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function omf.cli.help -a command
switch "$command"
case "c" "cd"
echo "\
Change directory to root or plugin/theme directory.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf cd Change to Oh My Fish root folder
omf cd "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Change to plugin or theme directory by name
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf cd
omf cd brew
omf cd l
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "d" "describe"
echo "\
Get information about what packages do.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf describe Get information from all available packages
omf describe "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Get information from package by name
omf describe
omf describe brew
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "destroy"
echo "\
Uninstall Oh My Fish.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf destroy
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "doctor"
echo "\
Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
omf doctor
case "i" "install" "get"
echo "\
Install packages.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf install Install missing packages from bundle
omf install "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" Install package by name or URL
omf install
omf install brew
omf install https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-brew
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "l" "ls" "list"
echo "\
List local packages.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf list [ --available | -a ]
omf list [ --installed | -i ]
omf list [ --database | -d ]
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "n" "new"
echo "\
Create a new package from a template.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf new ("(omf::dim)"pkg"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Create a new package from a template
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf new pkg mypkg
omf new theme mytheme
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "r" "rm" "remove" "uninstall"
echo "\
Remove a theme or package.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf remove "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Removes a theme or package by name
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf remove brew
omf remove l
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "search"
echo "\
Search for a package or theme.
omf search ("(omf::dim)"-pkg/--package"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"-t/--theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Search for a package or theme
omf search -pkg nvm
omf search -t bobthefish
omf search vi
case "s" "submit"
echo "\
Submit a package to the registry.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf submit ("(omf::dim)"pkg"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" Submit a package or theme to the registry
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf submit pkg https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-mypkg
omf submit theme https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-mythemes
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "t" "theme"
echo "\
Install and list themes.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf theme List available themes to install
omf theme "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Install theme by name
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf theme
omf theme l
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "u" "update"
echo "\
Update Oh My Fish.
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
omf update
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00
case "*"
echo "\
\$ omf [command] [arguments]
omf "(omf::em)"install"(omf::off)" [<name>|<url>]
omf "(omf::em)"theme"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"remove"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"search"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"update"(omf::off)"
omf "(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" [<command>]
"(omf::em)"l"(omf::off)"ist List local packages.
"(omf::em)"d"(omf::off)"escribe Get information about what packages do.
"(omf::em)"i"(omf::off)"nstall Install one or more packages.
"(omf::em)"t"(omf::off)"heme List / Use themes.
"(omf::em)"r"(omf::off)"emove Remove a theme or package.
"(omf::em)"u"(omf::off)"pdate Update Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"c"(omf::off)"d Change directory to plugin/theme directory.
"(omf::em)"n"(omf::off)"ew Create a new package from a template.
"(omf::em)"search"(omf::off)" Search for a package or theme.
"(omf::em)"s"(omf::off)"ubmit Submit a package to the registry.
"(omf::em)"destroy"(omf::off)" Uninstall Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"doctor"(omf::off)" Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" Shows help about a specific action.
"(omf::em)"--h"(omf::off)"elp Display this help.
"(omf::em)"--v"(omf::off)"ersion Display version.
For more information visit → "(omf::em)"git.io/oh-my-fish"(omf::off)\n
2015-08-29 16:42:34 -03:00