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* fsop.go
* Copyright 2017-2018 Bill Zissimopoulos
* This file is part of Cgofuse.
* It is licensed under the MIT license. The full license text can be found
* in the License.txt file at the root of this project.
// Package fuse allows the creation of user mode file systems in Go.
// A user mode file system is a user mode process that receives file system operations
// from the OS FUSE layer and satisfies them in user mode. A user mode file system
// implements the interface FileSystemInterface either directly or by embedding a
// FileSystemBase struct which provides a default (empty) implementation of all methods
// in FileSystemInterface.
// In order to expose the user mode file system to the OS, the file system must be hosted
// (mounted) by a FileSystemHost. The FileSystemHost Mount() method is used for this
// purpose.
package fuse
import (
// Timespec contains a time as the UNIX time in seconds and nanoseconds.
// This structure is analogous to the POSIX struct timespec.
type Timespec struct {
Sec int64
Nsec int64
// NewTimespec creates a Timespec from a time.Time.
func NewTimespec(t time.Time) Timespec {
return Timespec{t.Unix(), int64(t.Nanosecond())}
// Now creates a Timespec that contains the current time.
func Now() Timespec {
return NewTimespec(time.Now())
// Time returns the Timespec as a time.Time.
func (ts *Timespec) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(ts.Sec, ts.Nsec)
// Statfs_t contains file system information.
// This structure is analogous to the POSIX struct statvfs (NOT struct statfs).
// Not all fields are honored by all FUSE implementations.
type Statfs_t struct {
// File system block size.
Bsize uint64
// Fundamental file system block size.
Frsize uint64
// Total number of blocks on file system in units of Frsize.
Blocks uint64
// Total number of free blocks.
Bfree uint64
// Number of free blocks available to non-privileged process.
Bavail uint64
// Total number of file serial numbers.
Files uint64
// Total number of free file serial numbers.
Ffree uint64
// Number of file serial numbers available to non-privileged process.
Favail uint64
// File system ID. [IGNORED]
Fsid uint64
// Bit mask of Flag values. [IGNORED]
Flag uint64
// Maximum filename length.
Namemax uint64
// Stat_t contains file metadata information.
// This structure is analogous to the POSIX struct stat.
// Not all fields are honored by all FUSE implementations.
type Stat_t struct {
// Device ID of device containing file. [IGNORED]
Dev uint64
// File serial number. [IGNORED unless the use_ino mount option is given.]
Ino uint64
// Mode of file.
Mode uint32
// Number of hard links to the file.
Nlink uint32
// User ID of file.
Uid uint32
// Group ID of file.
Gid uint32
// Device ID (if file is character or block special).
Rdev uint64
// For regular files, the file size in bytes.
// For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the
// pathname contained in the symbolic link.
Size int64
// Last data access timestamp.
Atim Timespec
// Last data modification timestamp.
Mtim Timespec
// Last file status change timestamp.
Ctim Timespec
// A file system-specific preferred I/O block size for this object.
Blksize int64
// Number of blocks allocated for this object.
Blocks int64
// File creation (birth) timestamp. [OSX and Windows only]
Birthtim Timespec
// BSD flags (UF_*). [OSX and Windows only]
Flags uint32
// Lock_t contains file locking information.
// This structure is analogous to the POSIX struct flock.
type Lock_t struct {
// Type of lock; F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK.
Type int16
// Flag for starting offset.
Whence int16
// Relative offset in bytes.
Start int64
// Size; if 0 then until EOF.
Len int64
// Process ID of the process holding the lock
Pid int
// FileSystemInterface is the interface that a user mode file system must implement.
// The file system will receive an Init() call when the file system is created;
// the Init() call will happen prior to receiving any other file system calls.
// Note that there are no guarantees on the exact timing of when Init() is called.
// For example, it cannot be assumed that the file system is mounted at the time
// the Init() call is received.
// The file system will receive a Destroy() call when the file system is destroyed;
// the Destroy() call will always be the last call to be received by the file system.
// Note that depending on how the file system is terminated the file system may not
// receive the Destroy() call. For example, it will not receive the Destroy() call
// if the file system process is forcibly killed.
// Except for Init() and Destroy() all file system operations must return 0 on success
// or a FUSE error on failure. To return an error return the NEGATIVE value of a
// particular error. For example, to report "file not found" return -fuse.ENOENT.
type FileSystemInterface interface {
// Init is called when the file system is created.
// Destroy is called when the file system is destroyed.
// Statfs gets file system statistics.
Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) int
// Mknod creates a file node.
Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev uint64) int
// Mkdir creates a directory.
Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) int
// Unlink removes a file.
Unlink(path string) int
// Rmdir removes a directory.
Rmdir(path string) int
// Link creates a hard link to a file.
Link(oldpath string, newpath string) int
// Symlink creates a symbolic link.
Symlink(target string, newpath string) int
// Readlink reads the target of a symbolic link.
Readlink(path string) (int, string)
// Rename renames a file.
Rename(oldpath string, newpath string) int
// Chmod changes the permission bits of a file.
Chmod(path string, mode uint32) int
// Chown changes the owner and group of a file.
Chown(path string, uid uint32, gid uint32) int
// Utimens changes the access and modification times of a file.
Utimens(path string, tmsp []Timespec) int
// Access checks file access permissions.
Access(path string, mask uint32) int
// Create creates and opens a file.
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
Create(path string, flags int, mode uint32) (int, uint64)
// Open opens a file.
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
Open(path string, flags int) (int, uint64)
// Getattr gets file attributes.
Getattr(path string, stat *Stat_t, fh uint64) int
// Truncate changes the size of a file.
Truncate(path string, size int64, fh uint64) int
// Read reads data from a file.
Read(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int
// Write writes data to a file.
Write(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int
// Flush flushes cached file data.
Flush(path string, fh uint64) int
// Release closes an open file.
Release(path string, fh uint64) int
// Fsync synchronizes file contents.
Fsync(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int
// Lock performs a file locking operation.
//Lock(path string, cmd int, lock *Lock_t, fh uint64) int
// Opendir opens a directory.
Opendir(path string) (int, uint64)
// Readdir reads a directory.
Readdir(path string,
fill func(name string, stat *Stat_t, ofst int64) bool,
ofst int64,
fh uint64) int
// Releasedir closes an open directory.
Releasedir(path string, fh uint64) int
// Fsyncdir synchronizes directory contents.
Fsyncdir(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int
// Setxattr sets extended attributes.
Setxattr(path string, name string, value []byte, flags int) int
// Getxattr gets extended attributes.
Getxattr(path string, name string) (int, []byte)
// Removexattr removes extended attributes.
Removexattr(path string, name string) int
// Listxattr lists extended attributes.
Listxattr(path string, fill func(name string) bool) int
// FileSystemChflags is the interface that wraps the Chflags method.
// Chflags changes the BSD file flags (Windows file attributes). [OSX and Windows only]
type FileSystemChflags interface {
Chflags(path string, flags uint32) int
// FileSystemSetcrtime is the interface that wraps the Setcrtime method.
// Setcrtime changes the file creation (birth) time. [OSX and Windows only]
type FileSystemSetcrtime interface {
Setcrtime(path string, tmsp Timespec) int
// FileSystemSetchgtime is the interface that wraps the Setchgtime method.
// Setchgtime changes the file change (ctime) time. [OSX and Windows only]
type FileSystemSetchgtime interface {
Setchgtime(path string, tmsp Timespec) int
// Error encapsulates a FUSE error code. In some rare circumstances it is useful
// to signal an error to the FUSE layer by boxing the error code using Error and
// calling panic(). The FUSE layer will recover and report the boxed error code
// to the OS.
type Error int
var errorStringMap map[Error]string
var errorStringOnce sync.Once
func (self Error) Error() string {
errorStringOnce.Do(func() {
errorStringMap = make(map[Error]string)
for _, i := range errorStrings {
errorStringMap[Error(-i.errc)] = i.errs
if 0 <= self {
return strconv.Itoa(int(self))
} else {
if errs, ok := errorStringMap[self]; ok {
return "-fuse." + errs
return "fuse.Error(" + strconv.Itoa(int(self)) + ")"
func (self Error) String() string {
return self.Error()
func (self Error) GoString() string {
return self.Error()
var _ error = (*Error)(nil)
// FileSystemBase provides default implementations of the methods in FileSystemInterface.
// The default implementations are either empty or return -ENOSYS to signal that the
// file system does not implement a particular operation to the FUSE layer.
type FileSystemBase struct {
// Init is called when the file system is created.
// The FileSystemBase implementation does nothing.
func (*FileSystemBase) Init() {
// Destroy is called when the file system is destroyed.
// The FileSystemBase implementation does nothing.
func (*FileSystemBase) Destroy() {
// Statfs gets file system statistics.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Mknod creates a file node.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Mkdir creates a directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Unlink removes a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Unlink(path string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Rmdir removes a directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Rmdir(path string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Link creates a hard link to a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Link(oldpath string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Symlink creates a symbolic link.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Symlink(target string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Readlink reads the target of a symbolic link.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Readlink(path string) (int, string) {
return -ENOSYS, ""
// Rename renames a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Rename(oldpath string, newpath string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Chmod changes the permission bits of a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Chmod(path string, mode uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Chown changes the owner and group of a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Chown(path string, uid uint32, gid uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Utimens changes the access and modification times of a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Utimens(path string, tmsp []Timespec) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Access checks file access permissions.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Access(path string, mask uint32) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Create creates and opens a file.
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Create(path string, flags int, mode uint32) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Open opens a file.
// The flags are a combination of the fuse.O_* constants.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Open(path string, flags int) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Getattr gets file attributes.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Getattr(path string, stat *Stat_t, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Truncate changes the size of a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Truncate(path string, size int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Read reads data from a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Read(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Write writes data to a file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Write(path string, buff []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Flush flushes cached file data.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Flush(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Release closes an open file.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Release(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Fsync synchronizes file contents.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Fsync(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Lock performs a file locking operation.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Lock(path string, cmd int, lock *Lock_t, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Opendir opens a directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Opendir(path string) (int, uint64) {
return -ENOSYS, ^uint64(0)
// Readdir reads a directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Readdir(path string,
fill func(name string, stat *Stat_t, ofst int64) bool,
ofst int64,
fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Releasedir closes an open directory.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Releasedir(path string, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Fsyncdir synchronizes directory contents.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Fsyncdir(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Setxattr sets extended attributes.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Setxattr(path string, name string, value []byte, flags int) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Getxattr gets extended attributes.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Getxattr(path string, name string) (int, []byte) {
return -ENOSYS, nil
// Removexattr removes extended attributes.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Removexattr(path string, name string) int {
return -ENOSYS
// Listxattr lists extended attributes.
// The FileSystemBase implementation returns -ENOSYS.
func (*FileSystemBase) Listxattr(path string, fill func(name string) bool) int {
return -ENOSYS
var _ FileSystemInterface = (*FileSystemBase)(nil)