package operations

import (


func init() {
		Path:         "operations/list",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcList,
		Title:        "List the given remote and path in JSON format",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"
- remote - a path within that remote e.g. "dir"
- opt - a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional)
    - recurse - If set recurse directories
    - noModTime - If set return modification time
    - showEncrypted -  If set show decrypted names
    - showOrigIDs - If set show the IDs for each item if known
    - showHash - If set return a dictionary of hashes
    - noMimeType - If set don't show mime types
    - dirsOnly - If set only show directories
    - filesOnly - If set only show files
    - metadata - If set return metadata of objects also
    - hashTypes - array of strings of hash types to show if showHash set


- list
    - This is an array of objects as described in the lsjson command

See the [lsjson](/commands/rclone_lsjson/) command for more information on the above and examples.

// List the directory
func rcList(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, remote, err := rc.GetFsAndRemote(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var opt ListJSONOpt
	err = in.GetStruct("opt", &opt)
	if rc.NotErrParamNotFound(err) {
		return nil, err
	var list = []*ListJSONItem{}
	err = ListJSON(ctx, f, remote, &opt, func(item *ListJSONItem) error {
		list = append(list, item)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	out = make(rc.Params)
	out["list"] = list
	return out, nil

func init() {
		Path:         "operations/stat",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcStat,
		Title:        "Give information about the supplied file or directory",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters

- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:"
- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir"
- opt - a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional)
    - see operations/list for the options

The result is

- item - an object as described in the lsjson command. Will be null if not found.

Note that if you are only interested in files then it is much more
efficient to set the filesOnly flag in the options.

See the [lsjson](/commands/rclone_lsjson/) command for more information on the above and examples.

// List the directory
func rcStat(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, remote, err := rc.GetFsAndRemote(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var opt ListJSONOpt
	err = in.GetStruct("opt", &opt)
	if rc.NotErrParamNotFound(err) {
		return nil, err
	item, err := StatJSON(ctx, f, remote, &opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	out = make(rc.Params)
	out["item"] = item
	return out, nil

func init() {
		Path:         "operations/about",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcAbout,
		Title:        "Return the space used on the remote",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"

The result is as returned from rclone about --json

See the [about](/commands/rclone_about/) command for more information on the above.

// About the remote
func rcAbout(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, err := rc.GetFs(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	doAbout := f.Features().About
	if doAbout == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v doesn't support about", f)
	u, err := doAbout(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("about call failed: %w", err)
	err = rc.Reshape(&out, u)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("about Reshape failed: %w", err)
	return out, nil

func init() {
	for _, copy := range []bool{false, true} {
		copy := copy
		name := "Move"
		if copy {
			name = "Copy"
			Path:         "operations/" + strings.ToLower(name) + "file",
			AuthRequired: true,
			Fn: func(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (rc.Params, error) {
				return rcMoveOrCopyFile(ctx, in, copy)
			Title: name + " a file from source remote to destination remote",
			Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- srcFs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:" for the source
- srcRemote - a path within that remote e.g. "file.txt" for the source
- dstFs - a remote name string e.g. "drive2:" for the destination
- dstRemote - a path within that remote e.g. "file2.txt" for the destination

// Copy a file
func rcMoveOrCopyFile(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params, cp bool) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	srcFs, srcRemote, err := rc.GetFsAndRemoteNamed(ctx, in, "srcFs", "srcRemote")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	dstFs, dstRemote, err := rc.GetFsAndRemoteNamed(ctx, in, "dstFs", "dstRemote")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return nil, moveOrCopyFile(ctx, dstFs, srcFs, dstRemote, srcRemote, cp)

func init() {
	for _, op := range []struct {
		name         string
		title        string
		help         string
		noRemote     bool
		needsRequest bool
		{name: "mkdir", title: "Make a destination directory or container"},
		{name: "rmdir", title: "Remove an empty directory or container"},
		{name: "purge", title: "Remove a directory or container and all of its contents"},
		{name: "rmdirs", title: "Remove all the empty directories in the path", help: "- leaveRoot - boolean, set to true not to delete the root\n"},
		{name: "delete", title: "Remove files in the path", noRemote: true},
		{name: "deletefile", title: "Remove the single file pointed to"},
		{name: "copyurl", title: "Copy the URL to the object", help: "- url - string, URL to read from\n - autoFilename - boolean, set to true to retrieve destination file name from url\n"},
		{name: "uploadfile", title: "Upload file using multiform/form-data", help: "- each part in body represents a file to be uploaded\n", needsRequest: true},
		{name: "cleanup", title: "Remove trashed files in the remote or path", noRemote: true},
	} {
		op := op
		remote := "- remote - a path within that remote e.g. \"dir\"\n"
		if op.noRemote {
			remote = ""
			Path:         "operations/" +,
			AuthRequired: true,
			NeedsRequest: op.needsRequest,
			Fn: func(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (rc.Params, error) {
				return rcSingleCommand(ctx, in,, op.noRemote)
			Title: op.title,
			Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"
` + remote + + `
See the [` + + `](/commands/rclone_` + + `/) command for more information on the above.

// Run a single command, e.g. Mkdir
func rcSingleCommand(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params, name string, noRemote bool) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	var (
		f      fs.Fs
		remote string
	if noRemote {
		f, err = rc.GetFs(ctx, in)
	} else {
		f, remote, err = rc.GetFsAndRemote(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	switch name {
	case "mkdir":
		return nil, Mkdir(ctx, f, remote)
	case "rmdir":
		return nil, Rmdir(ctx, f, remote)
	case "purge":
		return nil, Purge(ctx, f, remote)
	case "rmdirs":
		leaveRoot, err := in.GetBool("leaveRoot")
		if rc.NotErrParamNotFound(err) {
			return nil, err
		return nil, Rmdirs(ctx, f, remote, leaveRoot)
	case "delete":
		return nil, Delete(ctx, f)
	case "deletefile":
		o, err := f.NewObject(ctx, remote)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return nil, DeleteFile(ctx, o)
	case "copyurl":
		url, err := in.GetString("url")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		autoFilename, _ := in.GetBool("autoFilename")
		noClobber, _ := in.GetBool("noClobber")
		headerFilename, _ := in.GetBool("headerFilename")

		_, err = CopyURL(ctx, f, remote, url, autoFilename, headerFilename, noClobber)
		return nil, err
	case "uploadfile":

		var request *http.Request
		request, err := in.GetHTTPRequest()

		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		contentType := request.Header.Get("Content-Type")
		mediaType, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if strings.HasPrefix(mediaType, "multipart/") {
			mr := multipart.NewReader(request.Body, params["boundary"])
			for {
				p, err := mr.NextPart()
				if err == io.EOF {
					return nil, nil
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				if p.FileName() != "" {
					obj, err := Rcat(ctx, f, path.Join(remote, p.FileName()), p, time.Now(), nil)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					fs.Debugf(obj, "Upload Succeeded")
		return nil, nil
	case "cleanup":
		return nil, CleanUp(ctx, f)
	panic("unknown rcSingleCommand type")

func init() {
		Path:         "operations/size",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcSize,
		Title:        "Count the number of bytes and files in remote",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:path/to/dir"


- count - number of files
- bytes - number of bytes in those files

See the [size](/commands/rclone_size/) command for more information on the above.

// Size a directory
func rcSize(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, err := rc.GetFs(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	count, bytes, sizeless, err := Count(ctx, f)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	out = make(rc.Params)
	out["count"] = count
	out["bytes"] = bytes
	out["sizeless"] = sizeless
	return out, nil

func init() {
		Path:         "operations/publiclink",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcPublicLink,
		Title:        "Create or retrieve a public link to the given file or folder.",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"
- remote - a path within that remote e.g. "dir"
- unlink - boolean - if set removes the link rather than adding it (optional)
- expire - string - the expiry time of the link e.g. "1d" (optional)


- url - URL of the resource

See the [link](/commands/rclone_link/) command for more information on the above.

// Make a public link
func rcPublicLink(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, remote, err := rc.GetFsAndRemote(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	unlink, _ := in.GetBool("unlink")
	expire, err := in.GetDuration("expire")
	if rc.IsErrParamNotFound(err) {
		expire = time.Duration(fs.DurationOff)
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	url, err := PublicLink(ctx, f, remote, fs.Duration(expire), unlink)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	out = make(rc.Params)
	out["url"] = url
	return out, nil

func init() {
		Path:  "operations/fsinfo",
		Fn:    rcFsInfo,
		Title: "Return information about the remote",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"

This returns info about the remote passed in;

` + "```" + `
        // optional features and whether they are available or not
        "Features": {
                "About": true,
                "BucketBased": false,
                "BucketBasedRootOK": false,
                "CanHaveEmptyDirectories": true,
                "CaseInsensitive": false,
                "ChangeNotify": false,
                "CleanUp": false,
                "Command": true,
                "Copy": false,
                "DirCacheFlush": false,
                "DirMove": true,
                "Disconnect": false,
                "DuplicateFiles": false,
                "GetTier": false,
                "IsLocal": true,
                "ListR": false,
                "MergeDirs": false,
                "MetadataInfo": true,
                "Move": true,
                "OpenWriterAt": true,
                "PublicLink": false,
                "Purge": true,
                "PutStream": true,
                "PutUnchecked": false,
                "ReadMetadata": true,
                "ReadMimeType": false,
                "ServerSideAcrossConfigs": false,
                "SetTier": false,
                "SetWrapper": false,
                "Shutdown": false,
                "SlowHash": true,
                "SlowModTime": false,
                "UnWrap": false,
                "UserInfo": false,
                "UserMetadata": true,
                "WrapFs": false,
                "WriteMetadata": true,
                "WriteMimeType": false
        // Names of hashes available
        "Hashes": [
        "Name": "local",        // Name as created
        "Precision": 1,         // Precision of timestamps in ns
        "Root": "/",            // Path as created
        "String": "Local file system at /", // how the remote will appear in logs
        // Information about the system metadata for this backend
        "MetadataInfo": {
                "System": {
                        "atime": {
                                "Help": "Time of last access",
                                "Type": "RFC 3339",
                                "Example": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
                        "btime": {
                                "Help": "Time of file birth (creation)",
                                "Type": "RFC 3339",
                                "Example": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
                        "gid": {
                                "Help": "Group ID of owner",
                                "Type": "decimal number",
                                "Example": "500"
                        "mode": {
                                "Help": "File type and mode",
                                "Type": "octal, unix style",
                                "Example": "0100664"
                        "mtime": {
                                "Help": "Time of last modification",
                                "Type": "RFC 3339",
                                "Example": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
                        "rdev": {
                                "Help": "Device ID (if special file)",
                                "Type": "hexadecimal",
                                "Example": "1abc"
                        "uid": {
                                "Help": "User ID of owner",
                                "Type": "decimal number",
                                "Example": "500"
                "Help": "Textual help string\n"
` + "```" + `

This command does not have a command line equivalent so use this instead:

    rclone rc --loopback operations/fsinfo fs=remote:


// Fsinfo the remote
func rcFsInfo(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, err := rc.GetFs(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	info := GetFsInfo(f)
	err = rc.Reshape(&out, info)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("fsinfo Reshape failed: %w", err)
	return out, nil

func init() {
		Path:         "backend/command",
		AuthRequired: true,
		Fn:           rcBackend,
		Title:        "Runs a backend command.",
		Help: `This takes the following parameters:

- command - a string with the command name
- fs - a remote name string e.g. "drive:"
- arg - a list of arguments for the backend command
- opt - a map of string to string of options


- result - result from the backend command


    rclone rc backend/command command=noop fs=. -o echo=yes -o blue -a path1 -a path2


` + "```" + `
	"result": {
		"arg": [
		"name": "noop",
		"opt": {
			"blue": "",
			"echo": "yes"
` + "```" + `

Note that this is the direct equivalent of using this "backend"

    rclone backend noop . -o echo=yes -o blue path1 path2

Note that arguments must be preceded by the "-a" flag

See the [backend](/commands/rclone_backend/) command for more information.

// Make a public link
func rcBackend(ctx context.Context, in rc.Params) (out rc.Params, err error) {
	f, err := rc.GetFs(ctx, in)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	doCommand := f.Features().Command
	if doCommand == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: doesn't support backend commands", f)
	command, err := in.GetString("command")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var opt = map[string]string{}
	err = in.GetStructMissingOK("opt", &opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var arg = []string{}
	err = in.GetStructMissingOK("arg", &arg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	result, err := doCommand(context.Background(), command, arg, opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("command %q failed: %w", command, err)

	out = make(rc.Params)
	out["result"] = result
	return out, nil