mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 22:05:21 +08:00

Before this change, there was a bug affecting listing files when: - a given bisync run had changes in the 2to1 direction AND - the run had NO changes in the 1to2 direction AND - at least one of the changed files changed AGAIN during the run (specifically, after the initial march and before the transfers.) In this situation, the listings on one side would still retain the prior version of the changed file, potentially causing conflicts or errors. This change fixes the issue by making sure that if we're updating the listings on one side, we must also update the other. (We previously tried to skip it for efficiency, but this failed to account for the possibility that a changed file could change again during the run.)
626 lines
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626 lines
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// Package bisync implements bisync
// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Chris Nelson
package bisync
import (
// delta
type delta uint8
const (
deltaZero delta = 0
deltaNew delta = 1 << iota
const (
deltaSize delta = deltaLarger | deltaSmaller
deltaTime delta = deltaNewer | deltaOlder
deltaModified delta = deltaTime | deltaSize | deltaHash
deltaOther delta = deltaNew | deltaTime | deltaSize | deltaHash
func (d delta) is(cond delta) bool {
return d&cond != 0
// deltaSet
type deltaSet struct {
deltas map[string]delta
size map[string]int64
time map[string]time.Time
hash map[string]string
opt *Options
fs fs.Fs // base filesystem
msg string // filesystem name for logging
oldCount int // original number of files (for "excess deletes" check)
deleted int // number of deleted files (for "excess deletes" check)
foundSame bool // true if found at least one unchanged file
checkFiles bilib.Names
func (ds *deltaSet) empty() bool {
return len(ds.deltas) == 0
func (ds *deltaSet) sort() (sorted []string) {
if ds.empty() {
sorted = make([]string, 0, len(ds.deltas))
for file := range ds.deltas {
sorted = append(sorted, file)
func (ds *deltaSet) printStats() {
if ds.empty() {
nAll := len(ds.deltas)
nNew := 0
nMod := 0
nTime := 0
nNewer := 0
nOlder := 0
nSize := 0
nLarger := 0
nSmaller := 0
nHash := 0
nDeleted := 0
for _, d := range ds.deltas {
if d.is(deltaNew) {
if d.is(deltaModified) {
if d.is(deltaTime) {
if d.is(deltaNewer) {
if d.is(deltaOlder) {
if d.is(deltaSize) {
if d.is(deltaLarger) {
if d.is(deltaSmaller) {
if d.is(deltaHash) {
if d.is(deltaDeleted) {
if nAll != nNew+nMod+nDeleted {
fs.Errorf(nil, "something doesn't add up! %4d != %4d + %4d + %4d", nAll, nNew, nMod, nDeleted)
fs.Infof(nil, "%s: %4d changes: "+Color(terminal.GreenFg, "%4d new")+", "+Color(terminal.YellowFg, "%4d modified")+", "+Color(terminal.RedFg, "%4d deleted"),
ds.msg, nAll, nNew, nMod, nDeleted)
if nMod > 0 {
details := []string{}
if nTime > 0 {
details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.CyanFg, "%4d newer"), nNewer))
details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.BlueFg, "%4d older"), nOlder))
if nSize > 0 {
details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.CyanFg, "%4d larger"), nLarger))
details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.BlueFg, "%4d smaller"), nSmaller))
if nHash > 0 {
details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.CyanFg, "%4d hash differs"), nHash))
if (nNewer+nOlder != nTime) || (nLarger+nSmaller != nSize) || (nMod > nTime+nSize+nHash) {
fs.Errorf(nil, "something doesn't add up!")
fs.Infof(nil, "(%s: %s)", Color(terminal.YellowFg, "Modified"), strings.Join(details, ", "))
// findDeltas
func (b *bisyncRun) findDeltas(fctx context.Context, f fs.Fs, oldListing string, now *fileList, msg string) (ds *deltaSet, err error) {
var old *fileList
newListing := oldListing + "-new"
old, err = b.loadListing(oldListing)
if err != nil {
fs.Errorf(nil, "Failed loading prior %s listing: %s", msg, oldListing)
b.abort = true
if err = b.checkListing(old, oldListing, "prior "+msg); err != nil {
if err == nil {
err = b.checkListing(now, newListing, "current "+msg)
if err != nil {
ds = &deltaSet{
deltas: map[string]delta{},
size: map[string]int64{},
time: map[string]time.Time{},
hash: map[string]string{},
fs: f,
msg: msg,
oldCount: len(old.list),
opt: b.opt,
checkFiles: bilib.Names{},
for _, file := range old.list {
// REMEMBER: this section is only concerned with comparing listings from the same side (not different sides)
d := deltaZero
s := int64(0)
h := ""
var t time.Time
if !now.has(file) {
b.indent(msg, file, Color(terminal.RedFg, "File was deleted"))
d |= deltaDeleted
} else if !now.isDir(file) {
// skip dirs here, as we only care if they are new/deleted, not newer/older
whatchanged := []string{}
if b.opt.Compare.Size {
if sizeDiffers(old.getSize(file), now.getSize(file)) {
fs.Debugf(file, "(old: %v current: %v)", old.getSize(file), now.getSize(file))
if now.getSize(file) > old.getSize(file) {
whatchanged = append(whatchanged, Color(terminal.MagentaFg, "size (larger)"))
d |= deltaLarger
} else {
whatchanged = append(whatchanged, Color(terminal.MagentaFg, "size (smaller)"))
d |= deltaSmaller
s = now.getSize(file)
if b.opt.Compare.Modtime {
if timeDiffers(fctx, old.getTime(file), now.getTime(file), f, f) {
if old.beforeOther(now, file) {
fs.Debugf(file, "(old: %v current: %v)", old.getTime(file), now.getTime(file))
whatchanged = append(whatchanged, Color(terminal.MagentaFg, "time (newer)"))
d |= deltaNewer
} else { // Current version is older than prior sync.
fs.Debugf(file, "(old: %v current: %v)", old.getTime(file), now.getTime(file))
whatchanged = append(whatchanged, Color(terminal.MagentaFg, "time (older)"))
d |= deltaOlder
t = now.getTime(file)
if b.opt.Compare.Checksum {
if hashDiffers(old.getHash(file), now.getHash(file), old.hash, now.hash, old.getSize(file), now.getSize(file)) {
fs.Debugf(file, "(old: %v current: %v)", old.getHash(file), now.getHash(file))
whatchanged = append(whatchanged, Color(terminal.MagentaFg, "hash"))
d |= deltaHash
h = now.getHash(file)
// concat changes and print log
if d.is(deltaModified) {
summary := fmt.Sprintf(Color(terminal.YellowFg, "File changed: %s"), strings.Join(whatchanged, ", "))
b.indent(msg, file, summary)
if d.is(deltaModified) {
ds.deltas[file] = d
if b.opt.Compare.Size {
ds.size[file] = s
if b.opt.Compare.Modtime {
ds.time[file] = t
if b.opt.Compare.Checksum {
ds.hash[file] = h
} else if d.is(deltaDeleted) {
ds.deltas[file] = d
} else {
// Once we've found at least one unchanged file,
// we know that not everything has changed,
// as with a DST time change
ds.foundSame = true
for _, file := range now.list {
if !old.has(file) {
b.indent(msg, file, Color(terminal.GreenFg, "File is new"))
ds.deltas[file] = deltaNew
if b.opt.Compare.Size {
ds.size[file] = now.getSize(file)
if b.opt.Compare.Modtime {
ds.time[file] = now.getTime(file)
if b.opt.Compare.Checksum {
ds.hash[file] = now.getHash(file)
if b.opt.CheckAccess {
// checkFiles is a small structure compared with the `now`, so we
// return it alone and let the full delta map be garbage collected.
for _, file := range now.list {
if filepath.Base(file) == b.opt.CheckFilename {
// applyDeltas
func (b *bisyncRun) applyDeltas(ctx context.Context, ds1, ds2 *deltaSet) (results2to1, results1to2 []Results, queues queues, err error) {
path1 := bilib.FsPath(b.fs1)
path2 := bilib.FsPath(b.fs2)
copy1to2 := bilib.Names{}
copy2to1 := bilib.Names{}
delete1 := bilib.Names{}
delete2 := bilib.Names{}
handled := bilib.Names{}
renameSkipped := bilib.Names{}
deletedonboth := bilib.Names{}
skippedDirs1 := newFileList()
skippedDirs2 := newFileList()
b.renames = renames{}
ctxMove := b.opt.setDryRun(ctx)
// update AliasMap for deleted files, as march does not know about them
b.updateAliases(ctx, ds1, ds2)
// efficient isDir check
// we load the listing just once and store only the dirs
dirs1, dirs1Err := b.listDirsOnly(1)
if dirs1Err != nil {
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
fs.Debugf(nil, "Error generating dirsonly list for path1: %v", dirs1Err)
dirs2, dirs2Err := b.listDirsOnly(2)
if dirs2Err != nil {
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
fs.Debugf(nil, "Error generating dirsonly list for path2: %v", dirs2Err)
// build a list of only the "deltaOther"s so we don't have to check more files than necessary
// this is essentially the same as running rclone check with a --files-from filter, then exempting the --match results from being renamed
// we therefore avoid having to list the same directory more than once.
// we are intentionally overriding DryRun here because we need to perform the check, even during a dry run, or the results would be inaccurate.
// check is a read-only operation by its nature, so it's already "dry" in that sense.
ctxNew, ciCheck := fs.AddConfig(ctx)
ciCheck.DryRun = false
ctxCheck, filterCheck := filter.AddConfig(ctxNew)
for _, file := range ds1.sort() {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(file)
d1 := ds1.deltas[file]
if d1.is(deltaOther) {
d2, in2 := ds2.deltas[file]
file2 := file
if !in2 && file != alias {
d2 = ds2.deltas[alias]
file2 = alias
if d2.is(deltaOther) {
// if size or hash differ, skip this, as we already know they're not equal
if (b.opt.Compare.Size && sizeDiffers(ds1.size[file], ds2.size[file2])) ||
(b.opt.Compare.Checksum && hashDiffers(ds1.hash[file], ds2.hash[file2], b.opt.Compare.HashType1, b.opt.Compare.HashType2, ds1.size[file], ds2.size[file2])) {
fs.Debugf(file, "skipping equality check as size/hash definitely differ")
} else {
checkit := func(filename string) {
if err := filterCheck.AddFile(filename); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(nil, "Non-critical error adding file to list of potential conflicts to check: %s", err)
} else {
fs.Debugf(nil, "Added file to list of potential conflicts to check: %s", filename)
if file != alias {
// if there are potential conflicts to check, check them all here (outside the loop) in one fell swoop
matches, err := b.checkconflicts(ctxCheck, filterCheck, b.fs1, b.fs2)
for _, file := range ds1.sort() {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(file)
p1 := path1 + file
p2 := path2 + alias
d1 := ds1.deltas[file]
if d1.is(deltaOther) {
d2, in2 := ds2.deltas[file]
// try looking under alternate name
if !in2 && file != alias {
d2, in2 = ds2.deltas[alias]
if !in2 {
b.indent("Path1", p2, "Queue copy to Path2")
} else if d2.is(deltaDeleted) {
b.indent("Path1", p2, "Queue copy to Path2")
} else if d2.is(deltaOther) {
b.indent("!WARNING", file, "New or changed in both paths")
// if files are identical, leave them alone instead of renaming
if (dirs1.has(file) || dirs1.has(alias)) && (dirs2.has(file) || dirs2.has(alias)) {
fs.Infof(nil, "This is a directory, not a file. Skipping equality check and will not rename: %s", file)
ls1.getPut(file, skippedDirs1)
ls2.getPut(file, skippedDirs2)
b.debugFn(file, func() {
b.debug(file, fmt.Sprintf("deltas dir: %s, ls1 has name?: %v, ls2 has name?: %v", file, ls1.has(b.DebugName), ls2.has(b.DebugName)))
} else {
equal := matches.Has(file)
if !equal {
equal = matches.Has(alias)
if equal {
if ciCheck.FixCase && file != alias {
// the content is equal but filename still needs to be FixCase'd, so copy1to2
// the Path1 version is deemed "correct" in this scenario
fs.Infof(alias, "Files are equal but will copy anyway to fix case to %s", file)
} else if b.opt.Compare.Modtime && timeDiffers(ctx, ls1.getTime(ls1.getTryAlias(file, alias)), ls2.getTime(ls2.getTryAlias(file, alias)), b.fs1, b.fs2) {
fs.Infof(file, "Files are equal but will copy anyway to update modtime (will not rename)")
if ls1.getTime(ls1.getTryAlias(file, alias)).Before(ls2.getTime(ls2.getTryAlias(file, alias))) {
// Path2 is newer
b.indent("Path2", p1, "Queue copy to Path1")
copy2to1.Add(ls2.getTryAlias(file, alias))
} else {
// Path1 is newer
b.indent("Path1", p2, "Queue copy to Path2")
copy1to2.Add(ls1.getTryAlias(file, alias))
} else {
fs.Infof(nil, "Files are equal! Skipping: %s", file)
} else {
fs.Debugf(nil, "Files are NOT equal: %s", file)
err = b.resolve(ctxMove, path1, path2, file, alias, &renameSkipped, ©1to2, ©2to1, ds1, ds2)
if err != nil {
} else {
// Path1 deleted
d2, in2 := ds2.deltas[file]
// try looking under alternate name
fs.Debugf(file, "alias: %s, in2: %v", alias, in2)
if !in2 && file != alias {
fs.Debugf(file, "looking for alias: %s", alias)
d2, in2 = ds2.deltas[alias]
if in2 {
fs.Debugf(file, "detected alias: %s", alias)
if !in2 {
b.indent("Path2", p2, "Queue delete")
} else if d2.is(deltaOther) {
b.indent("Path2", p1, "Queue copy to Path1")
} else if d2.is(deltaDeleted) {
for _, file := range ds2.sort() {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(file)
p1 := path1 + alias
d2 := ds2.deltas[file]
if handled.Has(file) || handled.Has(alias) {
if d2.is(deltaOther) {
b.indent("Path2", p1, "Queue copy to Path1")
} else {
// Deleted
b.indent("Path1", p1, "Queue delete")
// Do the batch operation
if copy2to1.NotEmpty() && !b.InGracefulShutdown {
b.indent("Path2", "Path1", "Do queued copies to")
ctx = b.setBackupDir(ctx, 1)
results2to1, err = b.fastCopy(ctx, b.fs2, b.fs1, copy2to1, "copy2to1")
// retries, if any
results2to1, err = b.retryFastCopy(ctx, b.fs2, b.fs1, copy2to1, "copy2to1", results2to1, err)
if !b.InGracefulShutdown && err != nil {
// copy empty dirs from path2 to path1 (if --create-empty-src-dirs)
b.syncEmptyDirs(ctx, b.fs1, copy2to1, dirs2, &results2to1, "make")
if copy1to2.NotEmpty() && !b.InGracefulShutdown {
b.indent("Path1", "Path2", "Do queued copies to")
ctx = b.setBackupDir(ctx, 2)
results1to2, err = b.fastCopy(ctx, b.fs1, b.fs2, copy1to2, "copy1to2")
// retries, if any
results1to2, err = b.retryFastCopy(ctx, b.fs1, b.fs2, copy1to2, "copy1to2", results1to2, err)
if !b.InGracefulShutdown && err != nil {
// copy empty dirs from path1 to path2 (if --create-empty-src-dirs)
b.syncEmptyDirs(ctx, b.fs2, copy1to2, dirs1, &results1to2, "make")
if delete1.NotEmpty() && !b.InGracefulShutdown {
if err = b.saveQueue(delete1, "delete1"); err != nil {
// propagate deletions of empty dirs from path2 to path1 (if --create-empty-src-dirs)
b.syncEmptyDirs(ctx, b.fs1, delete1, dirs1, &results2to1, "remove")
if delete2.NotEmpty() && !b.InGracefulShutdown {
if err = b.saveQueue(delete2, "delete2"); err != nil {
// propagate deletions of empty dirs from path1 to path2 (if --create-empty-src-dirs)
b.syncEmptyDirs(ctx, b.fs2, delete2, dirs2, &results1to2, "remove")
queues.copy1to2 = copy1to2
queues.copy2to1 = copy2to1
queues.renameSkipped = renameSkipped
queues.deletedonboth = deletedonboth
queues.skippedDirs1 = skippedDirs1
queues.skippedDirs2 = skippedDirs2
// excessDeletes checks whether number of deletes is within allowed range
func (ds *deltaSet) excessDeletes() bool {
maxDelete := ds.opt.MaxDelete
maxRatio := float64(maxDelete) / 100.0
curRatio := 0.0
if ds.deleted > 0 && ds.oldCount > 0 {
curRatio = float64(ds.deleted) / float64(ds.oldCount)
if curRatio <= maxRatio {
return false
fs.Errorf("Safety abort",
"too many deletes (>%d%%, %d of %d) on %s %s. Run with --force if desired.",
maxDelete, ds.deleted, ds.oldCount, ds.msg, quotePath(bilib.FsPath(ds.fs)))
return true
// normally we build the AliasMap from march results,
// however, march does not know about deleted files, so need to manually check them for aliases
func (b *bisyncRun) updateAliases(ctx context.Context, ds1, ds2 *deltaSet) {
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
// skip if not needed
if ci.NoUnicodeNormalization && !ci.IgnoreCaseSync && !b.fs1.Features().CaseInsensitive && !b.fs2.Features().CaseInsensitive {
if ds1.deleted < 1 && ds2.deleted < 1 {
fs.Debugf(nil, "Updating AliasMap")
transform := func(s string) string {
if !ci.NoUnicodeNormalization {
s = norm.NFC.String(s)
// note: march only checks the dest, but we check both here
if ci.IgnoreCaseSync || b.fs1.Features().CaseInsensitive || b.fs2.Features().CaseInsensitive {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
return s
delMap1 := map[string]string{} // [transformedname]originalname
delMap2 := map[string]string{} // [transformedname]originalname
fullMap1 := map[string]string{} // [transformedname]originalname
fullMap2 := map[string]string{} // [transformedname]originalname
for _, name := range ls1.list {
fullMap1[transform(name)] = name
for _, name := range ls2.list {
fullMap2[transform(name)] = name
addDeletes := func(ds *deltaSet, delMap, fullMap map[string]string) {
for _, file := range ds.sort() {
d := ds.deltas[file]
if d.is(deltaDeleted) {
delMap[transform(file)] = file
fullMap[transform(file)] = file
addDeletes(ds1, delMap1, fullMap1)
addDeletes(ds2, delMap2, fullMap2)
addAliases := func(delMap, fullMap map[string]string) {
for transformedname, name := range delMap {
matchedName, found := fullMap[transformedname]
if found && name != matchedName {
fs.Debugf(name, "adding alias %s", matchedName)
b.aliases.Add(name, matchedName)
addAliases(delMap1, fullMap2)
addAliases(delMap2, fullMap1)