This commit modernizes Go usage. This was done with:
go run -fix -test ./...
Then files needed to be `go fmt`ed and a few comments needed to be
The modernizations include replacing
- if/else conditional assignment by a call to the built-in min or max functions added in go1.21
- sort.Slice(x, func(i, j int) bool) { return s[i] < s[j] } by a call to slices.Sort(s), added in go1.21
- interface{} by the 'any' type added in go1.18
- append([]T(nil), s...) by slices.Clone(s) or slices.Concat(s), added in go1.21
- loop around an m[k]=v map update by a call to one of the Collect, Copy, Clone, or Insert functions from the maps package, added in go1.21
- []byte(fmt.Sprintf...) by fmt.Appendf(nil, ...), added in go1.19
- append(s[:i], s[i+1]...) by slices.Delete(s, i, i+1), added in go1.21
- a 3-clause for i := 0; i < n; i++ {} loop by for i := range n {}, added in go1.22
This is possible now that we no longer support go1.12 and brings
rclone into line with standard practices in the Go world.
This also removes errors.New and errors.Errorf from lib/errors and
prefers the stdlib errors package over lib/errors.
Make the pacer package more flexible by extracting the pace calculation
functions into a separate interface. This also allows to move features
that require the fs package like logging and custom errors into the fs
Also add a RetryAfterError sentinel error that can be used to signal a
desired retry time to the Calculator.
The purpose of this is to make it easier to maintain and eventually to
allow the rclone backends to be re-used in other projects without
having to use the rclone configuration system.
The new code layout is documented in CONTRIBUTING.