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synced 2025-03-06 18:35:12 +08:00

This is the message sent to GitHub with for the reconciliation: > I have talked to @bpinto and his other collaborators and decided that is > the best for everyone to reconcile and conclude our litigation amicably > with the following conditions: > > * The license read Copyright (c) 2015 Oh My Fish! > * AUTHORS file. > * Bruno and Justin remain as admins. > * Scorphus, derekstavis and bucaran become collaborators. > * We swear not to fight over copyright issues again. > > You may have the DMCA revoked at your earliest convenience.
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# This file lists all individuals having contributed content to the repository.
# git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | env LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 sort -uf
Bruno Pinto <brunoferreirapinto@gmail.com>
Jorge Bucaran <jbucaran@me.com>
Justin Hileman <github@0x7f.us>
Daniel Banck <daniel@dbanck.de>
Derek Stavis <dekestavis@gmail.com>
jeremiejig <me@jeremiejig.fr>
Nathan Wykes <nwykes@gmail.com>
Natrim <maly@kinet.cz>
Pablo Santiago Blum de Aguiar <scorphus@gmail.com>
Pyry-Samuli Lahti <pyppe@iki.fi>
Stephen Coakley <me@stephencoakley.com>
Tom Hensel <github@jitter.eu>
Twan Coenraad <twan@coenraad.at>
Wild Kat <wk@futureinquestion.net>