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synced 2025-03-13 16:11:34 +08:00

Fix spelling of: above, already, anonymous, associated, authentication, bandwidth, because, between, blocks, calculate, candidates, cautious, changelog, cleaner, clipboard, command, completely, concurrently, considered, constructs, corrupt, current, daemon, dependencies, deprecated, directory, dispatcher, download, eligible, ellipsis, encrypter, endpoint, entrieslist, essentially, existing writers, existing, expires, filesystem, flushing, frequently, hierarchy, however, implementation, implements, inaccurate, individually, insensitive, longer, maximum, metadata, modified, multipart, namedirfirst, nextcloud, obscured, opened, optional, owncloud, pacific, passphrase, password, permanently, persimmon, positive, potato, protocol, quota, receiving, recommends, referring, requires, revisited, satisfied, satisfies, satisfy, semver, serialized, session, storage, strategies, stringlist, successful, supported, surprise, temporarily, temporary, transactions, unneeded, update, uploads, wrapped Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
411 lines
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411 lines
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// Package httplib provides common functionality for http servers
package httplib
import (
auth "github.com/abbot/go-http-auth"
// Globals
var ()
// Help contains text describing the http server to add to the command
// help.
var Help = `
### Server options
Use --addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
listen on, eg --addr or --addr :8080 to listen to all
IPs. By default it only listens on localhost. You can use port
:0 to let the OS choose an available port.
If you set --addr to listen on a public or LAN accessible IP address
then using Authentication is advised - see the next section for info.
--server-read-timeout and --server-write-timeout can be used to
control the timeouts on the server. Note that this is the total time
for a transfer.
--max-header-bytes controls the maximum number of bytes the server will
accept in the HTTP header.
--baseurl controls the URL prefix that rclone serves from. By default
rclone will serve from the root. If you used --baseurl "/rclone" then
rclone would serve from a URL starting with "/rclone/". This is
useful if you wish to proxy rclone serve. Rclone automatically
inserts leading and trailing "/" on --baseurl, so --baseurl "rclone",
--baseurl "/rclone" and --baseurl "/rclone/" are all treated
--template allows a user to specify a custom markup template for http
and webdav serve functions. The server exports the following markup
to be used within the template to server pages:
| Parameter | Description |
| :---------- | :---------- |
| .Name | The full path of a file/directory. |
| .Title | Directory listing of .Name |
| .Sort | The current sort used. This is changeable via ?sort= parameter |
| | Sort Options: namedirfirst,name,size,time (default namedirfirst) |
| .Order | The current ordering used. This is changeable via ?order= parameter |
| | Order Options: asc,desc (default asc) |
| .Query | Currently unused. |
| .Breadcrumb | Allows for creating a relative navigation |
|-- .Link | The relative to the root link of the Text. |
|-- .Text | The Name of the directory. |
| .Entries | Information about a specific file/directory. |
|-- .URL | The 'url' of an entry. |
|-- .Leaf | Currently same as 'URL' but intended to be 'just' the name. |
|-- .IsDir | Boolean for if an entry is a directory or not. |
|-- .Size | Size in Bytes of the entry. |
|-- .ModTime | The UTC timestamp of an entry. |
#### Authentication
By default this will serve files without needing a login.
You can either use an htpasswd file which can take lots of users, or
set a single username and password with the --user and --pass flags.
Use --htpasswd /path/to/htpasswd to provide an htpasswd file. This is
in standard apache format and supports MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt for basic
authentication. Bcrypt is recommended.
To create an htpasswd file:
touch htpasswd
htpasswd -B htpasswd user
htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser
The password file can be updated while rclone is running.
Use --realm to set the authentication realm.
#### SSL/TLS
By default this will serve over http. If you want you can serve over
https. You will need to supply the --cert and --key flags. If you
wish to do client side certificate validation then you will need to
supply --client-ca also.
--cert should be either a PEM encoded certificate or a concatenation
of that with the CA certificate. --key should be the PEM encoded
private key and --client-ca should be the PEM encoded client
certificate authority certificate.
// Options contains options for the http Server
type Options struct {
ListenAddr string // Port to listen on
BaseURL string // prefix to strip from URLs
ServerReadTimeout time.Duration // Timeout for server reading data
ServerWriteTimeout time.Duration // Timeout for server writing data
MaxHeaderBytes int // Maximum size of request header
SslCert string // SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
SslKey string // SSL PEM Private key
ClientCA string // Client certificate authority to verify clients with
HtPasswd string // htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done
Realm string // realm for authentication
BasicUser string // single username for basic auth if not using Htpasswd
BasicPass string // password for BasicUser
Auth AuthFn `json:"-"` // custom Auth (not set by command line flags)
Template string // User specified template
// AuthFn if used will be used to authenticate user, pass. If an error
// is returned then the user is not authenticated.
// If a non nil value is returned then it is added to the context under the key
type AuthFn func(user, pass string) (value interface{}, err error)
// DefaultOpt is the default values used for Options
var DefaultOpt = Options{
ListenAddr: "localhost:8080",
Realm: "rclone",
ServerReadTimeout: 1 * time.Hour,
ServerWriteTimeout: 1 * time.Hour,
MaxHeaderBytes: 4096,
// Server contains info about the running http server
type Server struct {
Opt Options
handler http.Handler // original handler
listener net.Listener
waitChan chan struct{} // for waiting on the listener to close
httpServer *http.Server
basicPassHashed string
useSSL bool // if server is configured for SSL/TLS
usingAuth bool // set if authentication is configured
HTMLTemplate *template.Template // HTML template for web interface
type contextUserType struct{}
// ContextUserKey is a simple context key for storing the username of the request
var ContextUserKey = &contextUserType{}
type contextAuthType struct{}
// ContextAuthKey is a simple context key for storing info returned by AuthFn
var ContextAuthKey = &contextAuthType{}
// singleUserProvider provides the encrypted password for a single user
func (s *Server) singleUserProvider(user, realm string) string {
if user == s.Opt.BasicUser {
return s.basicPassHashed
return ""
// parseAuthorization parses the Authorization header into user, pass
// it returns a boolean as to whether the parse was successful
func parseAuthorization(r *http.Request) (user, pass string, ok bool) {
authHeader := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if authHeader != "" {
s := strings.SplitN(authHeader, " ", 2)
if len(s) == 2 && s[0] == "Basic" {
b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s[1])
if err == nil {
parts := strings.SplitN(string(b), ":", 2)
user = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1 {
pass = parts[1]
ok = true
// NewServer creates an http server. The opt can be nil in which case
// the default options will be used.
func NewServer(handler http.Handler, opt *Options) *Server {
s := &Server{
handler: handler,
// Make a copy of the options
if opt != nil {
s.Opt = *opt
} else {
s.Opt = DefaultOpt
// Use htpasswd if required on everything
if s.Opt.HtPasswd != "" || s.Opt.BasicUser != "" || s.Opt.Auth != nil {
var authenticator *auth.BasicAuth
if s.Opt.Auth == nil {
var secretProvider auth.SecretProvider
if s.Opt.HtPasswd != "" {
fs.Infof(nil, "Using %q as htpasswd storage", s.Opt.HtPasswd)
secretProvider = auth.HtpasswdFileProvider(s.Opt.HtPasswd)
} else {
fs.Infof(nil, "Using --user %s --pass XXXX as authenticated user", s.Opt.BasicUser)
s.basicPassHashed = string(auth.MD5Crypt([]byte(s.Opt.BasicPass), []byte("dlPL2MqE"), []byte("$1$")))
secretProvider = s.singleUserProvider
authenticator = auth.NewBasicAuthenticator(s.Opt.Realm, secretProvider)
oldHandler := handler
handler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// No auth wanted for OPTIONS method
if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {
oldHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
unauthorized := func() {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="`+s.Opt.Realm+`"`)
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized), http.StatusUnauthorized)
user, pass, authValid := parseAuthorization(r)
if !authValid {
if s.Opt.Auth == nil {
if username := authenticator.CheckAuth(r); username == "" {
fs.Infof(r.URL.Path, "%s: Unauthorized request from %s", r.RemoteAddr, user)
} else {
// Custom Auth
value, err := s.Opt.Auth(user, pass)
if err != nil {
fs.Infof(r.URL.Path, "%s: Auth failed from %s: %v", r.RemoteAddr, user, err)
if value != nil {
r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), ContextAuthKey, value))
r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), ContextUserKey, user))
oldHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
s.usingAuth = true
s.useSSL = s.Opt.SslKey != ""
if (s.Opt.SslCert != "") != s.useSSL {
log.Fatalf("Need both -cert and -key to use SSL")
// If a Base URL is set then serve from there
s.Opt.BaseURL = strings.Trim(s.Opt.BaseURL, "/")
if s.Opt.BaseURL != "" {
s.Opt.BaseURL = "/" + s.Opt.BaseURL
// FIXME make a transport?
s.httpServer = &http.Server{
Addr: s.Opt.ListenAddr,
Handler: handler,
ReadTimeout: s.Opt.ServerReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: s.Opt.ServerWriteTimeout,
MaxHeaderBytes: s.Opt.MaxHeaderBytes,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second, // time to send the headers
IdleTimeout: 60 * time.Second, // time to keep idle connections open
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10, // disable SSL v3.0 and earlier
if s.Opt.ClientCA != "" {
if !s.useSSL {
log.Fatalf("Can't use --client-ca without --cert and --key")
certpool := x509.NewCertPool()
pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.Opt.ClientCA)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read client certificate authority: %v", err)
if !certpool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pem) {
log.Fatalf("Can't parse client certificate authority")
s.httpServer.TLSConfig.ClientCAs = certpool
s.httpServer.TLSConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
htmlTemplate, templateErr := data.GetTemplate(s.Opt.Template)
if templateErr != nil {
s.HTMLTemplate = htmlTemplate
return s
// Serve runs the server - returns an error only if
// the listener was not started; does not block, so
// use s.Wait() to block on the listener indefinitely.
func (s *Server) Serve() error {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.httpServer.Addr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "start server failed")
s.listener = ln
s.waitChan = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
var err error
if s.useSSL {
// hacky hack to get this to work with old Go versions, which
// don't have ServeTLS on http.Server; see PR #2194.
type tlsServer interface {
ServeTLS(ln net.Listener, cert, key string) error
srvIface := interface{}(s.httpServer)
if tlsSrv, ok := srvIface.(tlsServer); ok {
// yay -- we get easy TLS support with HTTP/2
err = tlsSrv.ServeTLS(s.listener, s.Opt.SslCert, s.Opt.SslKey)
} else {
// oh well -- we can still do TLS but might not have HTTP/2
tlsConfig := new(tls.Config)
tlsConfig.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1)
tlsConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(s.Opt.SslCert, s.Opt.SslKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error loading key pair: %v", err)
tlsLn := tls.NewListener(s.listener, tlsConfig)
err = s.httpServer.Serve(tlsLn)
} else {
err = s.httpServer.Serve(s.listener)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error on serving HTTP server: %v", err)
return nil
// Wait blocks while the listener is open.
func (s *Server) Wait() {
// Close shuts the running server down
func (s *Server) Close() {
err := s.httpServer.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error on closing HTTP server: %v", err)
// URL returns the serving address of this server
func (s *Server) URL() string {
proto := "http"
if s.useSSL {
proto = "https"
addr := s.Opt.ListenAddr
if s.listener != nil {
// prefer actual listener address; required if using 0-port
// (i.e. port assigned by operating system)
addr = s.listener.Addr().String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s/", proto, addr, s.Opt.BaseURL)
// UsingAuth returns true if authentication is required
func (s *Server) UsingAuth() bool {
return s.usingAuth
// Path returns the current path with the Prefix stripped
// If it returns false, then the path was invalid and the handler
// should exit as the error response has already been sent
func (s *Server) Path(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (Path string, ok bool) {
Path = r.URL.Path
if s.Opt.BaseURL == "" {
return Path, true
if !strings.HasPrefix(Path, s.Opt.BaseURL+"/") {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
return Path, false
Path = Path[len(s.Opt.BaseURL):]
return Path, true