package fs

import (


// CutoffMode describes the possible delete modes in the config
type CutoffMode byte

// MaxTransferMode constants
const (
	CutoffModeHard CutoffMode = iota
	CutoffModeDefault = CutoffModeHard

var cutoffModeToString = []string{
	CutoffModeHard:     "HARD",
	CutoffModeSoft:     "SOFT",
	CutoffModeCautious: "CAUTIOUS",

// String turns a LogLevel into a string
func (m CutoffMode) String() string {
	if m >= CutoffMode(len(cutoffModeToString)) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("CutoffMode(%d)", m)
	return cutoffModeToString[m]

// Set a LogLevel
func (m *CutoffMode) Set(s string) error {
	for n, name := range cutoffModeToString {
		if s != "" && name == strings.ToUpper(s) {
			*m = CutoffMode(n)
			return nil
	return errors.Errorf("Unknown cutoff mode %q", s)

// Type of the value
func (m *CutoffMode) Type() string {
	return "string"