title: "Contact"
description: "Contact the rclone project"

# Contact the rclone project

## Forum

Forum for questions and general discussion:

- https://forum.rclone.org

## Business support

For business support or sponsorship enquiries please see:

- https://rclone.com/
- sponsorship@rclone.com

## GitHub repository

The project's repository is located at:

- https://github.com/rclone/rclone

There you can file bug reports or contribute with pull requests.

## Twitter

You can also follow Nick on twitter for rclone announcements:

- [@njcw](https://twitter.com/njcw)

## Email

Or if all else fails or you want to ask something private or

- info@rclone.com

Please don't email requests for help to this address - those are
better directed to the forum unless you'd like to sign up for business