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Oh My Fish! - the fish shell framework
omf [options] [<command>] [arguments]
Provides options to list, download and remove packages, update the framework, create a new package, etc.
2017-06-17 16:19:36 -05:00
<<cd.adoc#,**cd**>>:: Change to root or package directory.
<<channel.adoc#,**channel**>>:: Get or change the update channel.
<<describe.adoc#,**d**escribe>>:: Show information about a package.
<<destroy.adoc#,**destroy**>>:: Uninstall Oh My Fish.
<<doctor.adoc#,**doctor**>>:: Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
2017-06-17 16:19:36 -05:00
<<help.adoc#,**help**>>:: Shows help about a command.
<<install.adoc#,**i**nstall>>:: Install one or more packages.
<<list.adoc#,**l**ist>>:: List installed packages.
<<new.adoc#,**n**ew>>:: Create a new package from a template.
<<reload.adoc#,**reload**>>:: Reload the current shell.
2017-06-17 16:19:36 -05:00
<<remove.adoc#,**r**emove>>:: Remove a package.
<<repositories.adoc#,**repo**sitories>>:: Manage package repositories.
<<search.adoc#,**s**earch>>:: Search for a package or theme.
2017-06-17 16:19:36 -05:00
<<theme.adoc#,**t**heme>>:: Install and list themes.
<<update.adoc#,**u**pdate>>:: Update Oh My Fish.
<<version.adoc#,**version**>>:: Display version and exit.
-h, --help::
Display this help.
-v, --version::
Display version and exit.
For more information visit → https://git.io/oh-my-fish