// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package datastore

import (


	pb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/datastore/v1"

type Simple struct {
	I int64

type SimpleWithTag struct {
	I int64 `datastore:"II"`

type NestedSimpleWithTag struct {
	A SimpleWithTag `datastore:"AA"`

type NestedSliceOfSimple struct {
	A []Simple

type SimpleTwoFields struct {
	S  string
	SS string

type NestedSimpleAnonymous struct {
	X string

type NestedSimple struct {
	A Simple
	I int

type NestedSimple1 struct {
	A Simple
	X string

type NestedSimple2X struct {
	AA NestedSimple
	A  SimpleTwoFields
	S  string

type BDotB struct {
	B string `datastore:"B.B"`

type ABDotB struct {
	A BDotB

type MultiAnonymous struct {
	X string

func TestLoadEntityNestedLegacy(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		desc string
		src  *pb.Entity
		want interface{}
			desc: "nested",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"X":   {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "two"}},
					"A.I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
			want: &NestedSimple1{
				A: Simple{I: 2},
				X: "two",
			desc: "nested with tag",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"AA.II": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
			want: &NestedSimpleWithTag{
				A: SimpleWithTag{I: 2},
			desc: "nested with anonymous struct field",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"X": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "two"}},
					"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
			want: &NestedSimpleAnonymous{
				Simple: Simple{I: 2},
				X:      "two",
			desc: "nested with dotted field tag",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A.B.B": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "bb"}},
			want: &ABDotB{
				A: BDotB{
					B: "bb",
			desc: "nested with multiple anonymous fields",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"I":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
					"S":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "S"}},
					"SS": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "s"}},
					"X":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "s"}},
			want: &MultiAnonymous{
				Simple:          Simple{I: 3},
				SimpleTwoFields: SimpleTwoFields{S: "S", SS: "s"},
				X:               "s",

	for _, tc := range testCases {
		dst := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tc.want).Elem()).Interface()
		err := loadEntityProto(dst, tc.src)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("loadEntityProto: %s: %v", tc.desc, err)

		if !testutil.Equal(tc.want, dst) {
			t.Errorf("%s: compare:\ngot:  %#v\nwant: %#v", tc.desc, dst, tc.want)

type WithKey struct {
	X string
	I int
	K *Key `datastore:"__key__"`

type NestedWithKey struct {
	Y string
	N WithKey

var (
	incompleteKey = newKey("", nil)
	invalidKey    = newKey("s", incompleteKey)

func TestLoadEntityNested(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		desc string
		src  *pb.Entity
		want interface{}
			desc: "nested basic",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
					"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 10}},
			want: &NestedSimple{
				A: Simple{I: 3},
				I: 10,
			desc: "nested with struct tags",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"AA": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"II": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 1}},
			want: &NestedSimpleWithTag{
				A: SimpleWithTag{I: 1},
			desc: "nested 2x",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"AA": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
									EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
										Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
											"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
								"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 1}},
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"S":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "S"}},
								"SS": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "s"}},
					"S": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "SS"}},
			want: &NestedSimple2X{
				AA: NestedSimple{
					A: Simple{I: 3},
					I: 1,
				A: SimpleTwoFields{S: "S", SS: "s"},
				S: "SS",
			desc: "nested anonymous",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
					"X": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "SomeX"}},
			want: &NestedSimpleAnonymous{
				Simple: Simple{I: 3},
				X:      "SomeX",
			desc: "nested simple with slice",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_ArrayValue{
						ArrayValue: &pb.ArrayValue{
							Values: []*pb.Value{
								{ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
									EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
										Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
											"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
								{ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
									EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
										Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
											"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 4}},

			want: &NestedSliceOfSimple{
				A: []Simple{Simple{I: 3}, Simple{I: 4}},
			desc: "nested with multiple anonymous fields",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"I":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 3}},
					"S":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "S"}},
					"SS": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "s"}},
					"X":  {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "ss"}},
			want: &MultiAnonymous{
				Simple:          Simple{I: 3},
				SimpleTwoFields: SimpleTwoFields{S: "S", SS: "s"},
				X:               "ss",
			desc: "nested with dotted field tag",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"B.B": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "bb"}},
			want: &ABDotB{
				A: BDotB{
					B: "bb",
			desc: "nested entity with key",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"Y": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "yyy"}},
					"N": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Key: keyToProto(testKey1a),
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"X": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "two"}},
								"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
			want: &NestedWithKey{
				Y: "yyy",
				N: WithKey{
					X: "two",
					I: 2,
					K: testKey1a,
			desc: "nested entity with invalid key",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"Y": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "yyy"}},
					"N": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Key: keyToProto(invalidKey),
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"X": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "two"}},
								"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
			want: &NestedWithKey{
				Y: "yyy",
				N: WithKey{
					X: "two",
					I: 2,
					K: invalidKey,

	for _, tc := range testCases {
		dst := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tc.want).Elem()).Interface()
		err := loadEntityProto(dst, tc.src)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("loadEntityProto: %s: %v", tc.desc, err)

		if !testutil.Equal(tc.want, dst) {
			t.Errorf("%s: compare:\ngot:  %#v\nwant: %#v", tc.desc, dst, tc.want)

type NestedStructPtrs struct {
	Nest      *SimpleTwoFields
	TwiceNest *NestedSimple2
	I         int

type NestedSimple2 struct {
	A *Simple
	I int

func TestAlreadyPopulatedDst(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		desc string
		src  *pb.Entity
		dst  interface{}
		want interface{}
			desc: "simple already populated, nil properties",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_NullValue{}},
			dst: &Simple{
				I: 12,
			want: &Simple{},
			desc: "nested structs already populated",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"SS": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "world"}},
			dst:  &SimpleTwoFields{S: "hello" /* SS: "" */},
			want: &SimpleTwoFields{S: "hello", SS: "world"},
			desc: "nested structs already populated, pValues nil",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"S":    {ValueType: &pb.Value_NullValue{}},
					"SS":   {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "ss hello"}},
					"Nest": {ValueType: &pb.Value_NullValue{}},
					"TwiceNest": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_NullValue{}},
								"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 2}},
					"I": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 5}},
			dst: &NestedStructPtrs{
				&SimpleTwoFields{S: "hello" /* SS: "" */},
				&SimpleTwoFields{ /* S: "" */ SS: "twice hello"},
					A: &Simple{I: 2},
					/* I: 0 */
			want: &NestedStructPtrs{
				&SimpleTwoFields{ /* S: "" */ SS: "ss hello"},
					/* A: nil, */
					I: 2,

	for _, tc := range testCases {
		err := loadEntityProto(tc.dst, tc.src)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("loadEntityProto: %s: %v", tc.desc, err)

		if !testutil.Equal(tc.want, tc.dst) {
			t.Errorf("%s: compare:\ngot:  %#v\nwant: %#v", tc.desc, tc.dst, tc.want)

type PLS0 struct {
	A string

func (p *PLS0) Load(props []Property) error {
	for _, pp := range props {
		if pp.Name == "A" {
			p.A = pp.Value.(string)
	return nil

func (p *PLS0) Save() (props []Property, err error) {
	return []Property{{Name: "A", Value: p.A}}, nil

type KeyLoader1 struct {
	A string
	K *Key

func (kl *KeyLoader1) Load(props []Property) error {
	for _, pp := range props {
		if pp.Name == "A" {
			kl.A = pp.Value.(string)
	return nil

func (kl *KeyLoader1) Save() (props []Property, err error) {
	return []Property{{Name: "A", Value: kl.A}}, nil

func (kl *KeyLoader1) LoadKey(k *Key) error {
	kl.K = k
	return nil

type KeyLoader2 struct {
	B   int
	Key *Key

func (kl *KeyLoader2) Load(props []Property) error {
	for _, pp := range props {
		if pp.Name == "B" {
			kl.B = int(pp.Value.(int64))
	return nil

func (kl *KeyLoader2) Save() (props []Property, err error) {
	return []Property{{Name: "B", Value: int64(kl.B)}}, nil

func (kl *KeyLoader2) LoadKey(k *Key) error {
	kl.Key = k
	return nil

type KeyLoader3 struct {
	C bool
	K *Key

func (kl *KeyLoader3) Load(props []Property) error {
	for _, pp := range props {
		if pp.Name == "C" {
			kl.C = pp.Value.(bool)
	return nil

func (kl *KeyLoader3) Save() (props []Property, err error) {
	return []Property{{Name: "C", Value: kl.C}}, nil

func (kl *KeyLoader3) LoadKey(k *Key) error {
	kl.K = k
	return nil

type KeyLoader4 struct {
	K *Key

func (kl *KeyLoader4) LoadKey(k *Key) error {
	kl.K = k
	return nil

type NotKeyLoader struct {
	A string
	K *Key

func (p *NotKeyLoader) Load(props []Property) error {
	for _, pp := range props {
		if pp.Name == "A" {
			p.A = pp.Value.(string)
	return nil

func (p *NotKeyLoader) Save() (props []Property, err error) {
	return []Property{{Name: "A", Value: p.A}}, nil

type NestedKeyLoaders struct {
	Two   *KeyLoader2
	Three []*KeyLoader3
	Four  *KeyLoader4
	PLS   *NotKeyLoader

func TestKeyLoader(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		desc string
		src  *pb.Entity
		dst  interface{}
		want interface{}
			desc: "simple key loader",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "hello"}},
			dst: &KeyLoader1{},
			want: &KeyLoader1{
				A: "hello",
				K: testKey0,
			desc: "embedded PLS key loader",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "hello"}},
			dst: &KeyLoader4{},
			want: &KeyLoader4{
				PLS0: PLS0{A: "hello"},
				K:    testKey0,
			desc: "nested key loaders",
			src: &pb.Entity{
				Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
				Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
					"Two": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"B": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 12}},
							Key: keyToProto(testKey1a),
					"Three": {ValueType: &pb.Value_ArrayValue{
						ArrayValue: &pb.ArrayValue{
							Values: []*pb.Value{
								{ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
									EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
										Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
											"C": {ValueType: &pb.Value_BooleanValue{BooleanValue: true}},
										Key: keyToProto(testKey1b),
								{ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
									EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
										Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
											"C": {ValueType: &pb.Value_BooleanValue{BooleanValue: false}},
										Key: keyToProto(testKey0),
					"Four": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "testing"}},
							Key: keyToProto(testKey2a),
					"PLS": {ValueType: &pb.Value_EntityValue{
						EntityValue: &pb.Entity{
							Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
								"A": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "something"}},

							Key: keyToProto(testKey1a),
			dst: &NestedKeyLoaders{},
			want: &NestedKeyLoaders{
				Two: &KeyLoader2{B: 12, Key: testKey1a},
				Three: []*KeyLoader3{
						C: true,
						K: testKey1b,
						C: false,
						K: testKey0,
				Four: &KeyLoader4{
					PLS0: PLS0{A: "testing"},
					K:    testKey2a,
				PLS: &NotKeyLoader{A: "something"},

	for _, tc := range testCases {
		err := loadEntityProto(tc.dst, tc.src)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("loadEntityProto: %s: %v", tc.desc, err)

		if !testutil.Equal(tc.want, tc.dst) {
			t.Errorf("%s: compare:\ngot:  %+v\nwant: %+v", tc.desc, tc.dst, tc.want)

func TestLoadPointers(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range []struct {
		desc string
		in   []Property
		want Pointers
			desc: "nil properties load as nil pointers",
			in: []Property{
				Property{Name: "Pi", Value: nil},
				Property{Name: "Ps", Value: nil},
				Property{Name: "Pb", Value: nil},
				Property{Name: "Pf", Value: nil},
				Property{Name: "Pg", Value: nil},
				Property{Name: "Pt", Value: nil},
			want: Pointers{},
			desc: "missing properties load as nil pointers",
			in:   []Property(nil),
			want: Pointers{},
			desc: "non-nil properties load as the appropriate values",
			in: []Property{
				Property{Name: "Pi", Value: int64(1)},
				Property{Name: "Ps", Value: "x"},
				Property{Name: "Pb", Value: true},
				Property{Name: "Pf", Value: 3.14},
				Property{Name: "Pg", Value: GeoPoint{Lat: 1, Lng: 2}},
				Property{Name: "Pt", Value: time.Unix(100, 0)},
			want: func() Pointers {
				p := populatedPointers()
				*p.Pi = 1
				*p.Ps = "x"
				*p.Pb = true
				*p.Pf = 3.14
				*p.Pg = GeoPoint{Lat: 1, Lng: 2}
				*p.Pt = time.Unix(100, 0)
				return *p
	} {
		var got Pointers
		if err := LoadStruct(&got, test.in); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%s: %v", test.desc, err)
		if !testutil.Equal(got, test.want) {
			t.Errorf("%s:\ngot  %+v\nwant %+v", test.desc, got, test.want)