/* Copyright (c) 2016, Antonio SJ Musumeci Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.hpp" #include "dirinfo.hpp" #include "endian.hpp" #include "errno.hpp" #include "fileinfo.hpp" #include "fs_close.hpp" #include "fs_findallfiles.hpp" #include "fs_ioctl.hpp" #include "fs_open.hpp" #include "fs_path.hpp" #include "str.hpp" #include "ugid.hpp" #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; #ifndef _IOC_TYPE #define _IOC_TYPE(X) (((X) >> 8) & 0xFF) #endif typedef char IOCTL_BUF[4096]; #define IOCTL_APP_TYPE 0xDF #define IOCTL_FILE_INFO _IOWR(IOCTL_APP_TYPE,0,IOCTL_BUF) #define IOCTL_GC _IO(IOCTL_APP_TYPE,1) #define IOCTL_GC1 _IO(IOCTL_APP_TYPE,2) #define IOCTL_INVALIDATE_ALL_NODES _IO(IOCTL_APP_TYPE,3) // From linux/btrfs.h #define BTRFS_IOCTL_MAGIC 0x94 #ifndef FS_IOC_GETFLAGS # define FS_IOC_GETFLAGS _IOR('f',1,long) #endif #ifndef FS_IOC_SETFLAGS # define FS_IOC_SETFLAGS _IOW('f',2,long) #endif #ifndef FS_IOC_GETVERSION # define FS_IOC_GETVERSION _IOR('v',1,long) #endif #ifndef FS_IOC_SETVERSION # define FS_IOC_SETVERSION _IOW('v',2,long) #endif /* There is a bug with FUSE and these ioctl commands. The regular libfuse high level API assumes the output buffer size based on the command and gives no control over this. FS_IOC_GETFLAGS and FS_IOC_SETFLAGS however are defined as `long` when in fact it is an `int`. On 64bit systems where long is 8 bytes this can lead to libfuse telling the kernel to write 8 bytes and if the user only allocated an integer then it will overwrite the 4 bytes after the variable which could result in data corruption and/or crashes. I've modified the API to allow changing of the output buffer size. This fixes the issue on little endian systems because the lower 4 bytes are the same regardless of what the user allocated. However, on big endian systems that's not the case and it is not possible to safely handle the situation. https://lwn.net/Articles/575846/ */ namespace l { static int ioctl(const int fd_, const uint32_t cmd_, void *data_, uint32_t *out_bufsz_) { int rv; switch(cmd_) { case FS_IOC_GETFLAGS: case FS_IOC_SETFLAGS: case FS_IOC_GETVERSION: case FS_IOC_SETVERSION: if(endian::is_big() && (sizeof(long) != sizeof(int))) return -ENOTTY; if((data_ != NULL) && (*out_bufsz_ > 4)) *out_bufsz_ = 4; break; } rv = fs::ioctl(fd_,cmd_,data_); return ((rv == -1) ? -errno : rv); } static int ioctl_file(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, const uint32_t cmd_, void *data_, uint32_t *out_bufsz_) { FileInfo *fi = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh); const fuse_context *fc = fuse_get_context(); const ugid::Set ugid(fc->uid,fc->gid); return l::ioctl(fi->fd,cmd_,data_,out_bufsz_); } #ifndef O_NOATIME #define O_NOATIME 0 #endif static int ioctl_dir_base(const Policy::Search &searchFunc_, const Branches &branches_, const char *fusepath_, const uint32_t cmd_, void *data_, uint32_t *out_bufsz_) { int fd; int rv; string fullpath; StrVec basepaths; rv = searchFunc_(branches_,fusepath_,&basepaths); if(rv == -1) return -errno; fullpath = fs::path::make(basepaths[0],fusepath_); fd = fs::open(fullpath,O_RDONLY|O_NOATIME|O_NONBLOCK); if(fd == -1) return -errno; rv = l::ioctl(fd,cmd_,data_,out_bufsz_); fs::close(fd); return rv; } static int ioctl_dir(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, const uint32_t cmd_, void *data_, uint32_t *out_bufsz_) { Config::Read cfg; DirInfo *di = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh); const fuse_context *fc = fuse_get_context(); const ugid::Set ugid(fc->uid,fc->gid); return l::ioctl_dir_base(cfg->func.open.policy, cfg->branches, di->fusepath.c_str(), cmd_, data_, out_bufsz_); } static int strcpy(const std::string &s_, void *data_) { char *data = (char*)data_; if(s_.size() >= (sizeof(IOCTL_BUF) - 1)) return -ERANGE; memcpy(data,s_.c_str(),s_.size()); data[s_.size()] = '\0'; return s_.size(); } static int file_basepath(const Policy::Search &searchFunc_, const Branches &branches_, const char *fusepath_, void *data_) { int rv; StrVec basepaths; rv = searchFunc_(branches_,fusepath_,&basepaths); if(rv == -1) return -errno; return l::strcpy(basepaths[0],data_); } static int file_basepath(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, void *data_) { Config::Read cfg; std::string &fusepath = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh)->fusepath; return l::file_basepath(cfg->func.open.policy, cfg->branches, fusepath.c_str(), data_); } static int file_relpath(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, void *data_) { std::string &fusepath = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh)->fusepath; return l::strcpy(fusepath,data_); } static int file_fullpath(const Policy::Search &searchFunc_, const Branches &branches_, const string &fusepath_, void *data_) { int rv; string fullpath; StrVec basepaths; rv = searchFunc_(branches_,fusepath_,&basepaths); if(rv == -1) return -errno; fullpath = fs::path::make(basepaths[0],fusepath_); return l::strcpy(fullpath,data_); } static int file_fullpath(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, void *data_) { Config::Read cfg; std::string &fusepath = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh)->fusepath; return l::file_fullpath(cfg->func.open.policy, cfg->branches, fusepath, data_); } static int file_allpaths(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, void *data_) { Config::Read cfg; string concated; StrVec paths; StrVec branches; string &fusepath = reinterpret_cast(ffi_->fh)->fusepath; cfg->branches->to_paths(branches); fs::findallfiles(branches,fusepath.c_str(),&paths); concated = str::join(paths,'\0'); return l::strcpy(concated,data_); } static int file_info(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, void *data_) { char *key = (char*)data_; if(!strcmp("basepath",key)) return l::file_basepath(ffi_,data_); if(!strcmp("relpath",key)) return l::file_relpath(ffi_,data_); if(!strcmp("fullpath",key)) return l::file_fullpath(ffi_,data_); if(!strcmp("allpaths",key)) return l::file_allpaths(ffi_,data_); return -ENOATTR; } static bool is_mergerfs_ioctl_cmd(const unsigned long cmd_) { return (_IOC_TYPE(cmd_) == IOCTL_APP_TYPE); } static bool is_btrfs_ioctl_cmd(const unsigned long cmd_) { return (_IOC_TYPE(cmd_) == BTRFS_IOCTL_MAGIC); } static int ioctl_custom(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, unsigned long cmd_, void *data_) { switch(cmd_) { case IOCTL_FILE_INFO: return l::file_info(ffi_,data_); case IOCTL_GC: fuse_gc(); return 0; case IOCTL_GC1: fuse_gc1(); return 0; case IOCTL_INVALIDATE_ALL_NODES: fuse_invalidate_all_nodes(); return 0; } return -ENOTTY; } } namespace FUSE { int ioctl(const fuse_file_info_t *ffi_, unsigned long cmd_, void *arg_, unsigned int flags_, void *data_, uint32_t *out_bufsz_) { if(l::is_btrfs_ioctl_cmd(cmd_)) return -ENOTTY; if(l::is_mergerfs_ioctl_cmd(cmd_)) return l::ioctl_custom(ffi_,cmd_,data_); if(flags_ & FUSE_IOCTL_DIR) return l::ioctl_dir(ffi_,cmd_,data_,out_bufsz_); return l::ioctl_file(ffi_,cmd_,data_,out_bufsz_); } }