2012-11-19 01:32:31 +08:00
make 100% compatible with swift.py?
Make Env vars compatible with st?
Get and put the metadata in the libray (x-object-meta-mtime) when getting and putting a file?
This also puts meta-mtime
As an integer, but it does parse it as a float
subargs.append('x-object-meta-mtime:%d' % getmtime(options.input_))
2012-11-21 06:40:48 +08:00
Need an iterate all objects routine... Could use a channel
- could just be a flag to Objects()
FIXME progress meter would be nice! Do this by wrapping the Reader with a progress bar
2012-11-28 18:47:35 +08:00
Do bandwidth limit by wrapping the Reader too
2012-11-28 19:17:31 +08:00
Could have an integrity check mode where we check the MD5sums of the local vs the remote
2012-11-29 07:40:09 +08:00
Some stats would be nice!
Windows paths? Do we need to translate / and \?
Make swift timeouts be settable