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synced 2025-03-02 22:18:40 +08:00

+ Print messages with style and color easily. Supported styles below: _text_ Bold __text__ Underline ___text___ Bold and Underline `$variable` Apply @<styles> to $variables /directory/ Directories [url] Links \n Line Break \t Tab Space + Recognizes 256 different color names and special @random @light @dark @error and @success labels. + Included also is `msg.ask` to print a message with `msg` and wait for y/n input. Returns true on y\*.
524 lines
12 KiB
524 lines
12 KiB
# __ _ ___ ___ _
# / ' \(_-</ _ `/
# /_/_/_/___/\_, /
# /___/ v0.1.0
# msg - technicolor message printer
# msg [-sn] [@<fg:bg> | style]<text>[style]
# -s
# Do not separate arguments with spaces.
# -n
# Do not output a newline at the end of the message.
# _text_ Bold
# __text__ Underline
# ___text___ Bold and Underline
# `$variable` Apply @<styles> to $variables
# /directory/ Directories
# [url] Links
# \n Line Break
# \t Tab Space
# @<fg:bg> fg=bg=RGB|RRGGBB|name|random
# RGB value can be any three to six hex digit or color name.
# e.g, @0fb, @tomato, @random, @error, @ok.
# @bucaran (Jorge Bucaran)
# v. 0.1.0
# Global `msg` default color and styles.
set --global msg_color_fg FFFFFF
set --global msg_color_bg normal
set --global msg_style_url 00FF00 $msg_color_bg -u
set --global msg_style_dir FFA500 $msg_color_bg -u
set --global msg_color_err FF0000
set --global msg_color_ok 00FA9A
# Set style, fg/bg colors and reset. Modifies its parent scope of `msg`.
# @params [<fg>] [<bg>] [<style>]
function --no-scope-shadowing msg.util.set.color
if [ (count $argv) -gt 0 ]
set fg $argv[1]
if [ (count $argv) -gt 1 ]
set bg $argv[2]
set_color -b $bg
set_color $fg
if [ (count $argv) -gt 2 ]
set_color $argv[3]
set bg $msg_color_bg
set fg $msg_color_fg
function msg -d "Technicolor printer."
# Default " " whitespace between strings, skip with -s.
set -l ws " "
# Default \n newline after message, skip with -n.
set -l ln \n
switch (count $argv)
# No hard feelings, but don't print nothing.
case 0
return 0
case \*
switch $argv[1]
# Options must appear joined and without spaces: -sn or -ns
case -s\* -n\*
# To use options at least a second parameter will be required.
if [ (count $argv) -gt 1 ]
# Use -s to not add spaces between words.
if msg.util.str.has "s" $argv[1]
set ws ""
# Use -n to not add a newline at the end of the message.
if msg.util.str.has "n" $argv[1]
set ln ""
# We are done with options, get rid of first item.
set argv $argv[2..-1]
return 0
# Print flow is get next style token, set style, get anything else, print
# and use the reset. set_color normal makes sure to reset both colors and
# bold / underline styles.
set -l reset (set_color normal)(set_color $msg_color_fg)
# Foreground and background color carried from previous @style token.
# These variables are set and reset via msg.util.set.color
set -l fg $msg_color_fg
set -l bg $msg_color_bg
for token in $argv
switch $token
# Parse style tokens:
# _txt_, __txt__, ___txt___, @color `$var`, /dir/, [url]
case ___\*___\* __\*__\* _\*_\* \[\*\]\* \/\*\/\* `\*`\*
set -l left _ # Begin of style
set -l right _ # End of style
set -l color $fg $bg -o
switch $token
case ___\*___\* __\*__\* _\*_\*
if msg.util.str.has __ $token
set color[3] -u
set left __
if msg.util.str.has ___ $token
set color[3] -uo
set left ___
case \[\*\]\*
set color $msg_style_url
set left [ ]
set right ]
case \/\*\/\*
set color $msg_style_dir
set left \/
set right \/
case `\*`\*
set color $fg $bg
set left `
set right `
# Extract text between left and right separators.
echo -n (msg.util.set.color $color)(msg.util.str.grab $left $token)$reset
# Extract string after separator from the right.
echo -n (printf $token | sed "s/^.*\\$right\(.*\)/\1/")$ws
# Parse @fg:bg style tokens.
case @\*
set fg (printf $token | cut -c 2-) # @fg[:bg] → fg[:bg]
set bg (printf $fg | cut -d: -f 2) # fg:bg → fg|bg
set fg (printf $fg | cut -d: -f 1) # fg:bg → fg
# Do not let bg=fg have the same color unless the user wants to.
if [ $bg = $fg ]
if not msg.util.str.has : $token
set bg $msg_color_bg
# Make color string into valid RRGGBB hex format code.
set fg (msg.util.get.color $fg)
set bg (msg.util.get.color $bg)
# Everything else, print tokens, whitespace, etc.
case \*
set -l blank $ws
switch $token
# Do not print whitespace after the following characters.
case $argv[-1] \n\* \t\* \r
set blank ""
switch $token
case \\\[\* \\\/\* \\\_\* # Escape \\[text] and \\/text/
set token (printf $token | sed "s/^\\\//")
echo -en (msg.util.set.color)$token$reset$blank
echo -en $ln
# True if substring exists in string.
# @params <substring> <string>
function msg.util.str.has
printf $argv[2] | grep -q $argv[1]
# Extract string between left and right separators of variable length.
# @params <left-sep> [<right-sep>] <string>
function msg.util.str.grab
set -l left $argv[1]
set -l right $argv[1]
set -l string $argv[2]
if [ (count $argv) -gt 2 ]
set right $argv[2]
set string $argv[3]
set -l len (printf $left | awk '{print length}')
# Match between outermost left / right separators.
printf $string | sed "s/[^\\$left]*\(\\$left.*\\$right\)*/\1/g" | \
sed "s/^.\{$len\}\(.*\).\{$len\}\$/\1/"
# Print a random RRGGBB hexadecimal color from three min~max random beams
# where min = 0 and max = 255. Higher values produce lighter colors.
# @params [<min>][<max>]
function msg.util.random.color
set -l min 0
if [ (count $argv) -gt 0 ]
set min $argv[1]
set -l max 255
if [ (count $argv) -gt 1 ]
set max $argv[2]
set beam "math (random)%\($max-$min+1\)+$min"
printf "%02x%02x%02x" (eval $beam) (eval $beam) (eval $beam)
# Translate color names to valid RRGGBB hexadecimal value.
# @params <color|random>
function msg.util.get.color
[ (count $argv) -lt 1 ]
and printf $msg_color_fg
switch $argv[1]
case success ok
printf "%s\n" $msg_color_ok
case error
printf "%s\n" $msg_color_err
case random
case light
# Higher values produce lighter colors.
msg.util.random.color 100
case dark
# Lower values produce darker colors.
msg.util.random.color 0 75
case maroon
printf 800000
case d\*red
printf 8B0000
case brown
printf A52A2A
case firebrick
printf B22222
case crimson
printf DC143C
case red
printf FF0000
case tomato
printf FF6347
case coral
printf FF7F50
case indianred
printf CD5C5C
case l\*coral
printf F08080
case d\*salmon
printf E9967A
case salmon
printf FA8072
case l\*salmon
printf FFA07A
case orangered
printf FF4500
case d\*orange
printf FF8C00
case orange
printf FFA500
case gold
printf FFD700
case d\*goldenrod
printf B8860B
case goldenrod
printf DAA520
case palegoldenrod
printf EEE8AA
case d\*khaki
printf BDB76B
case khaki
printf F0E68C
case olive
printf 808000
case yellow
printf FFFF00
case yellowgreen
printf 9ACD32
case d\*olivegreen
printf 556B2F
case olivedrab
printf 6B8E23
case lawngreen
printf 7CFC00
case chartreuse
printf 7FFF00
case greenyellow
printf ADFF2F
case d\*green
printf 006400
case green
printf 008000
case forestgreen
printf 228B22
case lime
printf 00FF00
case limegreen
printf 32CD32
case l\*green
printf 90EE90
case palegreen
printf 98FB98
case d\*seagreen
printf 8FBC8F
case mediumspringgreen
printf 00FA9A
case springgreen
printf 00FF7F
case sea green
printf 2E8B57
case mediumaquamarine
printf 66CDAA
case mediumseagreen
printf 3CB371
case l\*seagreen
printf 20B2AA
case d\*slategray
printf 2F4F4F
case teal
printf 008080
case d\*cyan
printf 008B8B
case aqua
printf 00FFFF
case cyan
printf 00FFFF
case l\*cyan
printf E0FFFF
case d\*turquoise
printf 00CED1
case turquoise
printf 40E0D0
case mediumturquoise
printf 48D1CC
case paleturquoise
printf AFEEEE
case aquamarine
printf 7FFFD4
case powderblue
printf B0E0E6
case cadetblue
printf 5F9EA0
case steelblue
printf 4682B4
case cornflowerblue
printf 6495ED
case deepskyblue
printf 00BFFF
case dodgerblue
printf 1E90FF
case l\*blue
printf ADD8E6
case skyblue
printf 87CEEB
case l\*skyblue
printf 87CEFA
case midnightblue
printf 191970
case navy
printf 000080
case d\*blue
printf 00008B
case mediumblue
printf 0000CD
case blue
printf 0000FF
case royalblue
printf 4169E1
case blueviolet
printf 8A2BE2
case indigo
printf 4B0082
case d\*slateblue
printf 483D8B
case slateblue
printf 6A5ACD
case mediumslateblue
printf 7B68EE
case mediumpurple
printf 9370DB
case d\*magenta
printf 8B008B
case d\*violet
printf 9400D3
case d\*orchid
printf 9932CC
case mediumorchid
printf BA55D3
case purple
printf 800080
case thistle
printf D8BFD8
case plum
printf DDA0DD
case violet
printf EE82EE
case magenta fuchsia
printf FF00FF
case orchid
printf DA70D6
case mediumvioletred
printf C71585
case palevioletred
printf DB7093
case deeppink
printf FF1493
case hotpink
printf FF69B4
case l\*pink
printf FFB6C1
case pink
printf FFC0CB
case antiquewhite
printf FAEBD7
case beige
printf F5F5DC
case bisque
printf FFE4C4
case blanchedalmond
printf FFEBCD
case wheat
printf F5DEB3
case cornsilk
printf FFF8DC
case lemonchiffon
printf FFFACD
case l\*goldenrodyellow
printf FAFAD2
case l\*yellow
printf FFFFE0
case saddlebrown
printf 8B4513
case sienna
printf A0522D
case choco chocolate
printf D2691E
case peru
printf CD853F
case sandybrown
printf F4A460
case burlywood
printf DEB887
case tan
printf D2B48C
case rosybrown
printf BC8F8F
case moccasin
printf FFE4B5
case navajowhite
printf FFDEAD
case peach peachpuff
printf FFDAB9
case rose mistyrose
printf FFE4E1
case lavenderblush
printf FFF0F5
case linen
printf FAF0E6
case oldlace
printf FDF5E6
case papaya papayawhip
printf FFEFD5
case seashell
printf FFF5EE
case mintcream
printf F5FFFA
case slategray
printf 708090
case l\*slategray
printf 778899
case l\*steelblue
printf B0C4DE
case lavender
printf E6E6FA
case floralwhite
printf FFFAF0
case aliceblue
printf F0F8FF
case ghostwhite
printf F8F8FF
case honeydew
printf F0FFF0
case ivory
printf FFFFF0
case azure
printf F0FFFF
case snow
printf FFFAFA
case black
printf 000000
case dimgray dimgrey
printf 696969
case gray grey
printf 808080
case d\*gray d\*grey
printf A9A9A9
case silver
printf C0C0C0
case l\*gray l\*grey
printf D3D3D3
case gainsboro
printf DCDCDC
case whitesmoke
printf F5F5F5
case white
printf FFFFFF
case "*"
printf $argv[1]