function if not omf.check.fish_prompt echo (omf::err)"Warning: "(omf::off)(omf::em)""(omf::off)" is overridden." echo (omf::em)" fish_config"(omf::off)" command persists the prompt to "(omf::em)"~/.config/fish/functions/"(omf::off) echo " That file takes precedence over Oh My Fish's themes. Remove the file to fix it:" echo (omf::em)" rm ~/.config/fish/functions/"(omf::off) echo return 1 end return 0 end function; or set -l doctor_failed if set -q doctor_failed echo "If everything you use Oh My Fish for is working fine, please don't worry and just ignore the warnings. Thanks!" else echo (omf::em)"Your shell is ready to swim."(omf::off) end end