// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package org

import (

	repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
	shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"

const (
	tplOrgHome base.TplName = "org/home"

// Home show organization home page
func Home(ctx *context.Context) {
	uname := ctx.Params(":username")

	if strings.HasSuffix(uname, ".keys") || strings.HasSuffix(uname, ".gpg") {
		ctx.NotFound("", nil)

	ctx.SetParams(":org", uname)
	if ctx.Written() {

	org := ctx.Org.Organization

	ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true
	ctx.Data["Title"] = org.DisplayName()

	var orderBy db.SearchOrderBy
	ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.FormString("sort")
	switch ctx.FormString("sort") {
	case "newest":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByNewest
	case "oldest":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByOldest
	case "recentupdate":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
	case "leastupdate":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
	case "reversealphabetically":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
	case "alphabetically":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
	case "moststars":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStarsReverse
	case "feweststars":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStars
	case "mostforks":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForksReverse
	case "fewestforks":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForks
		ctx.Data["SortType"] = "recentupdate"
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated

	keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
	ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword

	language := ctx.FormTrim("language")
	ctx.Data["Language"] = language

	page := ctx.FormInt("page")
	if page <= 0 {
		page = 1

	archived := ctx.FormOptionalBool("archived")
	ctx.Data["IsArchived"] = archived

	fork := ctx.FormOptionalBool("fork")
	ctx.Data["IsFork"] = fork

	mirror := ctx.FormOptionalBool("mirror")
	ctx.Data["IsMirror"] = mirror

	template := ctx.FormOptionalBool("template")
	ctx.Data["IsTemplate"] = template

	private := ctx.FormOptionalBool("private")
	ctx.Data["IsPrivate"] = private

	var (
		repos []*repo_model.Repository
		count int64
		err   error
	repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
		ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
			PageSize: setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum,
			Page:     page,
		Keyword:            keyword,
		OwnerID:            org.ID,
		OrderBy:            orderBy,
		Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
		Actor:              ctx.Doer,
		Language:           language,
		IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		Archived:           archived,
		Fork:               fork,
		Mirror:             mirror,
		Template:           template,
		IsPrivate:          private,
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

	opts := &organization.FindOrgMembersOpts{
		OrgID:       org.ID,
		PublicOnly:  ctx.Org.PublicMemberOnly,
		ListOptions: db.ListOptions{Page: 1, PageSize: 25},
	members, _, err := organization.FindOrgMembers(ctx, opts)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("FindOrgMembers", err)

	ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
	ctx.Data["Total"] = count
	ctx.Data["Members"] = members
	ctx.Data["Teams"] = ctx.Org.Teams
	ctx.Data["DisableNewPullMirrors"] = setting.Mirror.DisableNewPull
	ctx.Data["PageIsViewRepositories"] = true

	err = shared_user.LoadHeaderCount(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("LoadHeaderCount", err)

	pager := context.NewPagination(int(count), setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum, page, 5)
	pager.AddParamString("language", language)
	if archived.Has() {
		pager.AddParamString("archived", fmt.Sprint(archived.Value()))
	if fork.Has() {
		pager.AddParamString("fork", fmt.Sprint(fork.Value()))
	if mirror.Has() {
		pager.AddParamString("mirror", fmt.Sprint(mirror.Value()))
	if template.Has() {
		pager.AddParamString("template", fmt.Sprint(template.Value()))
	if private.Has() {
		pager.AddParamString("private", fmt.Sprint(private.Value()))
	ctx.Data["Page"] = pager

	ctx.Data["ShowMemberAndTeamTab"] = ctx.Org.IsMember || len(members) > 0

	profileDbRepo, profileGitRepo, profileReadmeBlob, profileClose := shared_user.FindUserProfileReadme(ctx, ctx.Doer)
	defer profileClose()
	prepareOrgProfileReadme(ctx, profileGitRepo, profileDbRepo, profileReadmeBlob)

	ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplOrgHome)

func prepareOrgProfileReadme(ctx *context.Context, profileGitRepo *git.Repository, profileDbRepo *repo_model.Repository, profileReadme *git.Blob) {
	if profileGitRepo == nil || profileReadme == nil {

	if bytes, err := profileReadme.GetBlobContent(setting.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize); err != nil {
		log.Error("failed to GetBlobContent: %v", err)
	} else {
		if profileContent, err := markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
			Ctx:     ctx,
			GitRepo: profileGitRepo,
			Links: markup.Links{
				// Pass repo link to markdown render for the full link of media elements.
				// The profile of default branch would be shown.
				Base:       profileDbRepo.Link(),
				BranchPath: path.Join("branch", util.PathEscapeSegments(profileDbRepo.DefaultBranch)),
			Metas: map[string]string{"mode": "document"},
		}, bytes); err != nil {
			log.Error("failed to RenderString: %v", err)
		} else {
			ctx.Data["ProfileReadme"] = profileContent