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synced 2025-03-11 22:05:21 +08:00

Some libraries use `application/json; charset=utf-8` as their `Content-Type`, which is valid. However we were not decoding the JSON body in that case, resulting in issues communicating with the rcserver.
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// Package rcserver implements the HTTP endpoint to serve the remote control
package rcserver
import (
libhttp "github.com/rclone/rclone/lib/http"
// Start the remote control server if configured
// If the server wasn't configured the *Server returned may be nil
func Start(ctx context.Context, opt *rc.Options) (*Server, error) {
jobs.SetOpt(opt) // set the defaults for jobs
if opt.Enabled {
// Serve on the DefaultServeMux so can have global registrations appear
s, err := newServer(ctx, opt, http.DefaultServeMux)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, s.Serve()
return nil, nil
// Server contains everything to run the rc server
type Server struct {
ctx context.Context // for global config
server *libhttp.Server
files http.Handler
pluginsHandler http.Handler
opt *rc.Options
func newServer(ctx context.Context, opt *rc.Options, mux *http.ServeMux) (*Server, error) {
fileHandler := http.Handler(nil)
pluginsHandler := http.Handler(nil)
// Add some more mime types which are often missing
_ = mime.AddExtensionType(".wasm", "application/wasm")
_ = mime.AddExtensionType(".js", "application/javascript")
cachePath := filepath.Join(config.GetCacheDir(), "webgui")
extractPath := filepath.Join(cachePath, "current/build")
// File handling
if opt.Files != "" {
if opt.WebUI {
fs.Logf(nil, "--rc-files overrides --rc-web-gui command\n")
fs.Logf(nil, "Serving files from %q", opt.Files)
fileHandler = http.FileServer(http.Dir(opt.Files))
} else if opt.WebUI {
if err := webgui.CheckAndDownloadWebGUIRelease(opt.WebGUIUpdate, opt.WebGUIForceUpdate, opt.WebGUIFetchURL, config.GetCacheDir()); err != nil {
fs.Errorf(nil, "Error while fetching the latest release of Web GUI: %v", err)
if opt.NoAuth {
fs.Logf(nil, "It is recommended to use web gui with auth.")
} else {
if opt.Auth.BasicUser == "" && opt.Auth.HtPasswd == "" {
opt.Auth.BasicUser = "gui"
fs.Infof(nil, "No username specified. Using default username: %s \n", rc.Opt.Auth.BasicUser)
if opt.Auth.BasicPass == "" && opt.Auth.HtPasswd == "" {
randomPass, err := random.Password(128)
if err != nil {
fs.Fatalf(nil, "Failed to make password: %v", err)
opt.Auth.BasicPass = randomPass
fs.Infof(nil, "No password specified. Using random password: %s \n", randomPass)
opt.Serve = true
fs.Logf(nil, "Serving Web GUI")
fileHandler = http.FileServer(http.Dir(extractPath))
pluginsHandler = http.FileServer(http.Dir(webgui.PluginsPath))
s := &Server{
ctx: ctx,
opt: opt,
files: fileHandler,
pluginsHandler: pluginsHandler,
var err error
s.server, err = libhttp.NewServer(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to init server: %w", err)
router := s.server.Router()
middleware.SetHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"),
middleware.SetHeader("Server", "rclone/"+fs.Version),
// Add the debug handler which is installed in the default mux
router.Handle("/debug/*", mux)
// FIXME split these up into individual functions
router.Get("/*", s.handler)
router.Head("/*", s.handler)
router.Post("/*", s.handler)
router.Options("/*", s.handler)
return s, nil
// Serve runs the http server in the background.
// Use s.Close() and s.Wait() to shutdown server
func (s *Server) Serve() error {
for _, URL := range s.server.URLs() {
fs.Logf(nil, "Serving remote control on %s", URL)
// Open the files in the browser if set
if s.files != nil {
openURL, err := url.Parse(URL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid serving URL: %w", err)
// Add username, password into the URL if they are set
user, pass := s.opt.Auth.BasicUser, s.opt.Auth.BasicPass
if user != "" && pass != "" {
openURL.User = url.UserPassword(user, pass)
// Base64 encode username and password to be sent through url
loginToken := user + ":" + pass
parameters := url.Values{}
encodedToken := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(loginToken))
fs.Debugf(nil, "login_token %q", encodedToken)
parameters.Add("login_token", encodedToken)
openURL.RawQuery = parameters.Encode()
openURL.RawPath = "/#/login"
// Don't open browser if serving in testing environment or required not to do so.
if flag.Lookup("test.v") == nil && !s.opt.WebGUINoOpenBrowser {
if err := open.Start(openURL.String()); err != nil {
fs.Errorf(nil, "Failed to open Web GUI in browser: %v. Manually access it at: %s", err, openURL.String())
} else {
fs.Logf(nil, "Web GUI is not automatically opening browser. Navigate to %s to use.", openURL.String())
return nil
// writeError writes a formatted error to the output
func writeError(path string, in rc.Params, w http.ResponseWriter, err error, status int) {
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: %q: error: %v", path, err)
params, status := rc.Error(path, in, err, status)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
err = rc.WriteJSON(w, params)
if err != nil {
// can't return the error at this point
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: writeError: failed to write JSON output from %#v: %v", in, err)
// handler reads incoming requests and dispatches them
func (s *Server) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
path := strings.TrimLeft(r.URL.Path, "/")
switch r.Method {
case "POST":
s.handlePost(w, r, path)
case "OPTIONS":
s.handleOptions(w, r, path)
case "GET", "HEAD":
s.handleGet(w, r, path)
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("method %q not allowed", r.Method), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
func (s *Server) handlePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string) {
ctx := r.Context()
contentType := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
var (
contentTypeMediaType string
contentTypeParams map[string]string
if contentType != "" {
var err error
contentTypeMediaType, contentTypeParams, err = mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
if err != nil {
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Content-Type: %w", err), http.StatusBadRequest)
values := r.URL.Query()
if contentTypeMediaType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" {
// Parse the POST and URL parameters into r.Form, for others r.Form will be empty value
err := r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse form/URL parameters: %w", err), http.StatusBadRequest)
values = r.Form
// Read the POST and URL parameters into in
in := make(rc.Params)
for k, vs := range values {
if len(vs) > 0 {
in[k] = vs[len(vs)-1]
// Parse a JSON blob from the input
if contentTypeMediaType == "application/json" {
// Check the charset is utf-8 or unset
if charset, ok := contentTypeParams["charset"]; ok && !strings.EqualFold(charset, "utf-8") {
writeError(path, in, w, fmt.Errorf("unsupported charset %q for JSON input", charset), http.StatusBadRequest)
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&in)
if err != nil {
writeError(path, in, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to read input JSON: %w", err), http.StatusBadRequest)
// Find the call
call := rc.Calls.Get(path)
if call == nil {
writeError(path, in, w, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find method %q", path), http.StatusNotFound)
// Check to see if it requires authorisation
if !s.opt.NoAuth && call.AuthRequired && !s.server.UsingAuth() {
writeError(path, in, w, fmt.Errorf("authentication must be set up on the rc server to use %q or the --rc-no-auth flag must be in use", path), http.StatusForbidden)
inOrig := in.Copy()
if call.NeedsRequest {
// Add the request to RC
in["_request"] = r
if call.NeedsResponse {
in["_response"] = w
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: with parameters %+v", path, in)
job, out, err := jobs.NewJob(ctx, call.Fn, in)
if job != nil {
w.Header().Add("x-rclone-jobid", fmt.Sprintf("%d", job.ID))
if err != nil {
writeError(path, inOrig, w, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
if out == nil {
out = make(rc.Params)
fs.Debugf(nil, "rc: %q: reply %+v: %v", path, out, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
err = rc.WriteJSON(w, out)
if err != nil {
// can't return the error at this point - but have a go anyway
writeError(path, inOrig, w, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
fs.Errorf(nil, "rc: handlePost: failed to write JSON output: %v", err)
func (s *Server) handleOptions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string) {
func (s *Server) serveRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
remoteNames := config.GetRemoteNames()
directory := serve.NewDirectory("", s.server.HTMLTemplate())
directory.Name = "List of all rclone remotes."
q := url.Values{}
for _, remoteName := range remoteNames {
q.Set("fs", remoteName)
directory.AddHTMLEntry("["+remoteName+":]", true, -1, time.Time{})
sortParm := r.URL.Query().Get("sort")
orderParm := r.URL.Query().Get("order")
directory.ProcessQueryParams(sortParm, orderParm)
directory.Serve(w, r)
func (s *Server) serveRemote(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string, fsName string) {
f, err := cache.Get(s.ctx, fsName)
if err != nil {
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to make Fs: %w", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
if path == "" || strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
path = strings.Trim(path, "/")
entries, err := list.DirSorted(r.Context(), f, false, path)
if err != nil {
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to list directory: %w", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Make the entries for display
directory := serve.NewDirectory(path, s.server.HTMLTemplate())
for _, entry := range entries {
_, isDir := entry.(fs.Directory)
var modTime time.Time
if !s.opt.ServeNoModTime {
modTime = entry.ModTime(r.Context())
directory.AddHTMLEntry(entry.Remote(), isDir, entry.Size(), modTime)
sortParm := r.URL.Query().Get("sort")
orderParm := r.URL.Query().Get("order")
directory.ProcessQueryParams(sortParm, orderParm)
directory.Serve(w, r)
} else {
path = strings.Trim(path, "/")
o, err := f.NewObject(r.Context(), path)
if err != nil {
writeError(path, nil, w, fmt.Errorf("failed to find object: %w", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
serve.Object(w, r, o)
// Match URLS of the form [fs]/remote
var fsMatch = regexp.MustCompile(`^\[(.*?)\](.*)$`)
func (s *Server) handleGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string) {
// Look to see if this has an fs in the path
fsMatchResult := fsMatch.FindStringSubmatch(path)
switch {
case fsMatchResult != nil && s.opt.Serve:
// Serve /[fs]/remote files
s.serveRemote(w, r, fsMatchResult[2], fsMatchResult[1])
case path == "metrics" && s.opt.EnableMetrics:
promHandlerFunc(w, r)
case path == "*" && s.opt.Serve:
// Serve /* as the remote listing
s.serveRoot(w, r)
case s.files != nil:
if s.opt.WebUI {
pluginsMatchResult := webgui.PluginsMatch.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(pluginsMatchResult) > 2 {
ok := webgui.ServePluginOK(w, r, pluginsMatchResult)
if !ok {
r.URL.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/app/build/%s", pluginsMatchResult[1], pluginsMatchResult[2], pluginsMatchResult[3])
s.pluginsHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else if webgui.ServePluginWithReferrerOK(w, r, path) {
// Serve the files
r.URL.Path = "/" + path
s.files.ServeHTTP(w, r)
case path == "" && s.opt.Serve:
// Serve the root as a remote listing
s.serveRoot(w, r)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
// Wait blocks while the server is serving requests
func (s *Server) Wait() {
// Shutdown gracefully shuts down the server
func (s *Server) Shutdown() error {
return s.server.Shutdown()