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synced 2025-03-05 04:29:39 +08:00
123 lines
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123 lines
4.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env fish
# Oh-my-fish is a user-friendly framework for managing your fish-shell
# configuration. It includes optional plugins (brew, git, rails, python,
# node, etc) and themes.
# Get the party started with:
# curl -L https://github.com/bpinto/oh-my-fish/raw/master/tools/install.fish \
# | fish
# Oh-My-Fish currently supports
# - Fish 2.0+ [fishshell.com] [github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell]
# The installation process is split up in the following steps:
# 1. Resolve source repository to default or get from environment variable.
# This allows installers curl -L ..install.fish | TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG=<fork> fish in
# order to test forks of the framework.
# 2. Check for already installed copies of Oh-My-Fish. Do not reinstall.
# 3. Attempt to pull repository via git clone, if git is not available,
# curl a HTTP GET request directly from github.
# 4. Backup original configuration file if there is one and copy new
# configuration file from templates/.
# 5. Print fish logo.
# 6. Start prompt if the terminal is interactive
set fish_path ~/.oh-my-fish
set config_path ~/.config/fish
# Log a color message.
# log <color> <string>...
function log
echo -e (set_color $argv[1])$argv[2..-1](set_color normal)
log white "Installing Oh My Fish..."
# Allow installers to specify the source repository.
if not set -q TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG
set TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG bpinto/oh-my-fish
# Abort installation if oh-my-fish is already installed.
if test -d $fish_path
log yellow "You already have Oh My Fish installed."
log white "Remove $fish_path if you want to reinstall it."
exit 1
# Either git clone or curl GET repository.
log blue "Cloning Oh My Fish from remote repository..."
if type git >/dev/null
git clone "https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git" $fish_path
log yellow "Install git to pull Oh-My-Fish updates"
log white "Downloading remote zip from Github..."
if curl -sLo $fish_path.zip "https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/archive/master.zip"
unzip -q $fish_path.zip
mv "oh-my-fish-master" $fish_path
and log green "Oh-My-Fish succesfully downloaded and extracted to $fish_path"
rm -f $fish_path.zip
log red "Oh-My-Fish could not be downloaded."
log white "Report an issue → github.com/bpinto/oh-my-fish/issues"
exit 1
# Check any existing config.fish files, backup and add custom template.
log blue "Looking for an existing fish config..."
if test -f $config_path/config.fish
log green "Found $config_path/config.fish."
log green "Backing up to $config_path/config.orig"
mv $config_path/config.{fish,orig}
log blue "Adding default configuration file to $config_path/config.fish"
cp $fish_path/templates/config.fish $config_path/config.fish
# Print nice fish logo with colors.
log green \
" _
| |
___ | |__ _ __ ___ _ _
/ _ \| _ \ | _ ` _ \| | | |
| (_) | | | | | | | | | | |_| |
\___/|_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\__, |
__/ |
echo " "(set_color F00)"___
___======____="(set_color FF7F00)"-"(set_color FF0)"-"(set_color FF7F00)"-="(set_color F00)")
/T \_"(set_color FF0)"--="(set_color FF7F00)"=="(set_color F00)")
[ \ "(set_color FF7F00)"("(set_color FF0)"0"(set_color FF7F00)") "(set_color F00)"\~ \_"(set_color FF0)"-="(set_color FF7F00)"="(set_color F00)")
\ / )J"(set_color FF7F00)"~~ \\"(set_color FF0)"-="(set_color F00)")
\\\\___/ )JJ"(set_color FF7F00)"~"(set_color FF0)"~~ "(set_color F00)"\)
\_____/JJJ"(set_color FF7F00)"~~"(set_color FF0)"~~ "(set_color F00)"\\
"(set_color FF7F00)"/ "(set_color FF0)"\ "(set_color FF0)", \\"(set_color F00)"J"(set_color FF7F00)"~~~"(set_color FF0)"~~ "(set_color FF7F00)"\\
(-"(set_color FF0)"\)"(set_color F00)"\="(set_color FF7F00)"|"(set_color FF0)"\\\\\\"(set_color FF7F00)"~~"(set_color FF0)"~~ "(set_color FF7F00)"L_"(set_color FF0)"_
"(set_color FF7F00)"("(set_color F00)"\\"(set_color FF7F00)"\\) ("(set_color FF0)"\\"(set_color FF7F00)"\\\)"(set_color F00)"_ "(set_color FF0)"\=="(set_color FF7F00)"__
"(set_color F00)"\V "(set_color FF7F00)"\\\\"(set_color F00)"\) =="(set_color FF7F00)"=_____ "(set_color FF0)"\\\\\\\\"(set_color FF7F00)"\\\\
"(set_color F00)"\V) \_) "(set_color FF7F00)"\\\\"(set_color FF0)"\\\\JJ\\"(set_color FF7F00)"J\)
"(set_color F00)"/"(set_color FF7F00)"J"(set_color FF0)"\\"(set_color FF7F00)"J"(set_color F00)"T\\"(set_color FF7F00)"JJJ"(set_color F00)"J)
(J"(set_color FF7F00)"JJ"(set_color F00)"| \UUU)\\
(UU)"(set_color normal)\n\n
log green "...is now installed."
# Launch fish after installation, loading Oh My Fish for the first time.
# Safeguard for non-interactive terminals, automated installers, etc.
if status --is-interactive
exec fish < /dev/tty