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synced 2025-03-06 10:05:13 +08:00

QingStor support have disabled the integration test account with this message 尊敬的用户您好:依据监管部门相关内容安全合规要求,QingStor即日起限制对 个人客户提供对象存储服务,您的对象存储服务将被系统置于禁用状态,如需继 续使用QingsStor对象存储服务,您可以通过工单或者拨打400热线申请开通,未 解封期间您的数据将不受影响,感谢您的谅解和支持。 Which google translate renders as > Dear user: In accordance with the relevant content security > compliance requirements of the regulatory authorities, QingStor will > limit the provision of object storage services to individual > customers from now on. Your object storage service will be disabled > by the system. If you need to continue to use the QingsStor object > storage service, you can apply for activation through a work order > or by calling the 400 hotline. Your data will not be affected during > the period of unblocking. Thank you for your understanding and > support.