Dan McArdle 2a1e28f5f5
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cmd/gitannex: Tweak parsing of "rcloneremotename" config
The "rcloneremotename" (aka "target") config parameter is now permitted
to contain (1) remote names that are defined by environment variables,
but not in an rclone config file, and (2) backend strings such as

This should fix some of the failing integration tests. For context:

Issue #7984
2025-03-04 16:40:32 +00:00

646 lines
20 KiB

// Package gitannex provides the "gitannex" command, which enables [git-annex]
// to communicate with rclone by implementing the [external special remote
// protocol]. The protocol is line delimited and spoken over stdin and stdout.
// # Milestones
// (Tracked in [issue #7625].)
// 1. ✅ Minimal support for the [external special remote protocol]. Tested on
// "local", "drive", and "dropbox" backends.
// 2. Add support for the ASYNC protocol extension. This may improve performance.
// 3. Support the [simple export interface]. This will enable `git-annex
// export` functionality.
// 4. Once the draft is finalized, support import/export interface.
// [git-annex]: https://git-annex.branchable.com/
// [external special remote protocol]: https://git-annex.branchable.com/design/external_special_remote_protocol/
// [simple export interface]: https://git-annex.branchable.com/design/external_special_remote_protocol/export_and_import_appendix/
// [issue #7625]: https://github.com/rclone/rclone/issues/7625
package gitannex
import (
_ "embed"
const subcommandName string = "gitannex"
const uniqueCommandName string = "git-annex-remote-rclone-builtin"
//go:embed gitannex.md
var gitannexHelp string
func init() {
os.Args = maybeTransformArgs(os.Args)
// maybeTransformArgs returns a modified version of `args` with the "gitannex"
// subcommand inserted when `args` indicates that the program was executed as
// "git-annex-remote-rclone-builtin". One way this can happen is when rclone is
// invoked via symlink. Otherwise, returns `args`.
func maybeTransformArgs(args []string) []string {
if len(args) == 0 || filepath.Base(args[0]) != uniqueCommandName {
return args
newArgs := make([]string, 0, len(args)+1)
newArgs = append(newArgs, args[0])
newArgs = append(newArgs, subcommandName)
newArgs = append(newArgs, args[1:]...)
return newArgs
// messageParser helps parse messages we receive from git-annex into a sequence
// of parameters. Messages are not quite trivial to parse because they are
// separated by spaces, but the final parameter may itself contain spaces.
// This abstraction is necessary because simply splitting on space doesn't cut
// it. Also, we cannot know how many parameters to parse until we've parsed the
// first parameter.
type messageParser struct {
line string
// nextSpaceDelimitedParameter consumes the next space-delimited parameter.
func (m *messageParser) nextSpaceDelimitedParameter() (string, error) {
m.line = strings.TrimRight(m.line, "\r\n")
if len(m.line) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("nothing remains to parse")
before, after, found := strings.Cut(m.line, " ")
if found {
if len(before) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("found an empty space-delimited parameter in line: %q", m.line)
m.line = after
return before, nil
remaining := m.line
m.line = ""
return remaining, nil
// finalParameter consumes the final parameter, which may contain spaces.
func (m *messageParser) finalParameter() string {
m.line = strings.TrimRight(m.line, "\r\n")
if len(m.line) == 0 {
return ""
param := m.line
m.line = ""
return param
// configDefinition describes a configuration value required by this command. We
// use "GETCONFIG" messages to query git-annex for these values at runtime.
type configDefinition struct {
names []string
description string
destination *string
defaultValue *string
func (c *configDefinition) getCanonicalName() string {
if len(c.names) < 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("configDefinition must have at least one name: %v", c))
return c.names[0]
// fullDescription returns a single-line, human-readable description for this
// config. The returned string begins with a list of synonyms and ends with
// `c.description`.
func (c *configDefinition) fullDescription() string {
if len(c.names) <= 1 {
return c.description
// Exclude the canonical name from the list of synonyms.
synonyms := c.names[1:len(c.names)]
commaSeparatedSynonyms := strings.Join(synonyms, ", ")
return fmt.Sprintf("(synonyms: %s) %s", commaSeparatedSynonyms, c.description)
// server contains this command's current state.
type server struct {
reader *bufio.Reader
writer io.Writer
// When true, the server prints a transcript of messages sent and received
// to stderr.
verbose bool
extensionInfo bool
extensionAsync bool
extensionGetGitRemoteName bool
extensionUnavailableResponse bool
configsDone bool
configPrefix string
configRcloneRemoteName string
configRcloneLayout string
func (s *server) sendMsg(msg string) {
msg += "\n"
if _, err := io.WriteString(s.writer, msg); err != nil {
if s.verbose {
_, err := os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("server sent %q\n", msg))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to write verbose message to stderr: %w", err))
func (s *server) getMsg() (*messageParser, error) {
msg, err := s.reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if len(msg) == 0 {
// Git-annex closes stdin when it is done with us, so failing to
// read a new line is not an error.
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected message to end with newline: %q", msg)
if s.verbose {
_, err := os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("server received %q\n", msg))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write verbose message to stderr: %w", err)
return &messageParser{msg}, nil
func (s *server) run() error {
// The remote sends the first message.
s.sendMsg("VERSION 1")
for {
message, err := s.getMsg()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error receiving message: %w", err)
if message == nil {
command, err := message.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse command")
switch command {
// Git-annex requires that these requests are supported.
err = s.handleInitRemote()
case "PREPARE":
err = s.handlePrepare()
// Indicate that we do not support exports.
case "TRANSFER":
err = s.handleTransfer(message)
err = s.handleCheckPresent(message)
case "REMOVE":
err = s.handleRemove(message)
case "ERROR":
errorMessage := message.finalParameter()
err = fmt.Errorf("received error message from git-annex: %s", errorMessage)
// These requests are optional.
// Git-annex just told us which protocol extensions it supports.
// Respond with the list of extensions that we want to use (none).
err = s.handleExtensions(message)
case "GETCOST":
// Git-annex wants to know the "cost" of using this remote. It
// probably depends on the backend we will be using, but let's just
// consider this an "expensive remote" per git-annex's
// Config/Cost.hs.
s.sendMsg("COST 200")
// Indicate that this is a cloud service.
err = fmt.Errorf("received unexpected message from git-annex: %s", message.line)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Idempotently handle an incoming INITREMOTE message. This should perform
// one-time setup operations for the remote, such as validating or rejecting
// config values. We may receive the INITREMOTE message again in later sessions,
// e.g. when the same git-annex remote is initialized in a different repository.
// However, we are *not* guaranteed to receive the INITREMOTE message once per
// session, so do not mutate state here and expect it to always be available in
// other handler functions.
func (s *server) handleInitRemote() error {
if err := s.queryConfigs(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get configs: %w", err)
// Explicitly check whether [server.configRcloneRemoteName] names a remote.
// - We do not permit file paths in the remote name; that's what
// [s.configPrefix] is for. If we simply checked whether [cache.Get]
// returns [fs.ErrorNotFoundInConfigFile], we would incorrectly identify
// file names as valid remote names.
// - In order to support remotes defined by environment variables, we must
// use [config.GetRemoteNames] instead of [config.FileSections].
trimmedName := strings.TrimSuffix(s.configRcloneRemoteName, ":")
if slices.Contains(config.GetRemoteNames(), trimmedName) {
return nil
// Otherwise, check whether [server.configRcloneRemoteName] is actually a
// backend string such as ":local:". These are not remote names, per se, but
// they are permitted for compatibility with [fstest]. We could guard this
// behavior behind [testing.Testing] to prevent users from specifying
// backend strings, but there's no obvious harm in permitting it.
maybeBackend := strings.HasPrefix(s.configRcloneRemoteName, ":")
if !maybeBackend {
s.sendMsg("INITREMOTE-FAILURE remote does not exist: " + s.configRcloneRemoteName)
return fmt.Errorf("remote does not exist: %s", s.configRcloneRemoteName)
parsed, err := fspath.Parse(s.configRcloneRemoteName)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg("INITREMOTE-FAILURE remote could not be parsed as a backend: " + s.configRcloneRemoteName)
return fmt.Errorf("remote could not be parsed as a backend: %s", s.configRcloneRemoteName)
if parsed.Path != "" {
s.sendMsg("INITREMOTE-FAILURE backend must not have a path: " + s.configRcloneRemoteName)
return fmt.Errorf("backend must not have a path: %s", s.configRcloneRemoteName)
// Strip the leading colon and options before searching for the backend,
// i.e. search for "local" instead of ":local,description=hello:/tmp/foo".
trimmedBackendName := strings.TrimPrefix(parsed.Name, ":")
if _, err = fs.Find(trimmedBackendName); err != nil {
s.sendMsg("INITREMOTE-FAILURE backend does not exist: " + trimmedBackendName)
return fmt.Errorf("backend does not exist: %s", trimmedBackendName)
return nil
// Get a list of configs with pointers to fields of `s`.
func (s *server) getRequiredConfigs() []configDefinition {
defaultRclonePrefix := "git-annex-rclone"
defaultRcloneLayout := "nodir"
return []configDefinition{
[]string{"rcloneremotename", "target"},
"Name of the rclone remote to use. " +
"Must match a remote known to rclone. " +
"(Note that rclone remotes are a distinct concept from git-annex remotes.)",
[]string{"rcloneprefix", "prefix"},
"Directory where rclone will write git-annex content. " +
fmt.Sprintf("If not specified, defaults to %q. ", defaultRclonePrefix) +
"This directory will be created on init if it does not exist.",
[]string{"rclonelayout", "rclone_layout"},
"Defines where, within the rcloneprefix directory, rclone will write git-annex content. " +
fmt.Sprintf("Must be one of %v. ", allLayoutModes()) +
fmt.Sprintf("If empty, defaults to %q.", defaultRcloneLayout),
// Query git-annex for config values.
func (s *server) queryConfigs() error {
if s.configsDone {
return nil
// Send a "GETCONFIG" message for each required config and parse git-annex's
// "VALUE" response.
for _, config := range s.getRequiredConfigs() {
var valueReceived bool
// Try each of the config's names in sequence, starting with the
// canonical name.
for _, configName := range config.names {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("GETCONFIG %s", configName))
message, err := s.getMsg()
if err != nil {
return err
valueKeyword, err := message.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil || valueKeyword != "VALUE" {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse config value: %s %s", valueKeyword, message.line)
value := message.finalParameter()
if value != "" {
*config.destination = value
valueReceived = true
if !valueReceived {
if config.defaultValue == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("did not receive a non-empty config value for %q", config.getCanonicalName())
*config.destination = *config.defaultValue
s.configsDone = true
return nil
func (s *server) handlePrepare() error {
if err := s.queryConfigs(); err != nil {
s.sendMsg("PREPARE-FAILURE Error getting configs")
return fmt.Errorf("error getting configs: %w", err)
return nil
// Git-annex is asking us to return the list of settings that we use. Keep this
// in sync with `handlePrepare()`.
func (s *server) handleListConfigs() {
for _, config := range s.getRequiredConfigs() {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CONFIG %s %s", config.getCanonicalName(), config.fullDescription()))
func (s *server) handleTransfer(message *messageParser) error {
argMode, err := message.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg("TRANSFER-FAILURE failed to parse direction")
return fmt.Errorf("malformed arguments for TRANSFER: %w", err)
argKey, err := message.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg("TRANSFER-FAILURE failed to parse key")
return fmt.Errorf("malformed arguments for TRANSFER: %w", err)
argFile := message.finalParameter()
if argFile == "" {
s.sendMsg("TRANSFER-FAILURE failed to parse file path")
return errors.New("failed to parse file path")
if err := s.queryConfigs(); err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s failed to get configs", argMode, argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error getting configs: %w", err)
layout := parseLayoutMode(s.configRcloneLayout)
if layout == layoutModeUnknown {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing layout mode: %q", s.configRcloneLayout)
remoteFsString, err := buildFsString(s.queryDirhash, layout, argKey, s.configRcloneRemoteName, s.configPrefix)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error building fs string: %w", err)
remoteFs, err := cache.Get(context.TODO(), remoteFsString)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s failed to get remote fs", argMode, argKey))
return err
localDir := filepath.Dir(argFile)
localFs, err := cache.Get(context.TODO(), localDir)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s failed to get local fs", argMode, argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get local fs: %w", err)
remoteFileName := argKey
localFileName := filepath.Base(argFile)
switch argMode {
case "STORE":
err = operations.CopyFile(context.TODO(), remoteFs, localFs, remoteFileName, localFileName)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s failed to copy file: %s", argMode, argKey, err))
return err
case "RETRIEVE":
err = operations.CopyFile(context.TODO(), localFs, remoteFs, localFileName, remoteFileName)
// It is non-fatal when retrieval fails because the file is missing on
// the remote.
if err == fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s not found", argMode, argKey))
return nil
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s failed to copy file: %s", argMode, argKey, err))
return err
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-FAILURE %s %s unrecognized mode", argMode, argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("received malformed TRANSFER mode: %v", argMode)
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("TRANSFER-SUCCESS %s %s", argMode, argKey))
return nil
func (s *server) handleCheckPresent(message *messageParser) error {
argKey := message.finalParameter()
if argKey == "" {
return errors.New("failed to parse response for CHECKPRESENT")
if err := s.queryConfigs(); err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-FAILURE %s failed to get configs", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error getting configs: %s", err)
layout := parseLayoutMode(s.configRcloneLayout)
if layout == layoutModeUnknown {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing layout mode: %q", s.configRcloneLayout)
remoteFsString, err := buildFsString(s.queryDirhash, layout, argKey, s.configRcloneRemoteName, s.configPrefix)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error building fs string: %w", err)
remoteFs, err := cache.Get(context.TODO(), remoteFsString)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-UNKNOWN %s failed to get remote fs", argKey))
return err
_, err = remoteFs.NewObject(context.TODO(), argKey)
if err == fs.ErrorObjectNotFound {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return nil
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-UNKNOWN %s error finding file", argKey))
return err
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("CHECKPRESENT-SUCCESS %s", argKey))
return nil
func (s *server) queryDirhash(msg string) (string, error) {
parser, err := s.getMsg()
if err != nil {
return "", err
keyword, err := parser.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if keyword != "VALUE" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected VALUE keyword, but got %q", keyword)
dirhash, err := parser.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse dirhash: %w", err)
return dirhash, nil
func (s *server) handleRemove(message *messageParser) error {
argKey := message.finalParameter()
if argKey == "" {
return errors.New("failed to parse key for REMOVE")
layout := parseLayoutMode(s.configRcloneLayout)
if layout == layoutModeUnknown {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing layout mode: %q", s.configRcloneLayout)
remoteFsString, err := buildFsString(s.queryDirhash, layout, argKey, s.configRcloneRemoteName, s.configPrefix)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error building fs string: %w", err)
remoteFs, err := cache.Get(context.TODO(), remoteFsString)
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-FAILURE %s", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error getting remote fs: %w", err)
fileObj, err := remoteFs.NewObject(context.TODO(), argKey)
// It is non-fatal when removal fails because the file is missing on the
// remote.
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrorObjectNotFound) {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-SUCCESS %s", argKey))
return nil
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-FAILURE %s error getting new fs object: %s", argKey, err))
return fmt.Errorf("error getting new fs object: %w", err)
if err := operations.DeleteFile(context.TODO(), fileObj); err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-FAILURE %s error deleting file", argKey))
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting file: %q", argKey)
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("REMOVE-SUCCESS %s", argKey))
return nil
func (s *server) handleExtensions(message *messageParser) error {
for {
extension, err := message.nextSpaceDelimitedParameter()
if err != nil {
switch extension {
case "INFO":
s.extensionInfo = true
case "ASYNC":
s.extensionAsync = true
s.extensionGetGitRemoteName = true
s.extensionUnavailableResponse = true
return nil
var command = &cobra.Command{
Aliases: []string{uniqueCommandName},
Use: subcommandName,
Short: "Speaks with git-annex over stdin/stdout.",
Long: gitannexHelp,
Annotations: map[string]string{
"versionIntroduced": "v1.67.0",
Run: func(command *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cmd.CheckArgs(0, 0, command, args)
s := server{
reader: bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin),
writer: os.Stdout,
err := s.run()
if err != nil {
s.sendMsg(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR %s", err.Error()))