import {displayError} from './common.ts'; function targetElement(el: Element) { // The target element is either the current element if it has the // `is-loading` class or the pre that contains it return el.classList.contains('is-loading') ? el : el.closest('pre'); } export async function renderMath(): Promise<void> { const els = document.querySelectorAll('.markup code.language-math'); if (!els.length) return; const [{default: katex}] = await Promise.all([ import(/* webpackChunkName: "katex" */'katex'), import(/* webpackChunkName: "katex" */'katex/dist/katex.css'), ]); const MAX_CHARS = 1000; const MAX_SIZE = 25; const MAX_EXPAND = 1000; for (const el of els) { const target = targetElement(el); if (target.hasAttribute('data-render-done')) continue; const source = el.textContent; if (source.length > MAX_CHARS) { displayError(target, new Error(`Math source of ${source.length} characters exceeds the maximum allowed length of ${MAX_CHARS}.`)); continue; } const displayMode = el.classList.contains('display'); const nodeName = displayMode ? 'p' : 'span'; try { const tempEl = document.createElement(nodeName); katex.render(source, tempEl, { maxSize: MAX_SIZE, maxExpand: MAX_EXPAND, displayMode, }); target.replaceWith(tempEl); } catch (error) { displayError(target, error); } } }