These are set in the form RCLONE_CONFIG_remote_option where remote is
the uppercased remote name and option is the uppercased config file
option name. Note that RCLONE_CONFIG_remote_TYPE must be set if
defining a new remote.
This will allow setting up a remote with copy&paste of values to a headless machine. It will allow copy+pasting a token into the configuration.
This requires rclone to be on a machine with a proper browser. Custom client id and secrets are supported.
To test token generation, use `rclone auth "fs type"`.
Shorten the URL to be used by the user and automatically use the
returned code by the server. The browser is opened on
`http://(bindaddress)/auth`, and redirected to the actual URL. When
the code is returned it is automatically inserted, instead of
requiring a copy+paste.
This is also a workaround for the "open" package, which escapes "&"
wrongly on Windows, so the opened URL's are invalid.
* get rid of depreprecated ""
* store tokens in config file as before
* read old format tokens and write in new format seamlessly
* set our own transport to enforce timeouts etc