import {diffTreeStore} from '../modules/stores.ts'; import {setFileFolding} from './file-fold.ts'; import {POST} from '../modules/fetch.ts'; const {pageData} = window.config; const prReview = pageData.prReview || {}; const viewedStyleClass = 'viewed-file-checked-form'; const viewedCheckboxSelector = '.viewed-file-form'; // Selector under which all "Viewed" checkbox forms can be found const expandFilesBtnSelector = '#expand-files-btn'; const collapseFilesBtnSelector = '#collapse-files-btn'; // Refreshes the summary of viewed files if present // The data used will be window.config.pageData.prReview.numberOf{Viewed}Files function refreshViewedFilesSummary() { const viewedFilesProgress = document.querySelector('#viewed-files-summary'); viewedFilesProgress?.setAttribute('value', prReview.numberOfViewedFiles); const summaryLabel = document.querySelector('#viewed-files-summary-label'); if (summaryLabel) summaryLabel.innerHTML = summaryLabel.getAttribute('data-text-changed-template') .replace('%[1]d', prReview.numberOfViewedFiles) .replace('%[2]d', prReview.numberOfFiles); } // Explicitly recounts how many files the user has currently reviewed by counting the number of checked "viewed" checkboxes // Additionally, the viewed files summary will be updated if it exists export function countAndUpdateViewedFiles() { // The number of files is constant, but the number of viewed files can change because files can be loaded dynamically prReview.numberOfViewedFiles = document.querySelectorAll(`${viewedCheckboxSelector} > input[type=checkbox][checked]`).length; refreshViewedFilesSummary(); } // Initializes a listener for all children of the given html element // (for example 'document' in the most basic case) // to watch for changes of viewed-file checkboxes export function initViewedCheckboxListenerFor() { for (const form of document.querySelectorAll(`${viewedCheckboxSelector}:not([data-has-viewed-checkbox-listener="true"])`)) { // To prevent double addition of listeners form.setAttribute('data-has-viewed-checkbox-listener', String(true)); // The checkbox consists of a div containing the real checkbox with its label and the CSRF token, // hence the actual checkbox first has to be found const checkbox = form.querySelector('input[type=checkbox]'); checkbox.addEventListener('input', function() { // Mark the file as viewed visually - will especially change the background if (this.checked) { form.classList.add(viewedStyleClass); checkbox.setAttribute('checked', ''); prReview.numberOfViewedFiles++; } else { form.classList.remove(viewedStyleClass); checkbox.removeAttribute('checked'); prReview.numberOfViewedFiles--; } // Update viewed-files summary and remove "has changed" label if present refreshViewedFilesSummary(); const hasChangedLabel = form.parentNode.querySelector('.changed-since-last-review'); hasChangedLabel?.remove(); const fileName = checkbox.getAttribute('name'); // check if the file is in our difftreestore and if we find it -> change the IsViewed status const fileInPageData = diffTreeStore().files.find((x) => x.Name === fileName); if (fileInPageData) { fileInPageData.IsViewed = this.checked; } // Unfortunately, actual forms cause too many problems, hence another approach is needed const files = {}; files[fileName] = this.checked; const data: Record<string, any> = {files}; const headCommitSHA = form.getAttribute('data-headcommit'); if (headCommitSHA) data.headCommitSHA = headCommitSHA; POST(form.getAttribute('data-link'), {data}); // Fold the file accordingly const parentBox = form.closest('.diff-file-header'); setFileFolding(parentBox.closest('.file-content'), parentBox.querySelector('.fold-file'), this.checked); }); } } export function initExpandAndCollapseFilesButton() { // expand btn document.querySelector(expandFilesBtnSelector)?.addEventListener('click', () => { for (const box of document.querySelectorAll('.file-content[data-folded="true"]')) { setFileFolding(box, box.querySelector('.fold-file'), false); } }); // collapse btn, need to exclude the div of “show more” document.querySelector(collapseFilesBtnSelector)?.addEventListener('click', () => { for (const box of document.querySelectorAll('.file-content:not([data-folded="true"])')) { if (box.getAttribute('id') === 'diff-incomplete') continue; setFileFolding(box, box.querySelector('.fold-file'), true); } }); }