/* Gitea's tailwind-style CSS helper classes have `gt-` prefix. Gitea's private styles use `g-` prefix. */ .gt-df { display: flex !important; } .gt-dib { display: inline-block !important; } .gt-ac { align-items: center !important; } .gt-jc { justify-content: center !important; } .gt-je { justify-content: flex-end !important; } .gt-sb { justify-content: space-between !important; } .gt-fc { flex-direction: column !important; } .gt-f1 { flex: 1 !important; } .gt-fw { flex-wrap: wrap !important; } .gt-vm { vertical-align: middle !important; } .gt-mono { font-family: var(--fonts-monospace) !important; font-size: .95em !important; /* compensate for monospace fonts being usually slightly larger */ } .gt-word-break { word-wrap: break-word !important; word-break: break-word; /* compat: Safari */ overflow-wrap: anywhere; } .gt-ellipsis { overflow: hidden !important; white-space: nowrap !important; text-overflow: ellipsis !important; } .g-table-auto-ellipsis td.auto-ellipsis { position: relative; } .g-table-auto-ellipsis td.auto-ellipsis span { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; padding: inherit; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* below class names match Tailwind CSS */ .gt-object-contain { object-fit: contain !important; } .gt-no-underline { text-decoration-line: none !important; } .gt-line-through { text-decoration-line: line-through !important; } .gt-normal-case { text-transform: none !important; } .gt-italic { font-style: italic !important; } .gt-font-light { font-weight: var(--font-weight-light) !important; } .gt-font-normal { font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal) !important; } .gt-font-medium { font-weight: var(--font-weight-medium) !important; } .gt-font-semibold { font-weight: var(--font-weight-semibold) !important; } .gt-font-bold { font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold) !important; } .gt-rounded { border-radius: var(--border-radius) !important; } .gt-rounded-top { border-radius: var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0 0 !important; } .gt-rounded-bottom { border-radius: 0 0 var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) !important; } .gt-rounded-left { border-radius: var(--border-radius) 0 0 var(--border-radius) !important; } .gt-rounded-right { border-radius: 0 var(--border-radius) var(--border-radius) 0 !important; } .gt-border-secondary { border: 1px solid var(--color-secondary) !important; } .gt-border-secondary-top { border-top: 1px solid var(--color-secondary) !important; } .gt-border-secondary-bottom { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-secondary) !important; } .gt-border-secondary-left { border-left: 1px solid var(--color-secondary) !important; } .gt-border-secondary-right { border-right: 1px solid var(--color-secondary) !important; } .gt-bg-red { background: var(--color-red) !important; } .gt-bg-orange { background: var(--color-orange) !important; } .gt-bg-yellow { background: var(--color-yellow) !important; } .gt-bg-olive { background: var(--color-olive) !important; } .gt-bg-green { background: var(--color-green) !important; } .gt-bg-teal { background: var(--color-teal) !important; } .gt-bg-blue { background: var(--color-blue) !important; } .gt-bg-violet { background: var(--color-violet) !important; } .gt-bg-purple { background: var(--color-purple) !important; } .gt-bg-pink { background: var(--color-pink) !important; } .gt-bg-brown { background: var(--color-brown) !important; } .gt-bg-grey { background: var(--color-grey) !important; } .gt-bg-gold { background: var(--color-gold) !important; } .gt-bg-transparent { background: transparent !important; } .gt-text-white { color: var(--color-white) !important; } .interact-fg { color: inherit !important; } .interact-fg:hover { color: var(--color-primary) !important; } .interact-fg:active { color: var(--color-primary-active) !important; } .interact-bg { background: transparent !important; } .interact-bg:hover { background: var(--color-hover) !important; } .interact-bg:active { background: var(--color-active) !important; } .gt-m-0 { margin: 0 !important; } .gt-m-1 { margin: .125rem !important; } .gt-m-2 { margin: .25rem !important; } .gt-m-3 { margin: .5rem !important; } .gt-m-4 { margin: 1rem !important; } .gt-m-5 { margin: 2rem !important; } .gt-ml--2 { margin-left: -.25rem !important; } .gt-ml-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; } .gt-ml-1 { margin-left: .125rem !important; } .gt-ml-2 { margin-left: .25rem !important; } .gt-ml-3 { margin-left: .5rem !important; } .gt-ml-4 { margin-left: 1rem !important; } .gt-ml-5 { margin-left: 2rem !important; } .gt-mr-0 { margin-right: 0 !important; } .gt-mr-1 { margin-right: .125rem !important; } .gt-mr-2 { margin-right: .25rem !important; } .gt-mr-3 { margin-right: .5rem !important; } .gt-mr-4 { margin-right: 1rem !important; } .gt-mr-5 { margin-right: 2rem !important; } .gt-mt-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; } .gt-mt-1 { margin-top: .125rem !important; } .gt-mt-2 { margin-top: .25rem !important; } .gt-mt-3 { margin-top: .5rem !important; } .gt-mt-4 { margin-top: 1rem !important; } .gt-mt-5 { margin-top: 2rem !important; } .gt-mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .gt-mb-1 { margin-bottom: .125rem !important; } .gt-mb-2 { margin-bottom: .25rem !important; } .gt-mb-3 { margin-bottom: .5rem !important; } .gt-mb-4 { margin-bottom: 1rem !important; } .gt-mb-5 { margin-bottom: 2rem !important; } .gt-mx-0 { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-right: 0 !important; } .gt-mx-1 { margin-left: .125rem !important; margin-right: .125rem !important; } .gt-mx-2 { margin-left: .25rem !important; margin-right: .25rem !important; } .gt-mx-3 { margin-left: .5rem !important; margin-right: .5rem !important; } .gt-mx-4 { margin-left: 1rem !important; margin-right: 1rem !important; } .gt-mx-5 { margin-left: 2rem !important; margin-right: 2rem !important; } .gt-my-0 { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; } .gt-my-1 { margin-top: .125rem !important; margin-bottom: .125rem !important; } .gt-my-2 { margin-top: .25rem !important; margin-bottom: .25rem !important; } .gt-my-3 { margin-top: .5rem !important; margin-bottom: .5rem !important; } .gt-my-4 { margin-top: 1rem !important; margin-bottom: 1rem !important; } .gt-my-5 { margin-top: 2rem !important; margin-bottom: 2rem !important; } .gt-m-auto { margin: auto !important; } .gt-mx-auto { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; } .gt-my-auto { margin-top: auto !important; margin-bottom: auto !important; } .gt-mt-auto { margin-top: auto !important; } .gt-mr-auto { margin-right: auto !important; } .gt-mb-auto { margin-bottom: auto !important; } .gt-ml-auto { margin-left: auto !important; } .gt-p-0 { padding: 0 !important; } .gt-p-1 { padding: .125rem !important; } .gt-p-2 { padding: .25rem !important; } .gt-p-3 { padding: .5rem !important; } .gt-p-4 { padding: 1rem !important; } .gt-p-5 { padding: 2rem !important; } .gt-pl-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; } .gt-pl-1 { padding-left: .125rem !important; } .gt-pl-2 { padding-left: .25rem !important; } .gt-pl-3 { padding-left: .5rem !important; } .gt-pl-4 { padding-left: 1rem !important; } .gt-pl-5 { padding-left: 2rem !important; } .gt-pr-0 { padding-right: 0 !important; } .gt-pr-1 { padding-right: .125rem !important; } .gt-pr-2 { padding-right: .25rem !important; } .gt-pr-3 { padding-right: .5rem !important; } .gt-pr-4 { padding-right: 1rem !important; } .gt-pr-5 { padding-right: 2rem !important; } .gt-pt-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; } .gt-pt-1 { padding-top: .125rem !important; } .gt-pt-2 { padding-top: .25rem !important; } .gt-pt-3 { padding-top: .5rem !important; } .gt-pt-4 { padding-top: 1rem !important; } .gt-pt-5 { padding-top: 2rem !important; } .gt-pb-0 { padding-bottom: 0 !important; } .gt-pb-1 { padding-bottom: .125rem !important; } .gt-pb-2 { padding-bottom: .25rem !important; } .gt-pb-3 { padding-bottom: .5rem !important; } .gt-pb-4 { padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } .gt-pb-5 { padding-bottom: 2rem !important; } .gt-px-0 { padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } .gt-px-1 { padding-left: .125rem !important; padding-right: .125rem !important; } .gt-px-2 { padding-left: .25rem !important; padding-right: .25rem !important; } .gt-px-3 { padding-left: .5rem !important; padding-right: .5rem !important; } .gt-px-4 { padding-left: 1rem !important; padding-right: 1rem !important; } .gt-px-5 { padding-left: 2rem !important; padding-right: 2rem !important; } .gt-py-0 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } .gt-py-1 { padding-top: .125rem !important; padding-bottom: .125rem !important; } .gt-py-2 { padding-top: .25rem !important; padding-bottom: .25rem !important; } .gt-py-3 { padding-top: .5rem !important; padding-bottom: .5rem !important; } .gt-py-4 { padding-top: 1rem !important; padding-bottom: 1rem !important; } .gt-py-5 { padding-top: 2rem !important; padding-bottom: 2rem !important; } .gt-gap-0 { gap: 0 !important; } .gt-gap-1 { gap: .125rem !important; } .gt-gap-2 { gap: .25rem !important; } .gt-gap-3 { gap: .5rem !important; } .gt-gap-4 { gap: 1rem !important; } .gt-gap-5 { gap: 2rem !important; } .gt-gap-x-0 { column-gap: 0 !important; } .gt-gap-x-1 { column-gap: .125rem !important; } .gt-gap-x-2 { column-gap: .25rem !important; } .gt-gap-x-3 { column-gap: .5rem !important; } .gt-gap-x-4 { column-gap: 1rem !important; } .gt-gap-x-5 { column-gap: 2rem !important; } .gt-gap-y-0 { row-gap: 0 !important; } .gt-gap-y-1 { row-gap: .125rem !important; } .gt-gap-y-2 { row-gap: .25rem !important; } .gt-gap-y-3 { row-gap: .5rem !important; } .gt-gap-y-4 { row-gap: 1rem !important; } .gt-gap-y-5 { row-gap: 2rem !important; } .gt-shrink-0 { flex-shrink: 0 !important; } .gt-font-12 { font-size: 12px !important } .gt-font-13 { font-size: 13px !important } .gt-font-14 { font-size: 14px !important } .gt-font-15 { font-size: 15px !important } .gt-font-16 { font-size: 16px !important } .gt-font-17 { font-size: 17px !important } .gt-font-18 { font-size: 18px !important } /* gt-hidden must win all other "display: xxx !important" classes to get the chance to "hide" an element. do not use: * "[hidden]" attribute: it's too weak, can not be applied to an element with "display: flex" * ".hidden" class: it has been polluted by Fomantic UI in many cases * inline style="display: none": it's difficult to tweak * jQuery's show/hide/toggle: it can not show/hide elements with "display: xxx !important" only use: * this ".gt-hidden" class * showElem/hideElem/toggleElem functions in "utils/dom.js" */ .gt-hidden.gt-hidden { display: none !important; }