//go:build windows
// +build windows

package encoder

// OS is the encoding used by the local backend for windows platforms
// List of replaced characters:
//   < (less than)     -> '<' // FULLWIDTH LESS-THAN SIGN
//   > (greater than)  -> '>' // FULLWIDTH GREATER-THAN SIGN
//   : (colon)         -> ':' // FULLWIDTH COLON
//   " (double quote)  -> '"' // FULLWIDTH QUOTATION MARK
//   \ (backslash)     -> '\' // FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS
//   | (vertical line) -> '|' // FULLWIDTH VERTICAL LINE
//   ? (question mark) -> '?' // FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK
//   * (asterisk)      -> '*' // FULLWIDTH ASTERISK
// Additionally names can't end with a period (.) or space ( ).
// List of replaced characters:
//   . (period)        -> '.' // FULLWIDTH FULL STOP
//     (space)         -> '␠' // SYMBOL FOR SPACE
// Also encode invalid UTF-8 bytes as Go can't convert them to UTF-16.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/desktop/FileIO/naming-a-file#naming-conventions
const OS = (Base |
	EncodeWin |
	EncodeBackSlash |
	EncodeCtl |
	EncodeRightSpace |
	EncodeRightPeriod |