/", func() {
 		m.Post("/ssh/authorized_keys", AuthorizedPublicKeyByContent)
 		m.Post("/ssh/:id/update/:repoid", UpdatePublicKeyInRepo)
-		m.Get("/hook/pre-receive/:owner/:repo", HookPreReceive)
-		m.Get("/hook/post-receive/:owner/:repo", HookPostReceive)
+		m.Post("/hook/pre-receive/:owner/:repo", bind(private.HookOptions{}), HookPreReceive)
+		m.Post("/hook/post-receive/:owner/:repo", bind(private.HookOptions{}), HookPostReceive)
+		m.Post("/hook/set-default-branch/:owner/:repo/:branch", SetDefaultBranch)
 		m.Get("/serv/none/:keyid", ServNoCommand)
 		m.Get("/serv/command/:keyid/:owner/:repo", ServCommand)
 	}, CheckInternalToken)