> The Fishshell Framework
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Oh My Fish provides core infrastructure to allow you to install packages which extend or modify the look of your shell. It's fast, extensible and easy to use.
# Install
curl -L github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/raw/master/bin/install | sh
omf help
Or _download_ and run it yourself:
curl -L github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/raw/master/bin/install > install
chmod +x install
# Getting Started
Oh My Fish includes a small utility `omf` to fetch and install new packages and themes.
#### `omf update`
Update the framework and installed packages.
#### `omf install` _`[|]`_
Install one _or more_ packages.
- You can install packages directly by URL via `omf install URL`
- When called without arguments, install missing packages from [bundle](#dotfiles).
#### `omf list`
List installed packages.
#### `omf theme` _``_
Apply a theme. To list available themes type `omf theme`.
#### `omf remove` _``_
Remove a theme or package.
> Packages subscribed to `uninstall_` events are notified before the package is removed, so custom cleanup of resources can be done. See [Uninstall](/docs/Packages.md#uninstall) for more information.
#### `omf new pkg | theme` _``_
Scaffold out a new package or theme.
> This creates a new directory under `$OMF_CONFIG/{pkg | themes}/` with a template.
#### `omf submit` _`pkg/`_ _`[]`_
Add a new package. To add a theme use `omf submit` _`themes/`_ _``_.
Make sure to [send us a PR][omf-pulls-link] to update the registry.
#### `omf query` _``_
Use to inspect all session variables. Useful to dump _path_ variables like `$fish_function_path`, `$fish_complete_path`, `$PATH`, etc.
#### `omf destroy`
Uninstall Oh My Fish.
# Advanced
Oh My Fish installer places its startup code in your fish config file (`~/.config/fish/config.fish`).
## Startup
Everytime you open a new shell the startup code initializes Oh My Fish installation path and the _config_ path (`~/.config/omf` by default), sourcing the [`init.fish`](init.fish) script afterwards, which autoload packages, themes and your custom init file. For more information check the [FAQ](docs/FAQ.md#what-does-oh-my-fish-do-exactly).
## Dotfiles
The `$OMF_CONFIG` directory represents the user state of Oh My Fish, and is the perfect
candidate for being added to your dotfiles and/or checked out to version control. There are two important files:
- __`theme`__ - The current theme
- __`bundle`__ - List of currently installed packages/themes
### About the bundle
Everytime a package/theme is installed or removed the `bundle` file is updated. You can also edit it manually and run `omf install` afterwards to satisfy the changes. Please note that while packages/themes added to the bundle gets automagically installed, a package/theme removed from bundle isn't removed from user installation.
## Creating Packages
Oh My Fish uses an advanced and well defined plugin architecture to ease plugin development, including init/uninstall events and function autoloading. [See the documentation](docs/Packages.md) for more details.
# License
MIT © [Oh My Fish][contributors] :metal:
[fishshell]: http://fishshell.com
[contributors]: https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/graphs/contributors
[omf-pulls-link]: https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/pulls