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synced 2025-03-10 22:15:15 +08:00

Replace package database with independently installed package repositories - Add support for fetching and installing from package repositories containing package URLs and metadata - Support multiple package repository sources - Add new repo command - Remove submit command - Enhance describe and search commands - Fix and improve help text for new and adjusted commands - Fix bundle install exit status - Refer to plugins as "plugins" instead of the general term "packages" - Code clarity improvements - Put plugin/theme distinction into package metadata
194 lines
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194 lines
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function omf.cli.help -a command
switch "$command"
case "c" "cd"
echo "\
Change directory to root or plugin/theme directory.
omf cd Change to Oh My Fish root folder
omf cd "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Change to plugin or theme directory by name
omf cd
omf cd brew
omf cd l
case "channel"
echo \n"\
Gets or changes the update channel.
Two channels are available by default: the "(omf::em)"stable"(omf::off)" channel provides stable
updates with the latest tagged version of Oh My Fish, and "(omf::em)"dev"(omf::off)" which provides
the latest changes under development. The update channel currently set
determines what version "(omf::em)"omf update"(omf::off)" will upgrade to.
omf channel Print the currently selected update channel
omf channel "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Switch to the given update channel
omf channel
omf channel stable
omf channel dev
case "d" "describe"
echo "\
Get information about what packages do.
omf describe "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Show information about a package
omf describe brew
case "destroy"
echo "\
Uninstall Oh My Fish.
omf destroy
case "doctor"
echo "\
Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
omf doctor
case "i" "install" "get"
echo "\
Install packages.
omf install Install missing packages from bundle
omf install "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" Install package by name or URL
omf install
omf install brew
omf install https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-brew
case "l" "ls" "list"
echo "\
List local packages.
omf list [ --available | -a ]
omf list [ --installed | -i ]
omf list [ --database | -d ]
case "n" "new"
echo "\
Create a new package from a template.
omf new ("(omf::dim)"pkg"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Create a new package from a template
omf new pkg mypkg
omf new theme mytheme
case "repo" "repositories"
echo "\
Manage package repositories.
omf repositories [list|ls] List installed repositories
omf repositories add "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" ["(omf::em)"<branch>"(omf::off)"] Add a package repository
omf repositories rm|remove "(omf::em)"<url>"(omf::off)" ["(omf::em)"<branch>"(omf::off)"] Remove a package repository
omf repositories
omf repositories add https://github.com/vendor/fish-packages
omf repositories rm https://github.com/vendor/fish-packages master
case "r" "rm" "remove" "uninstall"
echo "\
Remove a theme or package.
omf remove "(omf::em)"<package name>"(omf::off)" | "(omf::em)"<theme name>"(omf::off)" Removes a theme or package by name
omf remove brew
omf remove l
case "search"
echo "\
Search for a plugin or theme.
omf search ("(omf::dim)"-p/--plugin"(omf::off)" | "(omf::dim)"-t/--theme"(omf::off)") "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Search for a plugin or theme
omf search -p nvm
omf search -t bobthefish
omf search vi
case "t" "theme"
echo "\
Install and list themes.
omf theme List available themes to install
omf theme "(omf::em)"<name>"(omf::off)" Install theme by name
omf theme
omf theme l
case "u" "update"
echo "\
Update Oh My Fish.
omf update
case "*"
echo "\
\$ omf [command] [arguments]
omf "(omf::em)"install"(omf::off)" [<name>|<url>]
omf "(omf::em)"theme"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"remove"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"search"(omf::off)" [<name>]
omf "(omf::em)"update"(omf::off)"
omf "(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" [<command>]
"(omf::em)"c"(omf::off)"d Change directory to plugin/theme directory.
"(omf::em)"d"(omf::off)"escribe Get information about what packages do.
"(omf::em)"destroy"(omf::off)" Uninstall Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"doctor"(omf::off)" Troubleshoot Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"help"(omf::off)" Shows help about a specific action.
"(omf::em)"i"(omf::off)"nstall Install one or more packages.
"(omf::em)"l"(omf::off)"ist List local packages.
"(omf::em)"n"(omf::off)"ew Create a new package from a template.
"(omf::em)"r"(omf::off)"emove Remove a theme or package.
"(omf::em)"repo"(omf::off)"sitories Manage package repositories.
"(omf::em)"s"(omf::off)"earch Search for a package or theme.
"(omf::em)"t"(omf::off)"heme List / Use themes.
"(omf::em)"u"(omf::off)"pdate Update Oh My Fish.
"(omf::em)"--h"(omf::off)"elp Display this help.
"(omf::em)"--v"(omf::off)"ersion Display version.
For more information visit → "(omf::em)"git.io/oh-my-fish"(omf::off)\n