zeripath 5cb0c9aa0d
Propagate context and ensure git commands run in request context ()
This PR continues the work in  by progressively ensuring that git
commands run within the request context.

This now means that the if there is a git repo already open in the context it will be used instead of reopening it.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Thornton <art27@cantab.net>
2022-01-19 23:26:57 +00:00

80 lines
3.4 KiB

<div id="rev-container">
<ul id="rev-list">
{{ range $commitI, $commit := .Graph.Commits }}
<li {{if $commit.Rev}}id="commit-{{$commit.Rev}}"{{end}} data-flow="{{$commit.Flow}}">
{{ if $commit.OnlyRelation }}
{{ else }}
<span class="sha" id="{{$commit.ShortRev}}">
{{$class := "ui sha label"}}
{{if $commit.Commit.Signature}}
{{$class = (printf "%s%s" $class " isSigned")}}
{{if $commit.Verification.Verified}}
{{if eq $commit.Verification.TrustStatus "trusted"}}
{{$class = (printf "%s%s" $class " isVerified")}}
{{else if eq $commit.Verification.TrustStatus "untrusted"}}
{{$class = (printf "%s%s" $class " isVerifiedUntrusted")}}
{{$class = (printf "%s%s" $class " isVerifiedUnmatched")}}
{{else if $commit.Verification.Warning}}
{{$class = (printf "%s%s" $class " isWarning")}}
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{$commit.Rev|PathEscape}}" rel="nofollow" class="{{$class}}">
<span class="shortsha">{{ShortSha $commit.Commit.ID.String}}</span>
{{- if $commit.Commit.Signature -}}
<span class="shortsha-pad"></span>{{template "repo/shabox_badge" dict "root" $ "verification" $commit.Verification}}
{{- end -}}
<span class="message dib ellipsis mr-2">
<span>{{RenderCommitMessage $.Context $commit.Subject $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span>
<span class="tags df ac">
{{range $commit.Refs}}
{{$refGroup := .RefGroup}}
{{if eq $refGroup "pull"}}
{{if or (not $.HidePRRefs) (containGeneric $.SelectedBranches .Name)}}
<!-- it's intended to use issues not pulls, if it's a pull you will get redirected -->
<a class="ui labelled icon button basic tiny mr-2" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.Repository.UnitEnabled $.UnitTypePullRequests}}pulls{{else}}issues{{end}}/{{.ShortName|PathEscape}}">
{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "mr-2"}}#{{.ShortName}}
{{else if eq $refGroup "tags"}}
<a class="ui labelled icon button basic tiny mr-2" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/tag/{{.ShortName|PathEscape}}">
{{svg "octicon-tag" 16 "mr-2"}}{{.ShortName}}
{{else if eq $refGroup "remotes"}}
<a class="ui labelled icon button basic tiny mr-2" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/commit/{{$commit.Rev|PathEscape}}">
{{svg "octicon-cross-reference" 16 "mr-2"}}{{.ShortName}}
{{else if eq $refGroup "heads"}}
<a class="ui labelled icon button basic tiny mr-2" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{.ShortName|PathEscape}}">
{{svg "octicon-git-branch" 16 "mr-2"}}{{.ShortName}}
<!-- Unknown ref type {{.Name}} -->
<span class="author df ac mr-2">
{{$userName := $commit.Commit.Author.Name}}
{{if $commit.User}}
{{if $commit.User.FullName}}
{{$userName = $commit.User.FullName}}
{{avatar $commit.User}}
<a href="{{$commit.User.HomeLink}}">{{$userName}}</a>
{{avatarByEmail $commit.Commit.Author.Email $userName}}
<span class="time df ac">{{$commit.Date}}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}