mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 13:05:12 +08:00
drive: rewrite mime type and extension handling
Make use of the mime package to find matching extensions and mime types. For simplicity, all extensions are now prefixed with "." to match the mime package requirements. Parsed extensions get converted if needed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -68,32 +69,44 @@ var (
ClientSecret: obscure.MustReveal(rcloneEncryptedClientSecret),
RedirectURL: oauthutil.TitleBarRedirectURL,
mimeTypeToExtension = map[string]string{
"application/epub+zip": "epub",
"application/msword": "doc",
"application/pdf": "pdf",
"application/rtf": "rtf",
"application/vnd.ms-excel": "xls",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation": "odp",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": "ods",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": "odt",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": "pptx",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet": "xlsx",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": "docx",
"application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": "ods",
"application/zip": "zip",
"image/jpeg": "jpg",
"image/png": "png",
"image/svg+xml": "svg",
"text/csv": "csv",
"text/html": "html",
"text/plain": "txt",
"text/tab-separated-values": "tsv",
_mimeTypeToExtensionDuplicates = map[string]string{
"application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation": ".odp",
"application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": ".ods",
"application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": ".odt",
"image/jpg": ".jpg",
"image/x-bmp": ".bmp",
"image/x-png": ".png",
"text/rtf": ".rtf",
_mimeTypeToExtension = map[string]string{
"application/epub+zip": ".epub",
"application/json": ".json",
"application/msword": ".doc",
"application/pdf": ".pdf",
"application/rtf": ".rtf",
"application/vnd.ms-excel": ".xls",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation": ".odp",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": ".ods",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": ".odt",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": ".pptx",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet": ".xlsx",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": ".docx",
"application/x-msmetafile": ".wmf",
"application/zip": ".zip",
"image/bmp": ".bmp",
"image/jpeg": ".jpg",
"image/pjpeg": ".pjpeg",
"image/png": ".png",
"image/svg+xml": ".svg",
"text/csv": ".csv",
"text/html": ".html",
"text/plain": ".txt",
"text/tab-separated-values": ".tsv",
extensionToMimeType map[string]string
partialFields = "id,name,size,md5Checksum,trashed,modifiedTime,createdTime,mimeType,parents"
exportFormatsOnce sync.Once // make sure we fetch the export formats only once
_exportFormats map[string][]string // allowed export mime-type conversions
_exportFormats map[string][]string // allowed export MIME type conversions
// Register with Fs
@ -252,10 +265,15 @@ func init() {
// Invert mimeTypeToExtension
extensionToMimeType = make(map[string]string, len(mimeTypeToExtension))
for mimeType, extension := range mimeTypeToExtension {
extensionToMimeType[extension] = mimeType
// register duplicate MIME types first
// this allows them to be used with mime.ExtensionsByType() but
// mime.TypeByExtension() will return the later registered MIME type
for _, m := range []map[string]string{_mimeTypeToExtensionDuplicates, _mimeTypeToExtension} {
for mimeType, extension := range m {
if err := mime.AddExtensionType(extension, mimeType); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to register MIME type %q: %v", mimeType, err)
@ -426,7 +444,7 @@ func (f *Fs) list(dirIDs []string, title string, directoriesOnly bool, filesOnly
// if the search title contains an extension and the extension is in the export extensions add a search
// for the filename without the extension.
// assume that export extensions don't contain escape sequences and only have one part (not .tar.gz)
if ext := path.Ext(searchTitle); handleGdocs && len(ext) > 0 && containsString(f.extensions, ext[1:]) {
if ext := path.Ext(searchTitle); handleGdocs && len(ext) > 0 && containsString(f.extensions, ext) {
stem = title[:len(title)-len(ext)]
query = append(query, fmt.Sprintf("(name='%s' or name='%s')", searchTitle, searchTitle[:len(searchTitle)-len(ext)]))
} else {
@ -516,25 +534,78 @@ func isPowerOfTwo(x int64) bool {
// parseExtensions parses drive export extensions from a string
func (f *Fs) parseExtensions(extensions string) error {
for _, extension := range strings.Split(extensions, ",") {
extension = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(extension))
if _, found := extensionToMimeType[extension]; !found {
return errors.Errorf("couldn't find mime type for extension %q", extension)
found := false
for _, existingExtension := range f.extensions {
if extension == existingExtension {
found = true
// add a charset parameter to all text/* MIME types
func fixMimeType(mimeType string) string {
mediaType, param, err := mime.ParseMediaType(mimeType)
if err != nil {
return mimeType
if strings.HasPrefix(mimeType, "text/") && param["charset"] == "" {
param["charset"] = "utf-8"
mimeType = mime.FormatMediaType(mediaType, param)
return mimeType
func fixMimeTypeMap(m map[string][]string) map[string][]string {
for _, v := range m {
for i, mt := range v {
fixed := fixMimeType(mt)
if fixed == "" {
panic(errors.Errorf("unable to fix MIME type %q", mt))
if !found {
f.extensions = append(f.extensions, extension)
v[i] = fixed
return nil
return m
func isInternalMimeType(mimeType string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(mimeType, "application/vnd.google-apps.")
// parseExtensions parses a list of comma separated extensions
// into a list of unique extensions with leading "."
func parseExtensions(extensions ...string) ([]string, error) {
var result []string
for _, extensionText := range extensions {
for _, extension := range strings.Split(extensionText, ",") {
extension = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(extension))
if len(extension) > 0 && extension[0] != '.' {
extension = "." + extension
if mime.TypeByExtension(extension) == "" {
return result, errors.Errorf("couldn't find MIME type for extension %q", extension)
found := false
for _, existingExtension := range result {
if extension == existingExtension {
found = true
if !found {
result = append(result, extension)
return result, nil
// parseExtensionMimeTypes parses the given extensions using parseExtensions
// and maps each resulting extension to its MIME type.
func parseExtensionMimeTypes(extensions ...string) ([]string, error) {
parsedExtensions, err := parseExtensions(extensions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mimeTypes := make([]string, 0, len(parsedExtensions))
for i, extension := range parsedExtensions {
mt := mime.TypeByExtension(extension)
if mt == "" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("couldn't find MIME type for extension %q", extension)
mimeTypes[i] = mt
return mimeTypes, nil
// Figure out if the user wants to use a team drive
@ -699,11 +770,7 @@ func NewFs(name, path string, m configmap.Mapper) (fs.Fs, error) {
f.dirCache = dircache.New(root, f.rootFolderID, f)
// Parse extensions
err = f.parseExtensions(opt.Extensions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = f.parseExtensions(defaultExtensions) // make sure there are some sensible ones on there
f.extensions, err = parseExtensions(opt.Extensions, defaultExtensions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -836,12 +903,12 @@ func (f *Fs) exportFormats() map[string][]string {
_exportFormats = map[string][]string{}
_exportFormats = about.ExportFormats
_exportFormats = fixMimeTypeMap(about.ExportFormats)
return _exportFormats
// findExportFormat works out the optimum extension and mime-type
// findExportFormat works out the optimum extension and MIME type
// for this item.
// Look through the extensions and find the first format that can be
@ -849,11 +916,11 @@ func (f *Fs) exportFormats() map[string][]string {
func (f *Fs) findExportFormat(item *drive.File) (extension, filename, mimeType string, isDocument bool) {
exportMimeTypes, isDocument := f.exportFormats()[item.MimeType]
if isDocument {
for _, extension := range f.extensions {
mimeType := extensionToMimeType[extension]
for _, _extension := range f.extensions {
_mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(_extension)
for _, emt := range exportMimeTypes {
if emt == mimeType {
return extension, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", item.Name, extension), mimeType, true
if emt == _mimeType {
return _extension, item.Name + _extension, _mimeType, true
@ -1103,27 +1170,11 @@ func (f *Fs) itemToDirEntry(remote string, item *drive.File) (fs.DirEntry, error
fs.Debugf(remote, "No export formats found for %q", item.MimeType)
o, err := f.newObjectWithInfo(remote+"."+extension, item)
o, err := f.newObjectWithInfo(remote+extension, item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
obj := o.(*Object)
obj.url = fmt.Sprintf("%sfiles/%s/export?mimeType=%s", f.svc.BasePath, item.Id, url.QueryEscape(exportMimeType))
if f.opt.AlternateExport {
switch item.MimeType {
case "application/vnd.google-apps.drawing":
obj.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/%s/export/%s", item.Id, extension)
case "application/vnd.google-apps.document":
obj.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/document/d/%s/export?format=%s", item.Id, extension)
case "application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet":
obj.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/%s/export?format=%s", item.Id, extension)
case "application/vnd.google-apps.presentation":
obj.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/%s/export/%s", item.Id, extension)
obj.isDocument = true
obj.mimeType = exportMimeType
obj.bytes = -1
o.(*Object).setGdocsMetaData(item, extension, exportMimeType)
return o, nil
return nil, nil
@ -1866,13 +1917,13 @@ func (o *Object) setGdocsMetaData(info *drive.File, extension, exportMimeType st
if o.fs.opt.AlternateExport {
switch info.MimeType {
case "application/vnd.google-apps.drawing":
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/%s/export/%s", info.Id, extension)
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/%s/export/%s", info.Id, extension[1:])
case "application/vnd.google-apps.document":
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/document/d/%s/export?format=%s", info.Id, extension)
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/document/d/%s/export?format=%s", info.Id, extension[1:])
case "application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet":
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/%s/export?format=%s", info.Id, extension)
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/%s/export?format=%s", info.Id, extension[1:])
case "application/vnd.google-apps.presentation":
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/%s/export/%s", info.Id, extension)
o.url = fmt.Sprintf("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/%s/export/%s", info.Id, extension[1:])
o.isDocument = true
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package drive
import (
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ const exampleExportFormats = `{
func TestInternalLoadExampleExportFormats(t *testing.T) {
exportFormatsOnce.Do(func() {})
assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(exampleExportFormats), &_exportFormats))
_exportFormats = fixMimeTypeMap(_exportFormats)
func TestInternalParseExtensions(t *testing.T) {
@ -65,27 +67,24 @@ func TestInternalParseExtensions(t *testing.T) {
want []string
wantErr error
{"doc", []string{"doc"}, nil},
{" docx ,XLSX, pptx,svg", []string{"docx", "xlsx", "pptx", "svg"}, nil},
{"docx,svg,Docx", []string{"docx", "svg"}, nil},
{"docx,potato,docx", []string{"docx"}, errors.New(`couldn't find mime type for extension "potato"`)},
{"doc", []string{".doc"}, nil},
{" docx ,XLSX, pptx,svg", []string{".docx", ".xlsx", ".pptx", ".svg"}, nil},
{"docx,svg,Docx", []string{".docx", ".svg"}, nil},
{"docx,potato,docx", []string{".docx"}, errors.New(`couldn't find MIME type for extension ".potato"`)},
} {
f := new(Fs)
gotErr := f.parseExtensions(test.in)
extensions, gotErr := parseExtensions(test.in)
if test.wantErr == nil {
assert.NoError(t, gotErr)
} else {
assert.EqualError(t, gotErr, test.wantErr.Error())
assert.Equal(t, test.want, f.extensions)
assert.Equal(t, test.want, extensions)
// Test it is appending
f := new(Fs)
assert.Nil(t, f.parseExtensions("docx,svg"))
assert.Nil(t, f.parseExtensions("docx,svg,xlsx"))
assert.Equal(t, []string{"docx", "svg", "xlsx"}, f.extensions)
extensions, gotErr := parseExtensions("docx,svg", "docx,svg,xlsx")
assert.NoError(t, gotErr)
assert.Equal(t, []string{".docx", ".svg", ".xlsx"}, extensions)
func TestInternalFindExportFormat(t *testing.T) {
@ -99,10 +98,10 @@ func TestInternalFindExportFormat(t *testing.T) {
wantMimeType string
{[]string{}, "", ""},
{[]string{"pdf"}, "pdf", "application/pdf"},
{[]string{"pdf", "rtf", "xls"}, "pdf", "application/pdf"},
{[]string{"xls", "rtf", "pdf"}, "rtf", "application/rtf"},
{[]string{"xls", "csv", "svg"}, "", ""},
{[]string{".pdf"}, ".pdf", "application/pdf"},
{[]string{".pdf", ".rtf", ".xls"}, ".pdf", "application/pdf"},
{[]string{".xls", ".rtf", ".pdf"}, ".rtf", "application/rtf"},
{[]string{".xls", ".csv", ".svg"}, "", ""},
} {
f := new(Fs)
f.extensions = test.extensions
@ -117,3 +116,35 @@ func TestInternalFindExportFormat(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, true, gotIsDocument)
func TestMimeTypesToExtension(t *testing.T) {
for mimeType, extension := range _mimeTypeToExtension {
extensions, err := mime.ExtensionsByType(mimeType)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, extensions, extension)
func TestExtensionToMimeType(t *testing.T) {
for mimeType, extension := range _mimeTypeToExtension {
gotMimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(extension)
mediatype, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(gotMimeType)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, mimeType, mediatype)
func TestExtensionsForExportFormats(t *testing.T) {
if _exportFormats == nil {
t.Error("exportFormats == nil")
for fromMT, toMTs := range _exportFormats {
for _, toMT := range toMTs {
if !isInternalMimeType(toMT) {
extensions, err := mime.ExtensionsByType(toMT)
assert.NoError(t, err, "invalid MIME type %q", toMT)
assert.NotEmpty(t, extensions, "No extension found for %q (from: %q)", fromMT, toMT)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user