# Set fish_custom to the path where your custom config files # and plugins exist, or use the default custom instead. if not set -q fish_custom set -g fish_custom $fish_path/custom end # Add functions defined in oh-my-fish/functions to the path. if not contains $fish_path/functions/ $fish_function_path set fish_function_path $fish_path/functions/ $fish_function_path end if set -q fish_plugins set_color red echo '$fish_plugins usage has been deprecated. Please see https://asciinema.org/a/20802.' set_color normal end if set -q fish_theme set_color red echo '$fish_theme usage has been deprecated. Please see https://asciinema.org/a/20802.' set_color normal end # Add imported plugins, completions and themes. Customize imported # commands via the $fish_path/custom directory, for example create # a directory under $fish_path/custom/themes with the same name as # the theme and override any functions/variables there. Rinse and # repeat for plugins. import plugins/$fish_plugins themes/$fish_theme # Source all files inside custom directory. for load in $fish_custom/*.load . $load end # Make sure to exit with $status of 1 when reloading the framework. or true