#!/usr/bin/env fish # Oh My Fish installer. See `install --help` for usage. # Set environment options. set -q OMF_REPO_URI; or set OMF_REPO_URI "https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish" set -q OMF_REPO_BRANCH; or set OMF_REPO_BRANCH "master" function main # Set default settings set -q XDG_DATA_HOME and set -g OMF_PATH_DEFAULT "$XDG_DATA_HOME/omf" or set -g OMF_PATH_DEFAULT "$HOME/.local/share/omf" set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME and set -g CONFIG_PATH "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" or set -g CONFIG_PATH "$HOME/.config" set -g OMF_CONFIG_DEFAULT "$CONFIG_PATH/omf" set -g FISH_CONFIG "$CONFIG_PATH/fish" set -g OMF_PATH "$OMF_PATH_DEFAULT" set -g OMF_CONFIG "$OMF_CONFIG_DEFAULT" set -g OMF_CHANNEL stable # Ensure repository URL ends with .git set OMF_REPO_URI (echo $OMF_REPO_URI | command sed 's/\.git//').git # Parse command args while set -q argv[1] switch "$argv[1]" case --help -h '/?' echo "Usage: install [options] Install Oh My Fish Options: --channel= Download a specific release channel, either \"stable\" or \"dev\" (default is \"$OMF_CHANNEL\"). --check Do a system readiness check without installing. --config= Put config in a specific path (default is $OMF_CONFIG_DEFAULT). --help, -h Show this help message. --noninteractive Disable interactive questions (assume no, use with --yes to assume yes). --offline[=] Offline install, optionally specifying a tar or directory to use. --path= Use a specific install path (default is $OMF_PATH_DEFAULT). --uninstall Uninstall existing installation instead of installing. --verbose Enable verbose debugging statements for the installer. --yes, -y Assume yes for interactive questions. " return 0 case '--channel=stable' set -g OMF_CHANNEL stable case '--channel=dev' set -g OMF_CHANNEL dev case '--channel=*' abort "Unknown release channel \""(echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2)"\"." case --check set -g CHECK_ONLY case '--config=*' echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2 | command sed -e "s#~#$HOME#" | read -g OMF_CONFIG case --noninteractive set -g NONINTERACTIVE case --offline set -g OFFLINE case '--offline=*' set -g OFFLINE echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2 | command sed -e "s#~#$HOME#" | read -g OFFLINE_PATH case '--path=*' echo "$argv[1]" | command cut -d= -f2 | command sed -e "s#~#$HOME#" | read -g OMF_PATH case --uninstall set -g UNINSTALL case --verbose set -g VERBOSE debug "verbose turned on" case --yes -y set -g ASSUME_YES case '*' abort "Unrecognized option '$argv[1]'. Try 'install --help' for usage." end set -e argv[1] end # Do the check only. if set -q CHECK_ONLY sane_environment_check return end assert_interactive # Ensure the environment meets all of the requirements. if not sane_environment_check abort "Environment does not meet the requirements." end # If the user wants to uninstall, jump to uninstallation and exit. if set -q UNINSTALL uninstall_omf return end # Check if OMF is already installed. if test -d "$OMF_PATH" if is_install_dir "$OMF_PATH" say "Existing installation detected at $OMF_PATH" confirm_yes "Would you like to remove the existing installation?" uninstall_omf else abort "Target directory $OMF_PATH already exists" end end # Begin the install process. install_omf # We made it! say "Installation successful!" # Open a brand new shell if we are in interactive mode. set -q NONINTERACTIVE or exec fish < /dev/tty return 0 end # Add an exit hook to display a message if the installer aborts or errors. function on_exit -p %self if not contains $argv[3] 0 2 echo " Oh My Fish installation failed. If you think that it's a bug, please open an issue with the complete installation log here: http://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/issues" if not set -q VERBOSE echo echo "Try rerunning with --verbose to see additional output." end end end # Installs Oh My Fish. function install_omf say "Installing Oh My Fish to $OMF_PATH..." # Prepare paths command mkdir -p (dirname "$OMF_PATH") # Install step if set -q OFFLINE install_offline else install_from_github end # Config step install_bootstrap install_config end # Downloads and installs the framework from GitHub. function install_from_github say "Using release channel \"$OMF_CHANNEL\"." say "Cloning $OMF_REPO_BRANCH from $OMF_REPO_URI..." if not command git clone -q -b "$OMF_REPO_BRANCH" "$OMF_REPO_URI" "$OMF_PATH" abort "Error cloning repository!" end if test $OMF_CHANNEL = stable # Get the commit for the latest release. set -l hash (command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" rev-list --tags='v*' --max-count=1 ^ /dev/null) # Get the release tag. and set -l tag (command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" describe --tags $hash) # Checkout the release. and command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" checkout --quiet tags/$tag or report error "Error getting latest version!" end set_git_remotes end # Install the framework from an offline copy of the source. function install_offline # Prepare the path if set -q OFFLINE_PATH # Make sure the given path exists if not test -e "$OFFLINE_PATH" abort "Local installation does not exist" end else # If no path was set, check if the installer is running inside of the source directory. set -l path (command dirname (command dirname (builtin status -f))) if is_install_dir "$path" set OFFLINE_PATH "$path" # Try using the current working directory as the source. else if is_install_dir "$PWD" set OFFLINE_PATH "$PWD" else # We tried our best. abort "Could not find local installation source" end end # Check if the path is some sort of tar. if test -f "$OFFLINE_PATH" say "Offline path is a file, assuming tar archive..." command tar -xf "$OFFLINE_PATH" -C "$OMF_PATH" or abort "Could not extract tar file $OFFLINE_PATH" return end # At this point, path must be a directory. if not test -d "$OFFLINE_PATH" abort "$OFFLINE_PATH is not a directory" end # Make sure the given path is actually the OMF source. if not is_install_dir "$OFFLINE_PATH" abort "$OFFLINE_PATH is not a valid local installation source" end # Copy the source into the install location. command cp -r "$OFFLINE_PATH" "$OMF_PATH" or abort "Failed to copy source!" # Set up Git remotes only if the offline install is a Git repository. test -d "$OMF_PATH/.git" and set_git_remotes return 0 end # Set upstream remotes on the framework Git repository. function set_git_remotes set git_upstream (command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" config remote.upstream.url) if test -z "$git_upstream" command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" remote add upstream $OMF_REPO_URI else command git --git-dir "$OMF_PATH/.git" --work-tree "$OMF_PATH" remote set-url upstream $OMF_REPO_URI end end # Sets up the necessary bootstrap code for Fish to load OMF. function install_bootstrap set -l fish_config_file "$FISH_CONFIG/config.fish" set -l vendor_config_file "$FISH_CONFIG/conf.d/omf.fish" # Create the Fish config directory if it doesn't exist yet (if the first thing the user runs with Fish is this # installer, for example). command mkdir -p "$FISH_CONFIG" # If Oh My Fish is already configured and ready to go, there's nothing else we need to do here. if is_omf_loaded return 0 # Fish 2.3.0+ supports conf.d which is for vendors to manage, so we can just plop an init file under our control. else if is_version_compatible 2.3.0 (get_fish_version) say "Writing bootstrap to $vendor_config_file..." command mkdir -p "$FISH_CONFIG/conf.d" generate_bootstrap > "$vendor_config_file" # If the user doesn't have their own config file, we'll just use that as our bootstrap. else if not test -e "$fish_config_file" say "Writing bootstrap to $fish_config_file..." generate_bootstrap > "$fish_config_file" # Even though config.fish already exists, we can prepend to it if the user is OK with it. else if confirm "Would you like Oh My Fish to be added to your configuration automatically?" say "Prepending bootstrap to $fish_config_file..." # Create a temporary file to store the combined config so that we can write atomically. generate_bootstrap | command cat - "$fish_config_file" > "$fish_config_file.tmp" or abort "Error prepending config file" # Swap in the prepended file. command mv "$fish_config_file.tmp" "$fish_config_file" or abort "Error moving file to $fish_config_file" # We don't have any options left, so let the user set up the bootstrap manually. else say "For Oh My Fish to work properly, please paste the code below into a file that Fish can run at startup:" echo generate_bootstrap end # Backup the user's theme settings. This can be removed when OMF no longer touches this file to switch themes. backup_file "$FISH_CONFIG/functions/fish_prompt.fish" end # Sets up the configuration directory. function install_config say "Setting up Oh My Fish configuration..." # Set up the Oh My Fish configuration directory. if not test -d "$OMF_CONFIG" command mkdir -p "$OMF_CONFIG" end test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/bundle"; or echo "theme default" > "$OMF_CONFIG/bundle" test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/channel"; or echo $OMF_CHANNEL > "$OMF_CONFIG/channel" test -f "$OMF_CONFIG/theme" or echo "default" > "$OMF_CONFIG/theme" # Install plugins fish -c "omf install" or abort "Error installing plugins" end # Generates the bootstrap code used to initialize Oh My Fish on shell startup. function generate_bootstrap echo "# Path to Oh My Fish install." if test "$OMF_PATH" = "$OMF_PATH_DEFAULT" echo "\ set -q XDG_DATA_HOME and set -gx OMF_PATH \"\$XDG_DATA_HOME/omf\" or set -gx OMF_PATH \"\$HOME/.local/share/omf\"" else echo "set -gx OMF_PATH '$OMF_PATH'" end if test "$OMF_CONFIG" != "$OMF_CONFIG_DEFAULT" echo " # Customize Oh My Fish configuration path. set -gx OMF_CONFIG '$OMF_CONFIG'" end echo " # Load Oh My Fish configuration. source \$OMF_PATH/init.fish" end # Uninstalls an existing OMF installation. function uninstall_omf is_install_dir "$OMF_PATH" or abort "No installation detected at $OMF_PATH" say (set_color -o red ^ /dev/null)"This will uninstall Oh My Fish and all plugins and themes from $OMF_PATH."(set_color normal ^ /dev/null) # If we installed the bootstrap to the user's config, let them know they need to remove it themselves. if begin; test -f "$FISH_CONFIG/config.fish"; and grep -q OMF_PATH "$FISH_CONFIG/config.fish"; end say (set_color -o ^ /dev/null)"Your configuration will not be modified. You may need to remove Oh My Fish startup code from $FISH_CONFIG/config.fish."(set_color normal ^ /dev/null) end confirm_yes "Are you sure you want to continue?" say "Uninstalling from $OMF_PATH..." # Trigger package uninstall events for path in $OMF_PATH/pkg/* set -l package (command basename "$path") test -f "$path/hooks/uninstall.fish" and source "$path/hooks/uninstall.fish" test -f "$path/uninstall.fish" and source "$path/uninstall.fish" emit uninstall_$package end # Remove the core framework command rm -rf "$OMF_PATH" or abort "Uninstall failed" # Remove the bootstrap if it is managed by us set -l vendor_config_file "$FISH_CONFIG/conf.d/omf.fish" if test -e "$vendor_config_file" command rm "$vendor_config_file" or abort "Failed to remove bootstrap file" end # Restore backed-up files restore_backup_file "$FISH_CONFIG/functions/fish_prompt.fish" say "Uninstall complete" end # Makes a backup of a given file. function backup_file -a file_path test -e "$file_path"; or return 1 set -l path (command dirname $file_path) set -l file (command basename $file_path) set -l name (echo $file | command cut -d. -f1) set -l timestamp (command date +%s) set -l backup_file "$path/$name.$timestamp.copy" say "Existent $file found at $path" say "↳ Moving to $backup_file" if not command cp "$file_path" $backup_file ^/dev/null abort "Could not backup $file_path" end return 0 end # Restores a backed-up file to its original location. function restore_backup_file -a file_path set -l path (command dirname $file_path) set -l file (command basename $file_path) set -l name (echo $file | cut -d. -f1) set -l backup_file_list $path/$name.*.copy set -l backup_file_path (echo $backup_file_list | command tr ' ' '\n' | command sort -r | command head -1) if test -e "$backup_file_path" say "Found a backup of $file at $backup_file_path" if confirm "Would you like to restore it (overwrite existing)?" say "Restoring backup file to $path/$file" command mv "$backup_file_path" "$path/$file" ^/dev/null or abort "Could not restore backup $backup_file_path" end end end # Verify we have a sane environment that OMF can run in. function sane_environment_check say "Checking for a sane environment..." assert_cmds debug "Checking for a sane 'head' implementation" set -l result (printf 'a\nb\n' | cmd head -n 1) and test "$result" = 'a' or abort (which head)" is not a sane 'head' implementation" debug "Checking for a sane 'sort' implementation" set -l result (printf '1.2.3\n2.2.4\n1.2.4\n' | cmd sort -r -n -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4) and set -q result[3] and test "$result[1]" = 2.2.4 and test "$result[2]" = 1.2.4 and test "$result[3]" = 1.2.3 or abort (which sort)" is not a sane 'sort' implementation" debug "Checking for a working AWK interpreter" cmd awk 'BEGIN{exit 42;}' < /dev/null ^ /dev/null if not test $status -eq 42 abort (which awk)" does not look like an AWK interpreter." end assert_fish_version_compatible 2.2.0 assert_git_version_compatible 1.9.5 debug "Verifying Git implementation is not buggy Git for Windows" if cmd git --version | cmd grep -i -q windows abort (which git)" is Git for Windows which is not supported." end debug "Verifying Git autocrlf is not enabled" if test (cmd git config --bool core.autocrlf; or echo false) = true abort "Please disable core.autocrlf in your Git configuration." end end # Gets the version of Fish installed. function get_fish_version if set -q FISH_VERSION echo $FISH_VERSION else if set -q version echo $version else return 1 end end # Gets the version of Git installed. function get_git_version type -f git > /dev/null ^ /dev/null and command git --version | command cut -d' ' -f3 end # Checks if a path looks like an OMF install. function is_install_dir -a path test -n "$path" and test -d "$path" and test -d "$path/pkg/omf" end # Checks if OMF is set up properly and working. function is_omf_loaded command fish -c "omf --version" > /dev/null ^&1 end # Tests if the right-hand side version is equal to or greater than the left-hand side version. function is_version_compatible -a lhs rhs # Both arguments must be given. set -q argv[2] or return 1 # Right-hand side must be the largest version. test "$rhs" = (get_latest_version "$lhs" "$rhs") end # Returns the newest version from a given list of versions. function get_latest_version # Sort the version in descending order and output the top result. for v in $argv echo "$v" end | command sort -r -n -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | command head -n 1 end # Assert that a minimum required version of Fish is installed. function assert_fish_version_compatible -a required_version set -l installed_version (get_fish_version) and is_version_compatible $required_version $installed_version or abort "Fish version $required_version or greater required; you have $installed_version" end # Assert that a minimum required version of Git is installed. function assert_git_version_compatible -a required_version set -l installed_version (get_git_version) and is_version_compatible $required_version $installed_version or abort "Git version $required_version or greater required; you have $installed_version" end # Assert that all tools we need are available. function assert_cmds set -l cmds awk basename cp cut date dirname env fish fold head mkdir mv readlink rm sed sort tar tr which for cmd in $cmds type -f $cmd > /dev/null ^ /dev/null or abort "Missing required command: $cmd" debug "Command '$cmd' is "(which $cmd) end end # Ensures the keyboard is readable if in interactive mode. function assert_interactive set -q NONINTERACTIVE and return test -c /dev/tty -a -r /dev/tty and echo -n > /dev/tty ^ /dev/null or abort "Running interactively, but can't read from tty (try running with --noninteractive)" end # A link-following `which` wrapper. function which if type realpath > /dev/null ^ /dev/null realpath (command which $argv) else command readlink (command which $argv) end end # Execute an external command. function cmd if set -q VERBOSE command env $argv else command env $argv ^ /dev/null end end # Print a message to the user. function say -a message printf "$message\n" | command fold -s -w 80 end # Write a debug message. function debug -a message if set -q VERBOSE printf 'DEBUG: %s\n' "$message" >&2 end end # Aborts the installer and displays an error. function abort -a message code if test -z "$code" set code 1 end if test -n "$message" printf "%sInstall aborted: $message%s\n" (set_color -o red ^ /dev/null) (set_color normal ^ /dev/null) >&2 else printf "%sInstall aborted%s\n" (set_color -o red ^ /dev/null) (set_color normal ^ /dev/null) >&2 end exit $code end # Asks the user for confirmation. function confirm -a message # Return true if we assume yes for all questions. set -q ASSUME_YES and return 0 # Return false if we can't ask the question. set -q NONINTERACTIVE and return 1 printf "%s$message (y/N): %s" (set_color yellow ^ /dev/null) (set_color normal ^ /dev/null) read -l answer < /dev/tty or abort "Failed to read from tty" not test "$answer" != y -a "$answer" != Y -a "$answer" != yes end # Asks the user for a confirmation or aborts. function confirm_yes -a message confirm "$message" or abort "Canceled by user" 2 end main $argv