2014-04-15 20:46:36 +08:00
# Plugins
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __android-sdk__ – [Android SDK ](http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html ) integration.
* __archlinux__ – Provides a number of plugins to make using Arch Linux easier.
* __autojump__ – Makes navigating filesystem much faster. See [autojump article ](https://github.com/joelthelion/autojump/wiki ) and [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnNyoMGnbKg ). Bindings only, autojump needs to be installed separately.
2014-08-23 19:13:11 +08:00
* __better-alias__ - Provide alias with auto completion.
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __brew__ – [Homebrew ](http://brew.sh/ ) integration.
* __bundler__ – Use Ruby's [Bundler ](http://bundler.io/ ) automatically for some commands.
* __ccache__ – Enable [ccache ](http://ccache.samba.org/ ) to speed up compilation.
* __django__ – Helper for Django Unit tests. Cleans the cached modules as well.
* __ec2__ – Exports env variables for Amazon's EC2 management.
* __emoji-clock__ – The current time with half hour accuracy as an emoji symbol.
* __extract__ – Plugin to expand or extract bundled & compressed files.
* __fry__ – Starts [fry ](https://github.com/terlar/fry ), a simple Ruby version manager for fish.
* __gem__ – Ruby gem integration.
* __gi__ – [gitignore.io ](http://gitignore.io ) CLI for fish.
2014-11-05 23:29:17 +08:00
* __git-flow__ – [git-flow ](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow ) Completion support for git-flow.
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __jump__ – A port of [Jeroen Janssens’ “jump” utility ](http://jeroenjanssens.com/2013/08/16/quickly-navigate-your-filesystem-from-the-command-line.html ).
2014-11-16 14:16:01 +08:00
* __local-config__ – Support per-user, per-host and per-platform custom config files.
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __localhost__ – Opens `http://localhost:3000` (and other ports) in the default browser.
* __mc__ – Plugin to start mc with a shell compliant (Bash).
* __ndenv__ – Helpers for [another node.js version manager ](https://github.com/riywo/ndenv ).
* __node__ – Adds locally installed NodeJS `npm` binary executable modules to the path.
* __percol__ – Browse your fish history with [percol ](https://github.com/mooz/percol ).
* __peco__ – Browse your fish history with [peco ](https://github.com/peco/peco ).
2015-01-16 21:37:18 +08:00
* __osx__ - Integration with Finder and iTunes.
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __php__ – Manage phphttp server.
* __plenv__ – [plenv ](https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv ) Perl binary manager integration.
* __pyenv__ – [Simple Python Version Management ](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv ) integration.
* __python__ – Set of shortcuts to Python based utilities (pybeatifyjson – clean JSON files, pyclean – remove old `.pyc` , pyhttp & pysmtp – simple HTTP & SMTP servers)
* __rails__ – Alias for executing database migrations.
* __rake__ – Completions for rake tasks.
* __rbenv__ – [rbenv ](https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv ) Ruby environment/version manager.
2014-11-08 02:47:50 +08:00
* __replace__ – A port of [replace ](https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/replace ).
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __rvm__ – [RVM ](http://rvm.io ) Ruby version manager.
2014-11-30 06:10:55 +08:00
* __ssh__ – ssh conservative $TERM value helper.
2014-10-29 09:12:03 +08:00
* __sublime__ – Creates `subl` command line shortcut to launch [Sublime Text editor ](http://sublimetext.com/ ).
* __tmux__ – Plugin to start tmux with support for 256 colours.
* __vi-mode__ – Basic vi key bindings emulation for fish.
* __xdg__ – Setup [xdg ](http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html ) environment on Linux.
* __z__ – Integration with [z ](https://github.com/rupa/z ) (autojump alternative).