Help people handle an issue which might be difficult to understand
If you have recursive shortcuts (pointing to a parent folder) in a
google drive, rclone is doing infinite recursion, never ending and
filling the disk. Even if you ask not to get shortcuts content.
This change adds support for metadata on OneDrive. Metadata (including
permissions) is supported for both files and directories.
OneDrive supports System Metadata (not User Metadata, as of this writing.) Much
of the metadata is read-only, and there are some differences between OneDrive
Personal and Business (see table in OneDrive backend docs for details).
Permissions are also supported, if --onedrive-metadata-permissions is set. The
accepted values for --onedrive-metadata-permissions are read, write, read,write, and
off (the default). write supports adding new permissions, updating the "role" of
existing permissions, and removing permissions. Updating and removing require
the Permission ID to be known, so it is recommended to use read,write instead of
write if you wish to update/remove permissions.
Permissions are read/written in JSON format using the same schema as the
OneDrive API, which differs slightly between OneDrive Personal and Business.
(See OneDrive backend docs for examples.)
To write permissions, pass in a "permissions" metadata key using this same
format. The --metadata-mapper tool can be very helpful for this.
When adding permissions, an email address can be provided in the User.ID or
DisplayName properties of grantedTo or grantedToIdentities. Alternatively, an
ObjectID can be provided in User.ID. At least one valid recipient must be
provided in order to add a permission for a user. Creating a Public Link is also
supported, if Link.Scope is set to "anonymous".
Note that adding a permission can fail if a conflicting permission already
exists for the file/folder.
To update an existing permission, include both the Permission ID and the new
roles to be assigned. roles is the only property that can be changed.
To remove permissions, pass in a blob containing only the permissions you wish
to keep (which can be empty, to remove all.)
Note that both reading and writing permissions requires extra API calls, so if
you don't need to read or write permissions it is recommended to omit --onedrive-
Metadata and permissions are supported for Folders (directories) as well as
Files. Note that setting the mtime or btime on a Folder requires one extra API
call on OneDrive Business only.
OneDrive does not currently support User Metadata. When writing metadata, only
writeable system properties will be written -- any read-only or unrecognized keys
passed in will be ignored.
TIP: to see the metadata and permissions for any file or folder, run:
rclone lsjson remote:path --stat -M --onedrive-metadata-permissions read
See the OneDrive backend docs for a table of all the supported metadata
In this commit (2014 for v1.02) Purge was implemented for the local
1527e64ee756e32b local: Implement Purger interface
This appeared to be implemented just to make a Purge and doesn't
appear to do anything useful.
It is in fact significatly worse than the rclone fallback purge since
it doesn't operate in parallel or update stats.
This patch removes the Purge routine for a consequent speed up and
showing of stats.
Directory mod times are synced by default if the backend is capable
and directory metadata is synced if the --metadata flag is provided
and the backend is capable.
This updates the bisync golden tests also which were affected by
--dry-run setting of directory modtimes.