import {svg} from '../../svg.ts'; import type EasyMDE from 'easymde'; import type {ComboMarkdownEditor} from './ComboMarkdownEditor.ts'; export function easyMDEToolbarActions(easyMde: typeof EasyMDE, editor: ComboMarkdownEditor): Record<string, Partial<EasyMDE.ToolbarIcon | string>> { const actions: Record<string, Partial<EasyMDE.ToolbarIcon> | string> = { '|': '|', 'heading-1': { action: easyMde.toggleHeading1, icon: svg('octicon-heading'), title: 'Heading 1', }, 'heading-2': { action: easyMde.toggleHeading2, icon: svg('octicon-heading'), title: 'Heading 2', }, 'heading-3': { action: easyMde.toggleHeading3, icon: svg('octicon-heading'), title: 'Heading 3', }, 'heading-smaller': { action: easyMde.toggleHeadingSmaller, icon: svg('octicon-heading'), title: 'Decrease Heading', }, 'heading-bigger': { action: easyMde.toggleHeadingBigger, icon: svg('octicon-heading'), title: 'Increase Heading', }, 'bold': { action: easyMde.toggleBold, icon: svg('octicon-bold'), title: 'Bold', }, 'italic': { action: easyMde.toggleItalic, icon: svg('octicon-italic'), title: 'Italic', }, 'strikethrough': { action: easyMde.toggleStrikethrough, icon: svg('octicon-strikethrough'), title: 'Strikethrough', }, 'quote': { action: easyMde.toggleBlockquote, icon: svg('octicon-quote'), title: 'Quote', }, 'code': { action: easyMde.toggleCodeBlock, icon: svg('octicon-code'), title: 'Code', }, 'link': { action: easyMde.drawLink, icon: svg('octicon-link'), title: 'Link', }, 'unordered-list': { action: easyMde.toggleUnorderedList, icon: svg('octicon-list-unordered'), title: 'Unordered List', }, 'ordered-list': { action: easyMde.toggleOrderedList, icon: svg('octicon-list-ordered'), title: 'Ordered List', }, 'image': { action: easyMde.drawImage, icon: svg('octicon-image'), title: 'Image', }, 'table': { action: easyMde.drawTable, icon: svg('octicon-table'), title: 'Table', }, 'horizontal-rule': { action: easyMde.drawHorizontalRule, icon: svg('octicon-horizontal-rule'), title: 'Horizontal Rule', }, 'preview': { action: easyMde.togglePreview, icon: svg('octicon-eye'), title: 'Preview', }, 'fullscreen': { action: easyMde.toggleFullScreen, icon: svg('octicon-screen-full'), title: 'Fullscreen', }, 'side-by-side': { action: easyMde.toggleSideBySide, icon: svg('octicon-columns'), title: 'Side by Side', }, // gitea's custom actions 'gitea-checkbox-empty': { action(e) { const cm = e.codemirror; cm.replaceSelection(`\n- [ ] ${cm.getSelection()}`); cm.focus(); }, icon: svg('gitea-empty-checkbox'), title: 'Add Checkbox (empty)', }, 'gitea-checkbox-checked': { action(e) { const cm = e.codemirror; cm.replaceSelection(`\n- [x] ${cm.getSelection()}`); cm.focus(); }, icon: svg('octicon-checkbox'), title: 'Add Checkbox (checked)', }, 'gitea-switch-to-textarea': { action: () => { editor.userPreferredEditor = 'textarea'; editor.switchToTextarea(); }, icon: svg('octicon-arrow-switch'), title: 'Revert to simple textarea', }, 'gitea-code-inline': { action(e) { const cm = e.codemirror; const selection = cm.getSelection(); cm.replaceSelection(`\`${selection}\``); if (!selection) { const cursorPos = cm.getCursor(); cm.setCursor(cursorPos.line, - 1); } cm.focus(); }, icon: svg('octicon-chevron-right'), title: 'Add Inline Code', }, }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(actions)) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { = key; } } return actions; }