function __omf.packages.install.success echo (omf::em)"✔ $argv successfully installed."(omf::off) end function __omf.packages.install.error echo (omf::err)"Could not install $argv."(omf::off) >&2 end function __omf.packages.install.error.already echo (omf::err)"Error: $argv already installed."(omf::off) >&2 end function omf.packages.install -a name_or_url if set -l props (omf.index.stat $name_or_url type repository) set package_type $props[1] set name $name_or_url set url $props[2] else set name ( $name_or_url) set url $name_or_url end if contains -- $name (omf.packages.list) __omf.packages.install.error.already "$name_or_url" return $OMF_INVALID_ARG end echo (omf::dim)"Installing package $name"(omf::off) set -l install_dir $OMF_PATH/pkg/$name # Clone the package repository. if not omf.repo.clone $url $install_dir __omf.packages.install.error "$name" return $OMF_UNKNOWN_ERR end # If we don't know the package type yet, check if the package is a theme. if not set -q package_type test -f $install_dir/ and set package_type theme or set package_type plugin end # If the package is a theme, move it to the themes directory. if test $package_type = theme test -d $OMF_PATH/themes or command mkdir -p $OMF_PATH/themes command mv $install_dir $OMF_PATH/themes/$name set install_dir $OMF_PATH/themes/$name omf.bundle.add theme $name_or_url else omf.bundle.add package $name_or_url end omf.bundle.install $install_dir/bundle # Run the install hook. if not omf.packages.run_hook $install_dir install __omf.packages.install.error "$name" return $OMF_UNKNOWN_ERR end __omf.packages.install.success "$name" return 0 end