diff --git a/plugins/ta/LICENSE b/plugins/ta/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d9835..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2015 Jorge Bucaran
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/plugins/ta/README.md b/plugins/ta/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc3156..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-:ledger: ta
-___ta___ is a CLI-based _to-done_ task manager. The advantage over _to-do_ lists are:
-1. You __don't__ change your routine or habits.
-2. You __don't__ need to follow a predictable workflow.
-3. You focus on completing stuff first. Log. Repeat.
-4. Tasks are [inmutable](#undoing-tasks). Like time travel.
-See [rationale](#rationale) for a more lengthy discussion.
-## Features
-:arrow_up: Top
-### Adding Tasks
- * `ta "called #mom"`
- * `ta "pushed ta to #gh #projects"`
-### Undoing Tasks
-Tasks in _ta_ are, by definition, inmutable. It's like time travel. You are not allowed.
-It _is_ possible, however, to undo _only_ the most recent task:
- * `ta -u` or `ta --undo`
-> __Note__: _ta_ is a productivity tool to help you improve your workflow, but it's not a task scheduler. If you are looking for a traditional _to-do_ manager I recommend looking at [Swatto/td](https://github.com/Swatto/td).
-### Searching Tasks
-Use `-s --search ` to search for tasks tagged by ``.
- * `ta -s spanish+jul`
- List _#spanish_ tasks in July.
- * `ta -s work+opensource`
- List _#work_ __and__ _#opensource_ tasks.
- * `ta --search family+friends -n5`
- List _#family_ __and__ _#friends_ tasks. _5 max._
-Use `--regex -s ` or `-rs ` to search by an arbitrary regular expression.
- * `ta -rs "workout|cardio|gym"`
- List __all__ _#workout_, _#cardio_ __or__ _#gym_ tasks
-### Navigating Tasks
-Simply type `ta` to display all tasks. The task at the top is the most recent one.
-The list dump is piped into [`less`](http://linux.die.net/man/1/less) so you can easily navigate up and down, run inline searches, etc.
-[See here](http://bit.ly/17qd1KM) for a full list of options.
-You can also limit the number of tasks using the `-n --number ` option.
-### Recent Tasks
-If you complete any task within ten minutes of the previously added task, the `*` marker will turn red. It's up to you to interpret that as either a good or a bad sign.
-:arrow_up: Top
-## Rationale
- In a todo-like system, each task is a promise scheduled to be fulfilled
- in the future. In practice, promises can be hard to keep and prioritize.
- GTD-like methods offer good strategies to help with this, but they often
- require breaking die-to-hard habits and can be too complicated for users.
- Information flux is unpredictable, and dividing how this information is
- collected and processed in often overlapping stages is challenging.
- A to-done approach is not incompatible with traditional todo-lists, but
- it was created in a world where todo lists are not prominent.
- The premise is, as information flow crosses over the singularity threshold,
- data-collection and sorting becomes impossible and unwieldy. The contract
- is to spend _less_ time prioritizing and concentrate in completing only _one_
- task at a time. Only completed tasks can be logged into the system.
- Overall happiness and motivation increase will be directly proportional
- to the number of completed tasks.
-:arrow_up: Top
-## Install
-### Fish
-#### _Oh-my-fish_
-Add the `ta` plugin to `$fish_plugins` via `~/.config/fish` or from your prompt:
-set -g fish_plugins $fish_plugins ta
-#### _Standalone_
-Trust me and run:
-curl -L http://git.io/install-ta | fish
-ta "just installed #ta #right-move"
-or if you are so inclined have a look at [`tools/install`](tools/install)
-You can also specify the installation path:
-curl -L http://git.io/install-ta | env INSTALL_PATH="to/your/path/" fish
-ta "just installed #ta #right-move"
-#### Uninstall
-fish $ta_path/tools/uninstall
-:arrow_up: Top
-## Synopsis
-ta []
- [-u --undo]
- [-s --search ]
- [-r --regex]
- [-n --number ]
- [-h --help]
- [--version]
-### ta _task_
-Add a completed task. Append a :hash: to keywords to apply tags.
-Simply run `ta` without arguments to list all completed tasks.
-### -s --search _key_[, ...]
-Search tasks tagged by _key_.
-Use `+` to search tasks with all the specified tags.
-Use the `-r` option and concatenate keys with `|` to search for all tasks with any of the specified tags.
-#### Special Tags
-The following tags are never displayed in results, but available to use in search queries:
-* Weekdays: `mon...sun`
-* Month: `jan...dec`
-* Day: `1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th...31st`
-* Time: `12am...12pm`
-> __Note__: These tags are added automatically to each task depending on the current time and date.
-### -r --regex
-Use together with `-s` and evaluate _key_ as a regular expression.
-### -n --number _N_
-Truncate number of results to _N_.
-### -u --undo
-Delete most recent task.
-> __Note__: Using this option locks the ability to undo until a new task is committed protecting users from engaging in useless housekeeping habits.
-### -h --help
-Show usage help.
-### --version
-Show version information and trivia info.
-:arrow_up: Top
-## Issues
-I welcome your [feedback, comments, opinions, bug reports](https://github.com/bucaran/ta/issues) and/or [PR](https://github.com/bucaran/ta/issues)s. Thanks.
-## About
- If you are curious, ___ta___ or rather __た__, is a conjugation / deflection used in
- Japanese to indicate the completion of an action ([perfective aspect](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfective_aspect)), roughly corresponding
- to the past tense in western languages.
-:arrow_up: Top
-## License
-[MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) :heart: [Jorge Bucaran](https://github.com/bucaran)
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.clear.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.clear.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 680a053..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.clear.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.clear
- set -l bright_color (set_color FF1493)
- set -l normal_color (set_color normal)
- set -l question "[$bright_color"Y"$normal_color/n]"
- if not test -e $__ta_file_data
- echo "Nothing to clear."
- return $__ta_error_no_tasks
- end
- echo -n "Delete all data? $question: "
- head -n 1 | read answer
- switch $answer
- case Y yes
- rm $__ta_file_data
- echo "Done"
- end
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.commit.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.commit.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad982c..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.commit.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.commit -a task
- # We delay the elapsed counter until the first task is committed.
- set -q __ta_elapsed
- or set -g __ta_elapsed (date "+%s")
- set -l now (date "+%s")
- set __ta_delta (math $now - $__ta_elapsed)
- set __ta_elapsed $now
- set -l meta (ta.util.tags.get.meta)
- # Trim extra whitespace and save file.
- echo -se (echo "$task" \
- | tr -s '[:space:]' ' ')\t"$meta" >> $__ta_file_data
- if test $status -eq 0
- ta.cli.search "" | head -n2
- # Unlock undo stack.
- set __ta_undo_lock false
- end
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.help.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.help.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c45e6..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.help.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.help
- echo "
- ta []
- [-u --undo]
- [-s --search ]
- [-r --regex]
- [-n --number ]
- [-h --help]
- [--clear]
- [--version]
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.search.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.search.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 7621373..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.search.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.search -a keys number
- if not test -e $__ta_file_data
- echo "There are no tasks."
- return $__ta_error_no_tasks
- end
- set -l result
- set -l flags
- set -q argv[3]
- and set flags $argv[3..-1]
- # UI colors.
- set -l tag_color "1;93"
- set -l grep_color "0;103;1;90"
- set -l text_color (set_color 777)
- set -l query_color (set_color FF1493)
- set -l normal_color (set_color normal)
- if test -n "$number"
- # Truncate results via tail -n$number
- set number "n$number"
- end
- if contains -- regex $flags
- set result (env GREP_COLOR="$grep_color" \
- grep --color=always -E "$keys" $__ta_file_data)
- else
- set result (cat $__ta_file_data)
- if test -n "$keys"
- for key in (echo "$keys" | tr + \n)
- # grep results consecutively to produce an AND operator.
- # Notice we append a `#' to the $key to filter only tags.
- set result (printf "%s\n" $result | grep "#$key")
- end
- end
- end
- if test -z "$result"
- echo "Nothing to see here."
- return $__ta_error_no_tasks
- end
- # Trim special flags, print results in reverse and color #tags.
- if set result (printf "%s\n" $result \
- | cut -d\t -f1 | tail -r"$number" \
- | ta.util.color.tags $tag_color)
- # Append |$ at the end of the tag regex to make sure grep prints all
- # incoming lines from the tail pipe, but colors only tags. $ matches
- # the end of all lines but has nothing to colorize.
- set -l count (count $result)
- set -l s # Plural?
- test $count -gt 1; and set s "s"
- # If both keys and number are empty just print tasks.
- if test -z "$keys" -a -z "$number"
- # set count (ta.util.tasks.count)
- echo $text_color"$count task$s completed."$normal_color
- if test $count -gt 0
- set -l mark_color (set_color blue)
- # Task marker is red if the task was completed within 10 mins.
- if test $__ta_delta -gt 0 -a $__ta_delta -lt 600
- set mark_color (set_color red)
- end
- echo -n $mark_color\* $normal_color
- end
- else
- if test -n "$keys"
- echo /$query_color"$keys"$normal_color/ | begin
- # Only for tag search, colorize `+' characters for love.
- if not contains -- regex $keys
- sed "s/+/$normal_color+$query_color/g"
- end
- end
- end
- echo $text_color"$count result$s."$normal_color
- end
- printf "%s\n" $result
- end
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.undo.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.undo.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 96dd574..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.undo.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.undo
- if test $__ta_undo_lock = false
- if test (ta.util.tasks.count) -gt 0
- # Display task for the last time.
- ta.util.get.tail | grep -E --color=always ".*"
- if sed -Ei.bak '$ d' $__ta_file_data
- rm $__ta_file_data.bak
- else
- set -l code $status
- cp $__ta_file_data.bak $__ta_file_data
- return $code
- end
- set -g __ta_undo_lock true
- else
- echo "There are no tasks."
- return $__ta_error_no_tasks
- end
- end
- echo "The undo stack is locked until a new task is added."
diff --git a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.version.fish b/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.version.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2c2e9..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/cli/ta.cli.version.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function ta.cli.version
- set -l name (ta.util.tafile.get.key name)
- set -l tagline (ta.util.tafile.get.key tagline)
- set -l ver (ta.util.tafile.get.key version)
- echo $name - (set_color yellow)$tagline(set_color normal) $ver
- echo -s (set_color 777)"
- If you are curious, ta or rather た, is a particle / deflection used in
- Japanese to indicate the completion of an action, roughly corresponding
- to the past tense in some western languages.
- "(set_color normal)\
- "
- Now go get some stuff done!"
diff --git a/plugins/ta/config/tafile b/plugins/ta/config/tafile
deleted file mode 100644
index a216aae..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/config/tafile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-tagline,to-done manager
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/add.png b/plugins/ta/images/add.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c64f15a..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/add.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/full-list.png b/plugins/ta/images/full-list.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 402bad3..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/full-list.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/list.png b/plugins/ta/images/list.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed096d..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/list.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/recent.png b/plugins/ta/images/recent.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2325c31..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/recent.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/regex.png b/plugins/ta/images/regex.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 773bebb..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/regex.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/ta.png b/plugins/ta/images/ta.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc4339..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/ta.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/tags.png b/plugins/ta/images/tags.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c27ac8..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/tags.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/images/undo.png b/plugins/ta/images/undo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe5d094..0000000
Binary files a/plugins/ta/images/undo.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/plugins/ta/spec/ta.spec.fish b/plugins/ta/spec/ta.spec.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d6d75..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/spec/ta.spec.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import plugins/fish-spec
-import plugins/ta
-function describe_ta -d "ta: to-done task manager"
- function before_all
- end
- function after_all
- end
- function it_does_something
- end
-# spec.run $argv
diff --git a/plugins/ta/ta.fish b/plugins/ta/ta.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index c810c53..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/ta.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# ta - to-done manager
-# ta []
-# [-u --undo]
-# [-s --search ]
-# [-r --regex]
-# [-n --number ]
-# [-h --help]
-# [--clear]
-# [--version]
-# []
-# Add new completed task. Append a `#' to keywords to apply tags.
-# Simply run ta without arguments to list all completed tasks.
-# -s --search
-# Search tasks tagged by . Use `+' to search tasks with all
-# the specified tags. Use -r and `|' to search for tasks with at
-# least one of the specified tags
-# Some tags are automatically created based in the current date:
-# Weekdays mon...sun
-# Month jan...dec
-# Day 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th...31st
-# Time 12am...12pm
-# -r --regex {-s}
-# Use as a regular expression.
-# -n --number
-# Truncate results to .
-# -u --undo
-# Delete most recent task. Using this option locks the ability to undo
-# until a new task is committed. This protects users from engaging in
-# useless housekeeping habits.
-# -h --help
-# Show usage help.
-# --clear
-# Clear all data. Use with caution.
-# --version
-# Show version information.
-# Add a task.
-# ta "talked to #mom #family"
-# List all `spanish` tasks in July.
-# ta -s spanish+jul
-# List all `work` AND `opensource` tasks.
-# ta -s work+opensource
-# List all `workout` OR `cardio` OR `gym` tasks.
-# ta -rs workout\|cardio\|gym
-# List all `family` AND `friends` tasks. Show 5 most recent.
-# ta --search family+friends -n5
-# In a todo-like system, each task is a promise scheduled to be fullfilled
-# in the future. In practice, promises can be hard to keep and prioritize.
-# GTD-like methods offer good strategies to help with this, but they often
-# require breaking die-to-hard habits and can be too complicated for users.
-# Information flux is unpredictable, and dividing how this information is
-# collected and processed in often overlapping stages is challenging.
-# A to-done approach is not incompatible with traditional todo-lists, but
-# it was created in a world where todo lists are not prominent.
-# The premise is as information flow crosses over the singularity threshold
-# data-collection and sorting becomes impossible and unwieldy. The contract
-# is to spend less time prioritizing and concentrate in completing only one
-# task at a time. Only completed tasks can be logged into the system.
-# Overall happiness and motivation increase will be directly proportional
-# to the number of completed tasks.
-# Jorge Bucaran
-function ta -d "to-done manager"
- set -l flags
- while set opts (getopts ":s:search: n:number: r:regex
- u:undo h:help clear version" $argv)
- switch $opts[1]
- case s n
- set flags $flags search
- if test $opts[1] = n
- set number $opts[2]
- else
- set search $opts[2]
- end
- case r
- set flags $flags regex
- case u
- set flags undo
- case h
- set flags help
- case clear
- set flags clear
- case version
- set flags version
- end
- end
- if test $status -gt 1
- ta.cli.help
- return $__ta_error_bad_input
- else if contains -- undo $flags
- ta.cli.undo
- else if contains -- search $flags
- # Pipe to less with color, left-width and verbose status bar.
- ta.cli.search "$search" "$number" $flags \
- | less -JM --raw-control-chars
- else if contains -- version $flags
- ta.cli.version
- else if contains -- clear $flags
- ta.cli.clear
- else if test -n "$opts"
- ta.cli.commit "$opts"
- else if contains -- help $flags
- ta.cli.help
- else
- ta --search ""
- end
diff --git a/plugins/ta/ta.load b/plugins/ta/ta.load
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b3894..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/ta.load
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-set -g __ta_error 1
-set -g __ta_error_bad_input 2
-set -g __ta_error_no_tasks 3
-# Standalone installation.
-if set -q ta_path
- for file in $ta_path/**
- switch $file
- case \*.fish
- set -l dir (dirname $file)
- # Skip completions and spec directories.
- if test (basename $dir) != "completions" -a \
- (basename $dir) != "spec"
- if not contains -- "$dir" $fish_function_path
- set fish_function_path "$dir" $fish_function_path
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# Oh-my-fish installation.
-else if set -q fish_path
- set -g ta_path $fish_path/plugins/ta
- # Oh-my-fish lets you import modules easily. For standalone fish
- # installations, fish getopts is already included in the path.
- import plugins/getopts
- # Neither $INSTALL_PATH or $fish_path exists.
- echo "Please review the installation instructions and try again." ^&2
- exit $__ta_error
-set -g __ta_file_info $ta_path/config/tafile
-set -g __ta_file_data $ta_path/data/tasks
-# Regular expression used to extract tags from tasks.
-set -g __ta_regex "#\S*"
-# Seconds elapsed between last and current task to commit.
-set -g __ta_delta 0
-# Flag to track whether the undo stack is locked. Tasks are usually
-# inmutable except for the most recent task to allow simple mistake
-# correction.
-set -q __ta_undo_lock
- or set -g __ta_undo_lock false
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.color.tags.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.color.tags.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e69d7c..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.color.tags.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.color.tags -a color
- env GREP_COLOR="$color" grep --color=always -E "$__ta_regex|\$"
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.get.tail.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.get.tail.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 97792f5..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.get.tail.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.get.tail
- tail -rn1 $__ta_file_data \
- | cut -f1
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tafile.get.key.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tafile.get.key.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea1aa2..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tafile.get.key.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.tafile.get.key -a key
- grep -E "\b$key\b" $__ta_file_info | cut -d, -f2
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index c67563e..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.tags.get -a task
- echo "$task" | tr -s "[:space:]" \n | grep -Eo "$__ta_regex" | cut -c2-
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.meta.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.meta.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e835bf..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tags.get.meta.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.tags.get.meta
- set -l week (date +%a)
- set -l day (date +%d)
- switch $day
- case 1 21 31
- set $day "$day"st
- case 2 22
- set $day "$day"nd
- case 3 23
- set $day "$day"rd
- case \*
- set $day "$day"th
- end
- set -l month (date +%b)
- set -l year (date +%Y)
- set -l hour (date "+%r" | \
- sed -E "s/0?([1-9][0-9]?).*(..)/\1\2/")
- printf "#%s " $week $day $month $year $hour | awk '{print tolower}'
diff --git a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tasks.count.fish b/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tasks.count.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 14f7b1e..0000000
--- a/plugins/ta/util/ta.util.tasks.count.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function ta.util.tasks.count
- wc -l < $__ta_file_data | awk '{print $1}'