function set -l IFS '' set -l doc_root $OMF_PATH/docs/cli set -l doc $doc_root/omf.adoc # If a command was given, find a help document for it. if set -q argv[1] if not set command (omf.command $argv[1]) echo (omf::err)"Unknown command: $argv[1]"(omf::off) >&2 return $OMF_UNKNOWN_OPT end set doc $doc_root/$command.adoc end set -l r (set_color normal 2> /dev/null) set -l c (set_color cyan 2> /dev/null) set -l b (set_color --bold 2> /dev/null) set -l u (set_color --underline 2> /dev/null) # Format the help document for the terminal. fold -s -w 78 $doc | sed -e " # Strip cross references. s/<<[^,]*,\([^>]*\)>>/\1/g # Definition lists. s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)::\(..*\)/\1\2/g s/^\([^[:space:]].*\)::/$b\1$r/g # Nice bullets for unordered lists. s/^[*-] /ยท /g # Indent everything left except for headers and the first line. 2,\$ s/^[^=]/ &/ # Headers. s/^==* \(.*\)/$b\1$r/ # Highlight bold and monospace text. s/\*\*\([^\*]*\)\*\*/$c\1$r/g s/\*\([^\*]*\)\*/$c\1$r/g s/``\([^`]*\)``/$c\1$r/g s/`\([^`]*\)`/$c\1$r/g # Style italics as underline. s/__\([^_]*\)__/$u\1$r/g s/_\([^_]*\)_/$u\1$r/g # Underline links. s/[[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]_]*:[^[:space:]][^[:space:]]*/$u&$r/g # Underline variable names in angle brackets. s/<[^>]*>/$u&$r/g " end