nielash 199d82969b bisync: normalize session name to non-canonical - fixes
Before this change, bisync used the "canonical" Fs name in the filename for its
listing files, including any {hexstring} suffix. An unintended consequence of
this was that if a user added a backend-specific flag from the command line
(thus "overriding" the config), bisync would fail to find the listing files it
created during the prior run without this flag, due to the path now having a
{hexstring} suffix that wasn't there before (or vice versa, if the flag was
present when the session was established, and later removed.) This would
sometimes cause bisync to fail with a critical error (if no listing existed
with the alternate name), or worse -- it would sometimes cause bisync to use an
old, incorrect listing (if old listings with the alternate name DID still
exist, from before the user changed their flags.)

After this change, the issue is fixed by always normalizing the SessionName to
the non-canonical version (no {hexstring} suffix), regardless of the flags. To
avoid a breaking change, we first check if a suffixed listing exists. If so, we
rename it (and overwrite the non-suffixed version, if any.) If not, we carry on
with the non-suffixed version. (We should only find a suffixed version if
created prior to this commit.)

The result for the user is that the same pair of paths will always use the same
.lst filenames, with or without backend-specific flags.
2024-01-20 15:38:26 -05:00

98 lines
3.1 KiB

// Package bilib provides common stuff for bisync and bisync_test
package bilib
import (
// FsPath converts Fs to a suitable rclone argument
func FsPath(f fs.Info) string {
name, path, slash := f.Name(), f.Root(), "/"
if name == "local" {
slash = string(os.PathSeparator)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
path = strings.ReplaceAll(path, "/", slash)
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, `\\?\`)
} else {
path = name + ":" + path
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, slash) {
path += slash
return path
// CanonicalPath converts a remote to a suitable base file name
func CanonicalPath(remote string) string {
trimmed := strings.Trim(remote, `\/`)
return nonCanonicalChars.ReplaceAllString(trimmed, "_")
var nonCanonicalChars = regexp.MustCompile(`[\s\\/:?*]`)
// SessionName makes a unique base name for the sync operation
func SessionName(fs1, fs2 fs.Fs) string {
return StripHexString(CanonicalPath(FsPath(fs1))) + ".." + StripHexString(CanonicalPath(FsPath(fs2)))
// StripHexString strips the (first) canonical {hexstring} suffix
func StripHexString(path string) string {
open := strings.IndexRune(path, '{')
close := strings.IndexRune(path, '}')
if open >= 0 && close > open {
return path[:open] + path[close+1:] // (trailing underscore)
return path
// HasHexString returns true if path contains at least one canonical {hexstring} suffix
func HasHexString(path string) bool {
open := strings.IndexRune(path, '{')
if open >= 0 && strings.IndexRune(path, '}') > open {
return true
return false
// BasePath joins the workDir with the SessionName, stripping {hexstring} suffix if necessary
func BasePath(ctx context.Context, workDir string, fs1, fs2 fs.Fs) string {
suffixedSession := CanonicalPath(FsPath(fs1)) + ".." + CanonicalPath(FsPath(fs2))
suffixedBasePath := filepath.Join(workDir, suffixedSession)
listing1 := suffixedBasePath + ".path1.lst"
listing2 := suffixedBasePath + ".path2.lst"
sessionName := SessionName(fs1, fs2)
basePath := filepath.Join(workDir, sessionName)
// Normalize to non-canonical version for overridden configs
// to ensure that backend-specific flags don't change the listing filename.
// For backward-compatibility, we first check if we found a listing file with the suffixed version.
// If so, we rename it (and overwrite non-suffixed version, if any.)
// If not, we carry on with the non-suffixed version.
// We should only find a suffixed version if bisync v1.66 or older created it.
if HasHexString(suffixedSession) && FileExists(listing1) {
fs.Infof(listing1, "renaming to: %s", basePath+".path1.lst")
if !operations.SkipDestructive(ctx, listing1, "rename to "+basePath+".path1.lst") {
_ = os.Rename(listing1, basePath+".path1.lst")
if HasHexString(suffixedSession) && FileExists(listing2) {
fs.Infof(listing2, "renaming to: %s", basePath+".path2.lst")
if !operations.SkipDestructive(ctx, listing1, "rename to "+basePath+".path2.lst") {
_ = os.Rename(listing2, basePath+".path2.lst")
} else {
return suffixedBasePath
return basePath