function omf.repo.pull if test (count $argv) -eq 0 echo (omf::err)"Argument of omf.repo.pull is the repo path."(omf::off) return $OMF_MISSING_ARG end set -l repo_dir $argv[1] if test (command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" config --get remote.upstream.url) set repository upstream else set repository origin end set initial_branch (command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD); or return $OMF_UNKNOWN_ERR set initial_revision (command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" rev-parse -q --verify HEAD); or return $OMF_UNKNOWN_ERR if not command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" diff --quiet echo (omf::em)"Stashing your changes:"(omf::off) command git -C "$repo_dir" status --short --untracked-files command git -C "$repo_dir" stash save --include-untracked --quiet set stashed true end if test "$initial_branch" != master command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" checkout master --quiet end # the refspec ensures that '$repository/master' gets updated command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" pull --rebase --quiet $repository "refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/$repository/master" if test $status -eq 2 #SIGINT command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" checkout $initial_branch command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" reset --hard $initial_revision test "$stashed" = true; and command git -C "$repo_dir" stash pop end if test "$initial_branch" != master command git --git-dir "$repo_dir"/.git --work-tree "$repo_dir" checkout $initial_branch --quiet end if test "$stashed" = true command git -C "$repo_dir" stash pop --quiet echo (omf::em)"Restored your changes:"(omf::off) command git -C "$repo_dir" status --short --untracked-files end return 0 end