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// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package web
import (
// Bind binding an obj to a handler's context data
func Bind[T any](_ T) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
theObj := new(T) // create a new form obj for every request but not use obj directly
data := middleware.GetContextData(req.Context())
binding.Bind(req, theObj)
SetForm(data, theObj)
middleware.AssignForm(theObj, data)
// SetForm set the form object
func SetForm(dataStore reqctx.ContextDataProvider, obj any) {
dataStore.GetData()["__form"] = obj
// GetForm returns the validate form information
func GetForm(dataStore reqctx.RequestDataStore) any {
return dataStore.GetData()["__form"]
// Router defines a route based on chi's router
type Router struct {
chiRouter chi.Router
curGroupPrefix string
curMiddlewares []any
// NewRouter creates a new route
func NewRouter() *Router {
r := chi.NewRouter()
return &Router{chiRouter: r}
// Use supports two middlewares
func (r *Router) Use(middlewares ...any) {
for _, m := range middlewares {
if m != nil {
// Group mounts a sub-Router along a `pattern` string.
func (r *Router) Group(pattern string, fn func(), middlewares ...any) {
previousGroupPrefix := r.curGroupPrefix
previousMiddlewares := r.curMiddlewares
r.curGroupPrefix += pattern
r.curMiddlewares = append(r.curMiddlewares, middlewares...)
r.curGroupPrefix = previousGroupPrefix
r.curMiddlewares = previousMiddlewares
func (r *Router) getPattern(pattern string) string {
newPattern := r.curGroupPrefix + pattern
if !strings.HasPrefix(newPattern, "/") {
newPattern = "/" + newPattern
if newPattern == "/" {
return newPattern
return strings.TrimSuffix(newPattern, "/")
func isNilOrFuncNil(v any) bool {
if v == nil {
return true
r := reflect.ValueOf(v)
return r.Kind() == reflect.Func && r.IsNil()
func (r *Router) wrapMiddlewareAndHandler(h []any) ([]func(http.Handler) http.Handler, http.HandlerFunc) {
handlerProviders := make([]func(http.Handler) http.Handler, 0, len(r.curMiddlewares)+len(h)+1)
for _, m := range r.curMiddlewares {
if !isNilOrFuncNil(m) {
handlerProviders = append(handlerProviders, toHandlerProvider(m))
for _, m := range h {
if !isNilOrFuncNil(m) {
handlerProviders = append(handlerProviders, toHandlerProvider(m))
middlewares := handlerProviders[:len(handlerProviders)-1]
handlerFunc := handlerProviders[len(handlerProviders)-1](nil).ServeHTTP
mockPoint := RouterMockPoint(MockAfterMiddlewares)
if mockPoint != nil {
middlewares = append(middlewares, mockPoint)
return middlewares, handlerFunc
// Methods adds the same handlers for multiple http "methods" (separated by ",").
// If any method is invalid, the lower level router will panic.
func (r *Router) Methods(methods, pattern string, h ...any) {
middlewares, handlerFunc := r.wrapMiddlewareAndHandler(h)
fullPattern := r.getPattern(pattern)
if strings.Contains(methods, ",") {
methods := strings.Split(methods, ",")
for _, method := range methods {
r.chiRouter.With(middlewares...).Method(strings.TrimSpace(method), fullPattern, handlerFunc)
} else {
r.chiRouter.With(middlewares...).Method(methods, fullPattern, handlerFunc)
// Mount attaches another Router along ./pattern/*
func (r *Router) Mount(pattern string, subRouter *Router) {
r.chiRouter.Mount(r.getPattern(pattern), subRouter.chiRouter)
// Any delegate requests for all methods
func (r *Router) Any(pattern string, h ...any) {
middlewares, handlerFunc := r.wrapMiddlewareAndHandler(h)
r.chiRouter.With(middlewares...).HandleFunc(r.getPattern(pattern), handlerFunc)
// Delete delegate delete method
func (r *Router) Delete(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("DELETE", pattern, h...)
// Get delegate get method
func (r *Router) Get(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("GET", pattern, h...)
// Head delegate head method
func (r *Router) Head(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("HEAD", pattern, h...)
// Post delegate post method
func (r *Router) Post(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("POST", pattern, h...)
// Put delegate put method
func (r *Router) Put(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("PUT", pattern, h...)
// Patch delegate patch method
func (r *Router) Patch(pattern string, h ...any) {
r.Methods("PATCH", pattern, h...)
// ServeHTTP implements http.Handler
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
r.normalizeRequestPath(w, req, r.chiRouter)
// NotFound defines a handler to respond whenever a route could not be found.
func (r *Router) NotFound(h http.HandlerFunc) {
type pathProcessorParam struct {
name string
captureGroup int
type PathProcessor struct {
methods container.Set[string]
re *regexp.Regexp
params []pathProcessorParam
func (r *Router) normalizeRequestPath(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, next http.Handler) {
normalized := false
normalizedPath := req.URL.EscapedPath()
if normalizedPath == "" {
normalizedPath, normalized = "/", true
} else if normalizedPath != "/" {
normalized = strings.HasSuffix(normalizedPath, "/")
normalizedPath = strings.TrimRight(normalizedPath, "/")
removeRepeatedSlashes := strings.Contains(normalizedPath, "//")
normalized = normalized || removeRepeatedSlashes
// the following code block is a slow-path for replacing all repeated slashes "//" to one single "/"
// if the path doesn't have repeated slashes, then no need to execute it
if removeRepeatedSlashes {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
for i := 0; i < len(normalizedPath); i++ {
if i == 0 || normalizedPath[i-1] != '/' || normalizedPath[i] != '/' {
normalizedPath = buf.String()
// If the config tells Gitea to use a sub-url path directly without reverse proxy,
// then we need to remove the sub-url path from the request URL path.
// But "/v2" is special for OCI container registry, it should always be in the root of the site.
if setting.UseSubURLPath {
remainingPath, ok := strings.CutPrefix(normalizedPath, setting.AppSubURL+"/")
if ok {
normalizedPath = "/" + remainingPath
} else if normalizedPath == setting.AppSubURL {
normalizedPath = "/"
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(normalizedPath+"/", "/v2/") {
// do not respond to other requests, to simulate a real sub-path environment
resp.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
_, _ = resp.Write([]byte(htmlutil.HTMLFormat(`404 page not found, sub-path is: <a href="%s">%s</a>`, setting.AppSubURL, setting.AppSubURL)))
normalized = true
// if the path is normalized, then fill it back to the request
if normalized {
decodedPath, err := url.PathUnescape(normalizedPath)
if err != nil {
http.Error(resp, "400 Bad Request: unable to unescape path "+normalizedPath, http.StatusBadRequest)
req.URL.RawPath = normalizedPath
req.URL.Path = decodedPath
next.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
func (p *PathProcessor) ProcessRequestPath(chiCtx *chi.Context, path string) bool {
if !p.methods.Contains(chiCtx.RouteMethod) {
return false
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = "/" + path
pathMatches := p.re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(path) // Golang regexp match pairs [start, end, start, end, ...]
if pathMatches == nil {
return false
var paramMatches [][]int
for i := 2; i < len(pathMatches); {
paramMatches = append(paramMatches, []int{pathMatches[i], pathMatches[i+1]})
pmIdx := len(paramMatches) - 1
end := pathMatches[i+1]
i += 2
for ; i < len(pathMatches); i += 2 {
if pathMatches[i] >= end {
paramMatches[pmIdx] = append(paramMatches[pmIdx], pathMatches[i], pathMatches[i+1])
for i, pm := range paramMatches {
groupIdx := p.params[i].captureGroup * 2
chiCtx.URLParams.Add(p.params[i].name, path[pm[groupIdx]:pm[groupIdx+1]])
return true
func NewPathProcessor(methods, pattern string) *PathProcessor {
p := &PathProcessor{methods: make(container.Set[string])}
for _, method := range strings.Split(methods, ",") {
re := []byte{'^'}
lastEnd := 0
for lastEnd < len(pattern) {
start := strings.IndexByte(pattern[lastEnd:], '<')
if start == -1 {
re = append(re, pattern[lastEnd:]...)
end := strings.IndexByte(pattern[lastEnd+start:], '>')
if end == -1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid pattern: %s", pattern))
re = append(re, pattern[lastEnd:lastEnd+start]...)
partName, partExp, _ := strings.Cut(pattern[lastEnd+start+1:lastEnd+start+end], ":")
lastEnd += start + end + 1
// TODO: it could support to specify a "capture group" for the name, for example: "/<name[2]:(\d)-(\d)>"
// it is not used so no need to implement it now
param := pathProcessorParam{}
if partExp == "*" {
re = append(re, "(.*?)/?"...)
if lastEnd < len(pattern) {
if pattern[lastEnd] == '/' {
} else {
partExp = util.IfZero(partExp, "[^/]+")
re = append(re, '(')
re = append(re, partExp...)
re = append(re, ')')
param.name = partName
p.params = append(p.params, param)
re = append(re, '$')
reStr := string(re)
p.re = regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
return p
// Combo delegates requests to Combo
func (r *Router) Combo(pattern string, h ...any) *Combo {
return &Combo{r, pattern, h}
// Combo represents a tiny group routes with same pattern
type Combo struct {
r *Router
pattern string
h []any
// Get delegates Get method
func (c *Combo) Get(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Get(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Post delegates Post method
func (c *Combo) Post(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Post(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Delete delegates Delete method
func (c *Combo) Delete(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Delete(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Put delegates Put method
func (c *Combo) Put(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Put(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Patch delegates Patch method
func (c *Combo) Patch(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Patch(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c